[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#607165: unblock: facter/1.5.7-2

micah anderson micah at debian.org
Fri Dec 17 17:10:21 UTC 2010

Hi Mehdi,

> I'm not decided yet if I'll unblock the package (because I didn't finish the
> review yet) but I noticed something (that looks) odd (to me) in the Depends
> field. So, facter depends on:
> 	Depends: ruby1.8 (>=, net-tools, bind9-host | host,
> libopenssl-ruby1.8 | libopenssl-ruby1.9
> Why does it depend on "libopenssl-ruby1.8 | libopenssl-ruby1.9" when
> it has a strong dependency on ruby1.8? I tend to think that putting
> "libopenssl-ruby1.9" as an alternative dependency is wrong in this
> case. (icbw though)

Facter will work with either ruby1.8 or ruby1.9, and its associated
libraries, but because ruby1.9 had not settled, we did not include a
potential depdency on 'ruby1.9'. You are right that its a little
strange, and probably removing libopenssl-ruby1.9 from the Depends would
resolve that.

A couple minor issues related to this, the changelog entry:

   * Add versioned dependency for ruby1.8 (Closes: #585867) 

is repeated twice in the upload that I did (oops), and the bug number is
wrong, it should be #545867. These are pretty minor, but I am happy to
fix them in an upload, if you would prefer?

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