[pkg-php-pear] Packaging php-xml-serializer inside the PEAR packaging team

jaalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Thu Mar 8 14:33:33 UTC 2012

| On 2012-03-08 14:05, Federico Giménez Nieto wrote:
| El día 8 de marzo de 2012 13:36, Thomas Goirand <thomas at goirand.fr> escribió:
| > Hi Federico,
| >
| > Last time, before Squeeze, I have NMU a patch so that php-xml-serializer
| > could work correctly with php 5.3. Now, as Wheezy is approaching, I
| > haven't seen any new upload from you. Also, the package is still using
| > CDBS and dpatch, when it should in fact switch to source format 3.0,
| > quilt, and pkg-php-tools. Last, there's currently version 0.20.2
| > upstream, which needs to be packaged as well. If you don't intend to do
| > what's necessary, I'll NMU, so I'd like to know.
| >
| > So I wonder: do you still want to maintain php-xml-serializer? If so,
| > would you agree to use Git and work inside the PEAR packaging team? It'd
| > be great if your other PEAR packages, php-net-sieve and
| > php-html-template-it, were also team maintained.
| >
| Because of changes in my professional duties i don't have the required
| time to take care of my php packages properly. So probably, as you
| point out, the best solution is to get them maintained by the pear
| team (at least the pear ones). I don't know if it is needed to fill a
| RFA, let me know.
| Feel free to NMU any of my packages, i'm in the low threshold nmu
| list! :) [1] Anyway, Jari Aalto (Cced) has offered to nmu
| php-xml-serializer to get rid of dpatch, please coordinate the upload
| with him.

To coordinate our effors:

   1. I set up collab-maint project at alioth. All developers, please do

   git clone <login>@git.debian.org:/git/collab-maint/php-xml-serializer.git

   2. I propose that pkg-php-pear at LIST takes over the maintanance from there.

   3. Federico, could you formally send the RFA request, so that the
   bug can be closed in next upload.


P.s. Thomas and I have already been in contact with similar dpath
migration issues previously.

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