[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] Bug#781368: status of #781368 "No trayicon under GNOME Shell"?

Tomas Pospisek tpo at sourcepole.ch
Sun Jun 14 15:48:14 UTC 2015

Hello all,

what is the status of this bug? Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote 
on the 13th of May:

> FWIW I'm building a new version of qtbase which should fix the bug. Will
> probably hit experimental today.

Did that fix the bug?

I am running Debian stable, but I'm needing a feature from owncloud-client
>= 1.7, so I've installed the version from testing and am not only without 
tray icon as you other people were but also without the possibility to 
minimize ownloud-client (the respective icons and menu entries are 
missing, respectively greyed out). So the application is kinda usable but 
it's a hickup in the usual workflow.

From the discussion in the bug report I don't understand whether the 
problem is with the owncloud-client or with Qt or whether it's between the 
two. owncloud-client 1.6.4 was working though, however I'm not sure what 
that is telling me...

I read in the mentioned blog entry [0] from Martin Grässlin:

> Qt5: Won’t need adjustments starting with Qt 5.4, but with Qt 5.3 this 
> commit should be cherry-picked

Debian jessie/stable is at 5.3, so in case it'd change anything, maybe 
that patch [1] could be backported?

(Currently it is not backported [2])


[0] http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/06/where-are-my-systray-icons/
[1] https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtbase/commit/f1ee10f81ac18789e9a7dc715b464415ba2bc2b8
[2] https://sources.debian.net/src/qtbase-opensource-src/5.3.2%2Bdfsg-4%2Bdeb8u1/src/widgets/util/qsystemtrayicon.cpp/#L675

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