Puleaudio system-wide

Felipe Sateler fsateler at debian.org
Tue Mar 21 21:56:43 UTC 2017

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 6:15 PM, Sébastien Dailly <sebastien at chimrod.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running a sound server available throught the network with puleaudio.
> This configuration requires to run pulseaudio in system-wide mode.

Why do you say it requires system-wide mode?

> The package pulesaudio does not provide any documentation for starting the
> service in system mode at startup (it actualy requires to write a systemd
> rule).
> Is this possible to add the documentation, and an exemple systemd script in
> the package documentation ?

System-mode has the problem of being a privacy risk: any connected
user can listen to the input of any other user. However, it may not be
a problem for certain use cases.

Since I do not use system-wide mode, I do not want to write the
systemd service myself. If you write one (and you can base it on the
existing user-level systemd service), I think upstream would welcome a
patch to ship this unit, maybe as an example.


Felipe Sateler

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