[Pkg-privacy-maintainers] Bug#910493: Bug#910493: Bug#910493: Handle transition from MAT to MAT2

Jonas Meurer jonas at freesources.org
Thu Jan 31 17:28:02 GMT 2019

Hey Georg!

Georg Faerber:
>> There's still a chance to get it in: if we craft a patch for
>> nautilus-python that introduces a new package python3-nautilus which
>> is co-installable (and doesn't conflict) with python-nautilus, then
>> the nautilus-python maintainer already said that he would consider to
>> accept it in time for Buster. [1]
> Thanks Jonas for your work over there!
>> That basically means that we have to copy libpython-nautilus.c to
>> libpython3-nautilus.c, introduce a new extension include path for it
>> (probably /usr/share/python3-nautilus/extensions/) and patch the build
>> system to build libpython-nautilus.c only for python2 and
>> libpython3-nautilus.c only for python3.
>> Unfortunately I'm unsure whether I find time to work on such a patch
>> within the next week (which probably would be necessary to get the
>> package into the archive in time, since it has to pass NEW).
>> If anybody wants to pick up the work, here's my related PR (which
>> doesn't do what I explained above yet, but should be a starting
>> point):
>> https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus-python/merge_requests/1
> I'll tacke this, although I might need support and of course, at least
> one review.

Wow, that would be awesome. I think I would be up for a review.

> The only which wonders me: Jeremy Bicha, the maintainer, said in the
> linked issue initially that this probably wouldn't make it into buster.
> Granted, if we follow Jonas' proposal as per above, this expressed view
> would change. Wouldn't it be a good idea to get consensus on this plan
> of action before doing the actual work? So far, there was no response.

Jeremy said this to me when we privately discussed the topic on IRC.
Might still be a good idea to get his consensus on an official channel
(e.g. the bugreport).


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