Bug#809068: Patch works in test environment...

Robert Paschedag robert.paschedag at web.de
Sat Dec 17 15:26:21 UTC 2016

Ok....now I just setup a plain proftpd from jessie (unpatched) and
uploaded a big file (> 1 GB ...about 1.5 GB) without any problem via
SFTP. FileZilla used here (on Ubuntu box is 3.7.3).

I have to check the versions in our "production", where the error
occurs. There, FileZilla is used from a Windows machine (version number
currently unknown). But trying with something else (e.g. WinSCP) also
failed with some error.

But additionally...I patched proftpd with the "large_file" patch (again
taken from "unstable") and that also worked. SFTP is working normally
(as far as I can tell).

So...maybe there is also some other configuration that might trigger
this problem.

I'll try as soon as possible at the customer this problem arrised.


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