Bug#788639: libhtml-formatexternal-perl: autopkgtest failure: TERM not set

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Sat Jun 13 18:14:21 UTC 2015

Package: libhtml-formatexternal-perl
Version: 22-1
User: debian-perl at lists.debian.org
Usertags: autopkgtest

This package fails its autopkgtest checks on ci.debian.net.  It looks
like the tests get run with an unset TERM variable, but /usr/bin/netrik
fails with that.

Possibly the best fix is to patch the tests to skip
HTML::FormatText::Netrik tests if TERM is unset.

>From <http://ci.debian.net/packages/libh/libhtml-formatexternal-perl/unstable/amd64/>:

  # HTML::FormatText::Netrik
  ok 165 - use HTML::FormatText::Netrik;
  ok 166 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik VERSION method
  ok 167 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik VERSION variable
  # HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_full_version $VAR1 = 'usage: /usr/bin/netrik html-file
  #    or: /usr/bin/netrik -          (read from stdin)
  # ';
  ok 168 - program_full_version() from class
  ok 169 - program_full_version() from obj
  # HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_version $VAR1 = '(not reported)';
  ok 170 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_version() from class
  ok 171 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_version() from obj
  TERM environment variable not set.
  not ok 172 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class
  #   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class'
  #   at t/FormatExternal.t line 130.
  #                   ''
  #     doesn't match '(?^:Hello)'
  TERM environment variable not set.
  not ok 173 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik through formatter object
  Test Summary Report
  t/FormatExternal.t (Wstat: 3072 Tests: 284 Failed: 12)
    Failed tests:  172-173, 175-176, 195-202
    Non-zero exit status: 12
  Files=3, Tests=303,  4 wallclock secs ( 0.10 usr  0.03 sys +  0.91 cusr  1.95 csys =  2.99 CPU)
  Result: FAIL
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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