[pkg-php-pear] symfony (2.3.20) update

David Prévot david at tilapin.org
Sun Oct 5 21:25:56 UTC 2014

Hi Daniel,

I noticed you already started to work on the symfony 2.3.20 update,
thanks for that. I overlooked the changes for a few standalone packages
we are currently shipping and they don’t seem too scary, but all of them
put together make a stronger changes:

git diff --ignore-all-space -M40% debian/2.3.19+dfsg-1 --stat |tail -n1
 552 files changed, 3284 insertions(+), 1916 deletions(-)

Have you already checked the actual differences, have you already
started to test the package in its current form?

I’ve just finish pushing the standalone 2.3.19 packages to the archive,
and am wondering about what comes next… Here is a first draft of what I
could send to the ftpmasters, maybe this week, in hope it could help us
have a clearer view in case they didn’t process src:symfony in the mean
time. Thanks in advance for your remarks, review, rewrite, etc.


Subject: src:symfony status

Hi ftpmasters,

Not so long ago, we uploaded a big src:symfony package that builds many
php-symfony-* binary packages. We’d like to know if you will be able to
finish reviewing it before the freeze.

On one hand, it arrived late. Sorry about that, but it was a piece of
work that needed changes in our usual build helper, and it’s not the
usual php-* package we’re use to submit. On the other hand, it allows to
have a consistent handling of all those php-symfony-* packages.

If you believe you won’t be able to review src:symfony in time for the
freeze, please let us know: upstream just updated their stable branch to
2.3.20, and we’d thus like to upload up-to-date packages before the
freeze. If you can let src:symfony 2.3.19 threw, that’s fine, and we’ll
then upload a 2.3.20 version (almost ready in Git) after that. If not,
we’ll update the seven standalone php-symfony-* packages ASAP, but we
will also need to update src:symfony to 2.3.20 in NEW to keep the
upgrade path. Since we don’t want to come in your way if you already
started reviewing src:symfony 2.3.19, we’d prefer to ask for advice now.

Thanks in advance for your reply.



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