[Pkg-pascal-devel] PIE / Fortify problems with GOverlay (uses Lazarus)

Abou Al Montacir abou.almontacir at sfr.fr
Sat Sep 12 06:26:50 BST 2020

Hi Stephan,
On Tue, 2020-09-08 at 07:30 +0000, Stephan Lachnit wrote:
> The problem is, it don't even know how to apply the build options. The
> projects builds with lazbuild, and I didn't find any option to specify any
> compiler options.
> If there is a way that requires modifying the Lazarus config of GOverlay, I
> can probably push that upstream.
Please try to open the lpi file using Lazarus, 
1. go to Project/Project Options ... and then
1.1  go to Compiler Options/Paths and set Libraries(-Fl)
1.2 go to Compiler Options/Compilation and Linking and set Pass options to
linker with "-k"

This will modify the .lpi file creating a section as follows:
  <CompilerOptions>    <Version Value="11"/>    <Target>      <Filename
Value="jeux"/>    </Target>    <SearchPaths>      <IncludeFiles
Value="$(ProjOutDir)"/>      <Libraries
Value="/usr/lib/${DEB_BUILD_MULTIARCH}/"/>      <UnitOutputDirectory
$(TargetOS)"/>    </SearchPaths>    <Linking>      <Options>        <PassLinkerO
ptions Value="True"/>        <LinkerOptions
Value="${LDFLAGS}"/>      </Options>    </Linking>
 Now you will need to patch replacing ${*} by their content as lazbuild does not
seem to replace the environment variables by their values.
Abou Al Montacir

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