Bug#851848: dh-make-perl: Dependency resolution using Debian::AptContents fails with current Contents files in Debian archive

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Wed Jan 25 18:16:21 UTC 2017

Control: fixed -1 0.90-1

On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 11:13:04 +0100, Manfred Stock wrote:

> I recently noticed that the dependency resolution does not find existing Debian
> packages anymore when it is done using Debian::AptContents. [..]
> After adding some debug code to dh-make-perl and looking at Contents.cache, I
> noticed that a lot of files never made it into the cache. Then I noticed that
> Debian::AptContents attempts to skip the header in Contents files, which is not
> contained in current Contents files in the archive anymore (which likely is a
> change that became visible for Jessie during the recent point release, the main
> bug regarding this seems to be #841997 [1], and there already is #842887 [2] in
> dh-make-perl, which is somewhat related). 

Oh, "nice" if infrastructure changes which affects software in
Thanks for noticing and analyzing this issue!

> This change in the Contents files
> does not affect current versions of dh-make-perl, but caused a regression in
> the version of dh-make-perl in Jessie. 

Marking the bug as fixed in the respective version.

> The attached patch fixed the problem for
> me.


I guess we have to look into getting this into the next point


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