[Pkg-openldap-devel] Can a package modify slapd.conf in its maintainer script?

Russ Allbery rra at debian.org
Mon Aug 25 20:59:56 UTC 2008

Alessandro De Zorzi <lota at nonlontano.it> writes:

> Hello there,
> I am new in this list. I would to know more about:
> "Can a package modify slapd.conf in its maintainer script?".
> I know back-config could be a good solution that do not
> require slapd.conf and schema files... but if in this time Lenny
> default installation provides a legacy configuration with slapd.conf
> packages that provide own schema need to enable they automatically?
> Is this solution possible in this scenario or not?
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=494155
> Could slapd package provide a tool to edit slapd.conf?

Personally, I don't think packages have any business automatically
enabling additional schema.  This should be done by the system
administrator in knowledge of how their directory schema in general works
and how the pieces play together.

I'm content as long as I can get that behavior through configuration if
necessary, but I'm nowhere near as enamoured of the path of automatic
configuration of directory schema as others seem to be.

Russ Allbery (rra at debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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