[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#504624: Bug#504624: Bug#504624: puppet: new version available - 0.24.6

Andreas Unterkircher unki at netshadow.at
Wed Nov 12 04:55:40 UTC 2008

Hi Micah,

> Well the puppet debian work is done in a team, based in Alioth. You
> would need to request to join that team, and then pull the git
> repository of the debian package, and update the package using the
> 0.24.6 release using git-buildpackage mechanisms. 

As puppet is very important for me - oh yes, how can I join?
I'm not very familar with Alioth - just request an account via 

FYI - I built my own 0.24.6 deb package last week and enrolled it now on 
almost 200. puppet & puppetmaster behave correct so far on etch. There 
were no real modifications necessary when creating an official deb - I 
just used the debian-directory from 0.24.5 and adapted changelog.


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