[pkg-php-pear] Bug#905254: libphp-phpmailer: Please update to version 6.x

Craig Small csmall at debian.org
Fri Dec 14 11:41:30 GMT 2018

Regarding wordpress and libphp-phpmailer. 5.0.1 will no longer depend on
libphp-phpmailer but use the one shipped with WordPress.

Except, its about as old :/
WordPress upstream are aware of it [1], we'll see what they do next.

 - Craig

1: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/40472#comment:25

On Sat, 8 Dec 2018 at 11:28, Craig Small <csmall at debian.org> wrote:

> WordPress probably uses its own version which, I assume, they will
> maintain afterwards.
> I'll see if I can find more about what they're doing with it for the
> longer term.
> The easiest way for me is to just drop the depends.
>  - Craig
> On Sat, 8 Dec. 2018, 02:06 Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil at debian.org wrote:
>> Control: severity -1 serious
>> As mentioned in
>> https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/releases/tag/v5.2.27 the 5.2
>> branch is deprecated and will not recieve security updates anymore
>> after 31st December 2018.
>> This is not an issue per se, as we usually need to backport fixes to
>> older versions in general for bugfixes but in particular for
>> security-fixes; but starting buster with a know deprecated and not
>> supported version given upstream actively develops on the 6.x branch
>> looks somehow problematic for the buster release cycle.
>> For this concern, I'm raising the severity to RC.
>> there are a couple of packages with Depends or Build-Depends on
>> libphp-phpmailer, and I'm X-Debbugs-CC'ing those here.
>> # Broken Depends:
>> cacti: cacti
>> tt-rss: tt-rss
>> wordpress: wordpress
>> # Broken Build-Depends:
>> wordpress: libphp-phpmailer (>= 5.2.14)
>> Regards,
>> Salvatore
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