Bug#788639: libhtml-formatexternal-perl: autopkgtest failure: TERM not set

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Jun 13 22:08:28 UTC 2015

On Sat, 13 Jun 2015 21:14:21 +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:

> Package: libhtml-formatexternal-perl
> Version: 22-1
> User: debian-perl at lists.debian.org
> Usertags: autopkgtest
> This package fails its autopkgtest checks on ci.debian.net.  It looks
> like the tests get run with an unset TERM variable, but /usr/bin/netrik
> fails with that.
> Possibly the best fix is to patch the tests to skip
> HTML::FormatText::Netrik tests if TERM is unset.
> From <http://ci.debian.net/packages/libh/libhtml-formatexternal-perl/unstable/amd64/>:
>   # HTML::FormatText::Netrik
>   ok 165 - use HTML::FormatText::Netrik;
>   ok 166 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik VERSION method
>   ok 167 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik VERSION variable
>   # HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_full_version $VAR1 = 'usage: /usr/bin/netrik html-file
>   #    or: /usr/bin/netrik -          (read from stdin)
>   # ';
>   ok 168 - program_full_version() from class
>   ok 169 - program_full_version() from obj
>   # HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_version $VAR1 = '(not reported)';
>   ok 170 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_version() from class
>   ok 171 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_version() from obj
>   TERM environment variable not set.
>   not ok 172 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class
>   #   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class'
>   #   at t/FormatExternal.t line 130.
>   #                   ''
>   #     doesn't match '(?^:Hello)'
>   TERM environment variable not set.
>   not ok 173 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik through formatter object
>   [...]
>   Test Summary Report
>   -------------------
>   t/FormatExternal.t (Wstat: 3072 Tests: 284 Failed: 12)
>     Failed tests:  172-173, 175-176, 195-202
>     Non-zero exit status: 12
>   Files=3, Tests=303,  4 wallclock secs ( 0.10 usr  0.03 sys +  0.91 cusr  1.95 csys =  2.99 CPU)
>   Result: FAIL

More fun (during build, not yet autopkgtest):

Test Summary Report
t/FormatExternal.t (Wstat: 3072 Tests: 284 Failed: 12)
  Failed tests:  172-173, 175-176, 195-202
  Non-zero exit status: 12
Files=3, Tests=303,  2 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr  0.01 sys +  0.61 cusr  0.20 csys =  0.88 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/3 test programs. 12/303 subtests failed.

not ok 172 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class
not ok 173 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik through formatter object
not ok 175 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class, with leftmargin 0
not ok 176 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class, with leftmargin 0 rightmargin 12
not ok 195 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "/tmp/KWGRt_AMsC/http:"
not ok 196 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "http:"
not ok 197 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "/tmp/KWGRt_AMsC/-"
not ok 198 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "-"
not ok 199 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "/tmp/KWGRt_AMsC/-\#\#\#"
not ok 200 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "-\#\#\#"
not ok 201 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "/tmp/KWGRt_AMsC/%57"
not ok 202 - HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "%57"

Not very helpful. But before that:

t/Elinks.t .......... 
ok 1 - VERSION variable
# HTML::FormatText::Netrik
# HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_full_version $VAR1 = 'usage: /usr/bin/netrik html-file
#    or: /usr/bin/netrik -          (read from stdin)
# ';
# HTML::FormatText::Netrik program_version $VAR1 = '(not reported)';
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 130.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:Hello)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik through formatter object'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 135.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:Hello)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class, with leftmargin 0'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 161.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:(^|\n)Hello)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.
# $output = "";

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik through class, with leftmargin 0 rightmargin 12'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 186.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:(^|\n)123 567 9012($|[\r\n]))'
# Temporary directory /tmp/KWGRt_AMsC
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "/tmp/KWGRt_AMsC/http:"'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 290.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:body.*text)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "http:"'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 300.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:body.*text)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "/tmp/KWGRt_AMsC/-"'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 290.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:body.*text)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "-"'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 300.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:body.*text)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "/tmp/KWGRt_AMsC/-\#\#\#"'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 290.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:body.*text)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "-\#\#\#"'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 300.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:body.*text)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "/tmp/KWGRt_AMsC/%57"'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 290.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:body.*text)'
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

#   Failed test 'HTML::FormatText::Netrik format_file() filename "%57"'
#   at t/FormatExternal.t line 300.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:body.*text)'
# HTML::FormatText::W3m
# HTML::FormatText::W3m program_full_version $VAR1 = 'w3m version w3m/0.5.3+git20150509, options lang=en,m17n,image,color,ansi-color,mouse,gpm,menu,cookie,ssl,ssl-verify,external-uri-loader,w3mmailer,nntp,gopher,ipv6,alarm,mark,migemo
# ';
# HTML::FormatText::W3m program_version $VAR1 = '0.5.3+git20150509';
# $output = "123 567 9012\nabc def ghij\n";
# Temporary directory /tmp/bnBOY1GtSh
# HTML::FormatText::Zen
# HTML::FormatText::Zen program_full_version $VAR1 = undef;
# HTML::FormatText::Zen program_version $VAR1 = undef;
# Looks like you failed 12 tests of 284.
t/FormatExternal.t .. 

Looks like the package doesn't build with no or an unknown terminal

    # TERM=xterm prove --blib t/FormatExternal.t

And the culprit is netrik (or curses?):
    # netrik https://www.debian.org
'rxvt-unicode-256color': unknown terminal type.

t/FormatExternal.t loops over an array of HTML::FormatText::*
modules, so skipping only the ::Netrik one would involve some work.

OTOH, adding
    local $ENV{TERM} = 'xterm';
to t/FormatExternal.t works. Feels a bit like cheating but well.


 .''`.  Homepage: http://info.comodo.priv.at/ - OpenPGP key 0xBB3A68018649AA06
 : :' : Debian GNU/Linux user, admin, and developer -  https://www.debian.org/
 `. `'  Member of VIBE!AT & SPI, fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe
   `-   NP: Simon and Garfunkel
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