Bug#960163: nvidia-driver: x86/modules: Skipping invalid relocation

Allan Wind allan at yaxto.com
Sun May 10 13:17:29 BST 2020

No difference:

allan at vent:~$ uname -r

2020-05-10T12:05:03.404+00:00 vent kernel: module: x86/modules: 
Skipping invalid relocation target, existing value is nonzero for 
type 1, loc 00000000b6278525, val ffffffffc1a0fa08                                                           
2020-05-10T12:05:03.404+00:00 vent kernel: module: x86/modules: 
Skipping invalid relocation target, existing value is nonzero for 
type 1, loc 00000000113efd9f, val ffffffffc2cd3a08                                                           

On 2020-05-10 08:03:53, Allan Wind wrote:
>`apt install linux-image-amd64` to grab the current kernel, and 
>I will report back after retesting.
>On 2020-05-10 13:52:47, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
>>That is not the current buster kernel (which would be 4.19.0-9).
>>Do you have any compiler/binutils/... installed that is not from buster?

Allan Wind
Yaxto - Runs Your Business

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