[Pkg-pascal-devel] Lazarus 1.2.2

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Sat May 17 18:05:33 UTC 2014

Hi Abou,

On 17-05-14 19:35, Abou Al Montacir wrote:
> Sorry i was not clear about the FPC bug, and also I did not yet open a
> bug. This bug is seen with castle-game-engine, but I don't now if it is
> seen with Lazarus. The issue happens when having circular unit
> dependency.

I am lost. Could you please explain very clearly what you think needs to
happen now (in which order and what the requirements are for each
action). Of course giving the reason might be nice, but maybe I will get
it from the first two items.

Should we upload cge straight away, or only after lazarus 1.2.2 is built?
Uploading a new version of view3dscene can only happen after a new
version of cge.

Which packages in testing are now broken (unusable)? Only cge? I will
file the FTBFS bug for view3dscene if you can't do it tonight.

> BTW, i need to check if all Lazarus units are built using the -Ur flag.

Sorry to say, but couldn't you have checked before you "asked" me to
upload? I checked the differences between the current 1.2 and the
uploaded 1.2.2 package. I think everything is there.

Did you obtain upload rights, or did I misunderstand your previous e-mail?


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