Puleaudio system-wide

Sébastien Dailly sebastien at chimrod.com
Wed Mar 22 09:40:03 UTC 2017

Le 2017-03-21 22:56, Felipe Sateler a écrit :

Hy, Felipe, thanks for your answer. I'll try to reply to you as the best 
as I can with my rusty english.

>> This configuration requires to run pulseaudio in system-wide mode.
> Why do you say it requires system-wide mode?

I'm running PA on a server which only provide services : I never login 
to the system (except throught ssh), I just start the computer and 
expect that everithing is working fine.

There are other pcs in the home which are used as desktop computer : my 
own computer, my wife laptop and so on. Thoses computer are configured 
to play sound, throught the network, to the first one.

As consequence, I need PA to be launch at any time, and ready for any 
connexion from any computer in the network. (the only one user allowed 
to play sound locally on the server is mpd).

> System-mode has the problem of being a privacy risk: any connected
> user can listen to the input of any other user. However, it may not be
> a problem for certain use cases.

I'm aware of the risks to run PA in system-wide. But as I want to 
centralize all the sound output to a unique sink, this does not really 
apply in my configuration : anybody physically present in the room will 
hear the sound without reading the memory in the computer ^^

> Since I do not use system-wide mode, I do not want to write the
> systemd service myself. If you write one (and you can base it on the
> existing user-level systemd service), I think upstream would welcome a
> patch to ship this unit, maybe as an example.

I've written my own (very simple) systemd script to run pulseaudio (in 
attachment), but I'm not a systemd expert, and I do not know if this 
solution can be generalized.

Let me know if I'm doing something wrong, or if my needs sounds wrong 
for you.


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