[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#335703: marked as forwarded (libssl0.9.8:
OpenSSL fails to handle fragmented handshake messages using DTLS)
Debian Bug Tracking System
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Wed Nov 16 19:03:22 UTC 2005
Your message dated Wed, 16 Nov 2005 19:56:34 +0100
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has caused the Debian Bug report #335703,
regarding libssl0.9.8: OpenSSL fails to handle fragmented handshake messages using DTLS
to be marked as having been forwarded to the upstream software
author(s) rt at openssl.org.
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Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 19:56:34 +0100
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To: rt at openssl.org
CC: 335703-forwarded at bugs.debian.org
Subject: [bug report][patch] Handling of fragmented DTLS handshake messages
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OpenSSL 0.9.8 doesn't seem to handle fragmented DTLS handshake
(certificate) messages correctly.
As seen in the following example s_client fails to connect to s_server
using the DTLS protocol if the MTU it set to 1500 (default for
Ethernet). The same commands succeeds when using a large MTU, for
example 65000.
$ openssl s_server -accept 5069 -dtls1 -cert
/etc/apache/ssl.crt/snakeoil-dsa.crt -key
/etc/apache/ssl.key/snakeoil-dsa.key -CAfile
/etc/apache/ssl.crt/snakeoil-ca-dsa.crt -mtu 1500
Using default temp DH parameters
Using default temp ECDH parameters
3407:error:143F8412:SSL routines:DTLS1_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad
certificate:d1_pkt.c:943:SSL alert number 42
shutting down SSL
$ openssl s_client -host localhost -port 5069 -dtls1
3409:error:0D07209B:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_get_object:too
3409:error:0D068066:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:bad object
3409:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding
routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:653:
3409:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding
routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:704:
3409:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding
routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1
error:tasn_dec.c:743:Field=subject, Type=X509_CINF
3409:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding
routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1
error:tasn_dec.c:743:Field=cert_info, Type=X509
3409:error:1409000D:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:ASN1
The attached patch solves the problem for me.
This is reported as bug #335703 in the Debian BTS. Please keep Cc to
335703-forwarded at bugs.debian.org in answers to this message.
Content-Type: text/x-diff;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;
diff -ur openssl-SNAP-20051028.orig/ssl/d1_both.c openssl-SNAP-20051028/ssl/d1_both.c
--- openssl-SNAP-20051028.orig/ssl/d1_both.c 2005-07-26 07:00:26.000000000 +0200
+++ openssl-SNAP-20051028/ssl/d1_both.c 2005-10-29 10:28:49.000000000 +0200
@@ -724,11 +724,13 @@
/* case (3): received a immediately useful fragment. Determine the
* possible overlap and copy the fragment.
- overlap = (s->init_num - DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH) - frag_off;
/* retain the header for the first fragment */
if ( s->init_num > DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH)
+ s->init_num -= DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH;
+ overlap = (s->init_num - DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH) - frag_off;
&(s->init_buf->data[s->init_num + DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH + overlap]),
frag_len - overlap);
@@ -736,7 +738,10 @@
s->init_num += frag_len - overlap;
+ {
+ overlap = 0;
s->init_num += frag_len;
+ }
dtls1_process_handshake_fragment(s, frag_len - overlap);
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