k80 / 1050 ti support in Debian

Jaggz H jaggz.h at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 05:00:47 GMT 2022

I'm using Debian Stable, and needed the latest compatible cuda support.
I went ahead and began using the packages like:

nvidia-tesla-460-driver - NVIDIA metapackage (Tesla 460 version)
libnvidia-tesla-460-cuda1 - NVIDIA CUDA Driver Library (Tesla 460 version)

Most software, including Blender, and nvidia's instant-ngp (
https://github.com/NVlabs/instant-ngp) find and use the GPUs fine
(actually, maybe ngp ended up using CPU?  But I think it was using GPU).

In any case, Tensorflow does not seem to find ANY GPUs at all.

Any help would be appreciated..
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