[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#781081: Bug#781081: Openssl updates introduces backward incompatibilities - breaks voms

Mattias Ellert mattias.ellert at fysast.uu.se
Wed Mar 25 08:04:47 UTC 2015

tis 2015-03-24 klockan 18:42 +0100 skrev Kurt Roeckx:

> > With the current openssl 1.0.1k-1:
> I'm not sure what you mean with "current 1.0.1k-1" and "previous
> 1.0.1k-1".  Either it's 1.0.1k-1 or it's not.

This was an unfortunate cut-and-paste error. It should have been the
"current 1.0.1k-2" and the "previous 1.0.1k-1".

Anyway, thank you for dropping the patch that caused the problems. The
voms clients are working again with openssl 1.0.1k-3.


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