Bug#645390: perlbrew: probably error in package description

Davide Prina davide.prina at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 09:42:53 UTC 2011

Package: perlbrew
Severity: minor

Dear Maintainer,

in DDTSS I see:

requires you to tweak your PATH by including a bashrc/cshrc file it

but in the PATH environment variable you cannot including a .sh file, 
you must only include PATH.

I think the answers is here 

   After that, "perlbrew" installs itself to "~/perl5/perlbrew/bin", and
   you should follow the instruction on screen to setup your ".bashrc" or
   ".cshrc" to put it in your PATH.

So probably the sentence must be something like that:

requires you to tweak your PATH by including in your .bashrc/.cshrc file 
the PATH to your local perlbrew/bin.


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