[Pkg-phototools-devel] rebasing pu-branches (was: Hugin status update)

Cyril Brulebois kibi at debian.org
Mon Jul 14 11:50:03 UTC 2008

Sebastian Harl <sh at tokkee.org> (14/07/2008):
> FWIW, I'm not in favor of rebasing any branches that were made public
> at any point of time. If an NMU does happen, then some parallel work
> was really going on, so a merge would imho be the appropriate thing to
> "visualize" that. Also, I don't think that this is what's usually
> going on, so history should not become horribly complex because of the
> merges introduced by proceeding like that.

Indeed. I was just trying to think about possible further occasions
where people might be tempted to push their being-worked-on branches to
the server so that they are backup'd on a remote server (without having
to resort to using another private repositories on alioth, for example).

In this particular case, I agree a merge might have done the trick

> OTOH, I don't want to start any religious flamewars because of that -
> it's just my 2c... ;-)

No problem, but just out of curiosity, how would you handle backup'ing
branches, or making them available from different devel machines,
without using pu/* branches? Private repositories?

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