Patch for libconfig-model-dpkg-perl to set Vcs fields for Neurodebian

Dominique Dumont dod at
Wed Apr 18 19:38:36 BST 2018

On Tuesday, 17 April 2018 19:21:23 CEST gregor herrmann wrote:
> Hm, I'll have a look, but maybe that's related to recent changes by
> dod.

yes, I'm refactoring the backends (the R/W classes) to make them more simple 
(well, less complicated) and get rid of obscure feature. I try to avoid 
breakage, but it sometimes happens.

> The other test failures are still there, but I'm quite sure that they
> are unrelated. All of them have
> #  category was 'User'
> #           not 'Tree.Element.Value'
> which looks like a change in Config::Model or something?

Yes. I'm also moving user warnins from vanilla warn to messages sent by 
Log::Log4perl. This will enable a cleanup in tests so no more warnings are 
seen while testing, but warnings will still be tested.

> And .... while trying to push I get a conflict, and looking on IRC
> that dod has pushed something.

Err, yes, I also face this problem sometimes. That's the result of teamwork. 
The only way to avoid this is to add features on development branches (a bit 
like git-flow). I'm not sure that we have enough git conflicts to warrant a 
change of work flow. But I'm ok to develop on branches if you feel more 
comfortable this way.

> Dominique: btw, I added some changes to gregoa/nomorealioth for the
> Vcs-x fields (where x != Git and Browser). Please take a look if you
> like the idea and implementation.

Will do once I've uploaded a new version of libconfig-model-dpkg-perl.

Thanks for your work

All the best


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