[Pkg-phototools-devel] rebasing pu-branches

Bernd Zeimetz bernd at bzed.de
Mon Jul 14 11:37:49 UTC 2008


> FWIW, I'm not in favor of rebasing any branches that were made public at
> any point of time. If an NMU does happen, then some parallel work was
> really going on, so a merge would imho be the appropriate thing to
> "visualize" that. Also, I don't think that this is what's usually going
> on, so history should not become horribly complex because of the merges
> introduced by proceeding like that.



 Bernd Zeimetz                           Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 GPG Fingerprint: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79

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