[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] owncloud-client sponsoring

Sandro Knauß mail at sandroknauss.de
Wed Jun 5 00:11:10 UTC 2013

> debian/control:
>   - Typos and similar:
	* Hopefully fixed
>   - “Documentation package for mirall“ and “Localization for mirall”
>      looks like bad Description, please, consider asking for help on
>      debian-l10n-english at lists.debian.org
	* will write the mail the next days( Do I have to be member of this list 
>   - Version is useless in at least pkg-kde-tools (>= 0.5)
	* removed
>   - Is the version need in libocsync-dev (>= 0.70.7) and
>     libocsync0 (>= 0.70.7)?
	* upstream say it as hard dependency ( see ChangeLog)

> debian/copyright:
>   - The first LGPL should be LGPL-2.1
>   - The second LGPL should be LGPL-3
	* fixed

>     + COPYING.documentation contains a CC-3, not a LGPL
>     + Is that an upstream mistake, is it reported?
	* nope it is not reported right now - will do it the next days.

>   - BSD should be Expat
	* what do you mean by expand?

>   - The second BSD-3-clause should be, e.g. BSD-3-clause-Kitware
	* fixed
>   - cmake/modules/GetGitRevisionDescription.* license is missing
	* just think, if the licensce for cmake files have to included. I looked 
at some packages and didn't found an license information.

>   - LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt must be expended
	* i don't understand

>   - .h and .cpp files way be “factorized” as .*
	* done

>   - src/mirall has other copyright holders, at least:
>     + Daniel Molkentin <danimo at owncloud.com>
>     + Markus Goetz <markus at woboq.com>
>     + Thomas Mueller <thomas.mueller at tmit.eu>
	* todo
> debian/mirall-doc.doc-base:
>   - Typos and similar, on top of those already noted for debian/control:
	* fixed

> debian/*.install:
>   - Shouldn’t those files contain at least two items a line?
	* nope if the path should not be changed. Without to entries the file is 
copied from debian/tmp tp debian/<PKG>
>   - Are they of any use as is?
	* yes for seperationg into different packages.
> debian/patches is empty, useless, please drop it
	* fixed
> debian/repack.sh:
>   - Why the upstream tarball needs to be repack?
	* non free content in admin dir
>   - “Remove stuff” is really not a useful comment
	* fixed
>   - Please consider using dfsg instead of +debian for the repack
	* fixed

> debian/watch:
>   - Please fix the dversionmangle in debian/watch
	* fixed
> At least qtsingleapplication is already used by kadu, what does the KDE
> team think about getting qtsingleapplication and qtlockedfile available
> separately?
have to write mail.

> During the build, I guess at least the following error is not expected:
> > dpkg-gensymbols: warning: some new symbols appeared in the symbols file:
> > see diff output below dpkg-gensymbols: warning:
> > debian/libowncloudsync0/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match completely
> > debian/libowncloudsync0.symbols

> Lintian also gives two pointers:
> > I: owncloud-client: desktop-entry-lacks-keywords-entry
> > usr/share/applications/owncloud.desktop E: libowncloudsync0:
> > symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on symbol
> > _ZN6Mirall14oCICredentialsD1Ev at Base and 1 others
* todo


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