[Pkg-privacy-maintainers] Bug#910493: Bug#910493: Bug#910493: Handle transition from MAT to MAT2

Georg Faerber georg at riseup.net
Thu Jan 31 14:46:55 GMT 2019

Hi all,

Sorry for my late reply, I just returned from traveling six weeks
without my PC.

On 19-01-29 00:16:55, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> thanks for picking up the discussion about mat/mat2 in Buster!

Seconded, thanks a lot.

> There's still a chance to get it in: if we craft a patch for
> nautilus-python that introduces a new package python3-nautilus which
> is co-installable (and doesn't conflict) with python-nautilus, then
> the nautilus-python maintainer already said that he would consider to
> accept it in time for Buster. [1]

Thanks Jonas for your work over there!

> That basically means that we have to copy libpython-nautilus.c to
> libpython3-nautilus.c, introduce a new extension include path for it
> (probably /usr/share/python3-nautilus/extensions/) and patch the build
> system to build libpython-nautilus.c only for python2 and
> libpython3-nautilus.c only for python3.
> Unfortunately I'm unsure whether I find time to work on such a patch
> within the next week (which probably would be necessary to get the
> package into the archive in time, since it has to pass NEW).
> If anybody wants to pick up the work, here's my related PR (which
> doesn't do what I explained above yet, but should be a starting
> point):
> https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus-python/merge_requests/1

I'll tacke this, although I might need support and of course, at least
one review.

The only which wonders me: Jeremy Bicha, the maintainer, said in the
linked issue initially that this probably wouldn't make it into buster.
Granted, if we follow Jonas' proposal as per above, this expressed view
would change. Wouldn't it be a good idea to get consensus on this plan
of action before doing the actual work? So far, there was no response.

Thanks again,
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