he chiefs, as, sentence

Heydel photoflood at globaltexx.nl
Thu Dec 31 18:09:22 UTC 2009

 the darkness was so intense that he could not see an inch before him
and would have been torn to pieces by the thorny creepers had he tried
to penetrate without a light. As it was, he received several nasty
scratches, and could hear muttered exclamations from the men behind him.
Creeping under some of the rattans, making detours to avoid others, and
cutting some of the smaller ones in two with his cutlass, he made his
way forward, and was delighted indeed when, after proceeding some twenty
yards, he came upon the edge of what looked like a ditch, but which was,
he knew, the native path. "Here we are, lads," he exclaimed in a low
tone; "thank goodness we have not had to go farther." "So say I, sir,"
one of the men grumbled; "if it had not been for your lantern I should
have been torn to pieces. As it is, I aint sure whether my eyes aint
gone, and my nose and cheeks are scratched as if I had been fighting
with a mad cat." "Here, Winthorpe, take the lantern and make your way
back; darken it as soon as you get through to the edge of the creek. You
cannot go wrong with the cord to guide you." Two or three minutes later
Dick saw the light approaching again, and the lieutenant, the coxswain,
and two b
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