[Pkg-pascal-devel] FPC Dependencies in package -17

David Bannon dbannon at internode.on.net
Thu Dec 1 12:11:03 GMT 2022

 > I guess |--no-install-recommends will allow me to emulate exactly 
what the build machine is doing. I'll give it a try !

|Yep, just confirming, that worked as expected. By configuring apt to 
NOT install Recommended, I  produced an "unstable" machine that behaved 
just like the Mentor's one did. I tried to compile my first source 
package, received the same error message as the one present in the build 
log. So, then I tried my second cut at my package, it built perfectly.|

|So, now feel confident I have solved that problem !|

|Thanks Paul !|



On 1/12/22 20:03, Paul Gevers wrote:
>> So, my question, how can FPC, on the Debian build machine, fail to 
>> bring in dependencies that the same FPC Package does bring in on my 
>> test VM which is, now, "unstable" ?
> The default for user systems is to install Recommends as well. Build 
> processes exclusively install via Depends. So, how did you test in 
> your VM?

Ah, that would explain it, I did not realise that Recommends was 
installed by default. So, for my test, I manually installed FPC/Lazarus 
(and in that process go Recommends). Tried to build from my source 
package and, as expected it told me it needed the other things on my 
dependencies list. But because FPC had already installed, eg 
libcairo2-dev, it was not a valid test.

I guess |--no-install-recommends will allow me to emulate exactly what 
the build machine is doing. I'll git it a try !

|Thanks Paul !|


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