Bug#1099359: libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl: missing build depdendency on tzdata

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Mar 4 13:33:41 GMT 2025

On Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:47:49 +0100, Jochen Sprickerhof wrote:

>libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl has a missing build dependency on tzdata. Currently
>the buildds still have it installed by default but that will change
>after the trixie release. This also makes the package not reproducible
>on reproduce.debian.net.

Thanks for your bug report.

I'm happy to add tzdata but there is an interesting aspect here: I 
can't reproduce the problem with my cowbuilder sid chroot.

This chroot does _not_ have tzdata installed at the beginning, I see 
that tzdata gets downloaded and installed during the build; and if I 
check in the chroot during the build, I see:

# aptitude why tzdata
i   pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy      Depends libpod-weaver-section-support-perl
i A libpod-weaver-section-support-perl Depends libpod-weaver-perl                
i A libpod-weaver-perl                 Depends libdatetime-perl                  
i A libdatetime-perl                   Depends libdatetime-timezone-perl         
i A libdatetime-timezone-perl          Depends tzdata                            

libpod-weaver-section-support-perl is in Build-Depends, and the 
dependency chain only has Depends down to tzdata.

I even checked manually that all these dependencies are hard Depends, 
and that all involved packages have the same version in testing and 

(Same with a trixie cowbuilder chroot.)

Now I'm wondering why the hard transitive dependencies of a build 
dependency of libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl are not installed in the 
build environment where you are seeing this issue …

Looking at https://reproduce.debian.net/all/#libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl 
-> https://reproduce.debian.net/all/api/v0/builds/216930/log I see 
that … oh! I see

     Downloading dependency 49 of 398: libdatetime-timezone-perl:amd64=1:2.60-1+2023c

i.e. some ancient version of libdatetime-timezone-perl (actually the 
last one before it had a dependency on tzdata), which was uploaded to 
unstable in March 2023 and is not in any suite currently:

% rmadison libdatetime-timezone-perl
libdatetime-timezone-perl | 1:2.23-1+2022b | buster-updates    | source, all
libdatetime-timezone-perl | 1:2.23-1+2022b | oldoldstable      | source, all
libdatetime-timezone-perl | 1:2.47-1+2023d | oldstable-updates | source, all
libdatetime-timezone-perl | 1:2.47-1+2024a | oldstable         | source, all
libdatetime-timezone-perl | 1:2.60-1+2024a | stable            | source, all
libdatetime-timezone-perl | 1:2.64-1+2025a | testing           | source, all
libdatetime-timezone-perl | 1:2.64-1+2025a | unstable          | source, all

I might be missing some piece here, but this looks at least a bit 
suspicous for a log that claims to build something in testing on 
26/Feb/2025 …

PS: Same for #1099361 / libsoftware-copyright-perl /

     Downloading dependency 16 of 322: libdatetime-timezone-perl:amd64=1:2.60-1+2023c

(And probably the other 3 or so bugs which Sean and me have "fixed" 
recently but I haven't re-checked them.)

Hm, next thought: This is a rebuilderd which takes the old .buildinfo 
files, right? Then I can see where the old libdatetime-timezone-perl 
might come from (from the time of the upload / creation of the 
.buildinfo file). So yeah, there might have been a bug in the past 
before libdatetime-timezone-perl added a dependency on tzdata but 
that's already fixed but probably the build will never work in a 
trixie + old packages enviroment …

gregor, still slightly confused :)

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