[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 0.25.5-639-g8f94f35

test branch puppet-dev at googlegroups.com
Wed Jul 14 10:31:48 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit e5a78009f6bd593e7e3957f0dadb470e623396dd
Author: Jesse Wolfe <jes5199 at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Mar 15 14:16:09 2010 -0700

    Feature #3347 REST-ified FileBucket
    FileBucket Files have been reimplemented as an indirector terminus so that
    they can be transmitted over REST.
    The old Network::Client.dipper has been replaced with a compatibility later
    in FileBucket::Dipper that uses the indirector to access filebucket termini.
    Slightly revised patch:
    * No longer allows nil contents in FileBucket outside of initialization
    * Uses File.exist? instead of the deprecated File.exists?
    * Tweaks JSON serialization and de-serialization to include "path"
    Deferred issues:
    * Feature #3371 "FileBucket should not keep files in memory".
    * Feature #3372 "Replace FileBucket Dipper with more idiomatic calls"

diff --git a/ext/nagios/naggen b/ext/nagios/naggen
index 6ff09e2..a9e04c4 100755
--- a/ext/nagios/naggen
+++ b/ext/nagios/naggen
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class NagiosWriter
     def initialize(nagios_type)
         @nagios_type = nagios_type
-        @bucket = Puppet::Network::Client.client(:Dipper).new(:Path => Puppet[:clientbucketdir])
+        @bucket = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(:Path => Puppet[:clientbucketdir])
     def rails_resources
diff --git a/ext/puppet-test b/ext/puppet-test
index dbbde40..5333307 100755
--- a/ext/puppet-test
+++ b/ext/puppet-test
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ end
 Suite.new :filebucket, "Filebucket interactions" do
     def prepare
         require 'tempfile'
-        @client = Puppet::Network::Client.dipper.new($args)
+        @client = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new($args)
     newtest :backup, "Backed up file" do
diff --git a/lib/puppet.rb b/lib/puppet.rb
index 1fa51c3..0904f04 100644
--- a/lib/puppet.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet.rb
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ require 'puppet/ssl'
 require 'puppet/module'
 require 'puppet/util/storage'
 require 'puppet/status'
+require 'puppet/file_bucket/file'
 if Puppet[:storeconfigs]
     require 'puppet/rails'
diff --git a/lib/puppet/application/filebucket.rb b/lib/puppet/application/filebucket.rb
index 0723054..09aaf2b 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/application/filebucket.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/application/filebucket.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 require 'puppet'
 require 'puppet/application'
-require 'puppet/network/client'
+require 'puppet/file_bucket/dipper'
 Puppet::Application.new(:filebucket) do
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ Puppet::Application.new(:filebucket) do
             if options[:local] or options[:bucket]
                 path = options[:bucket] || Puppet[:bucketdir]
-                @client = Puppet::Network::Client.dipper.new(:Path => path)
+                @client = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(:Path => path)
                 require 'puppet/network/handler'
-                @client = Puppet::Network::Client.dipper.new(:Server => Puppet[:server])
+                @client = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(:Server => Puppet[:server])
         rescue => detail
             $stderr.puts detail
@@ -84,4 +84,5 @@ Puppet::Application.new(:filebucket) do
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/puppet/application/server.rb b/lib/puppet/application/server.rb
index afdad54..7aeb6ad 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/application/server.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/application/server.rb
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ Puppet::Application.new(:server) do
         require 'etc'
         require 'puppet/file_serving/content'
         require 'puppet/file_serving/metadata'
-        require 'puppet/checksum'
         xmlrpc_handlers = [:Status, :FileServer, :Master, :Report, :Filebucket]
diff --git a/lib/puppet/checksum.rb b/lib/puppet/checksum.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 27f08aa..0000000
--- a/lib/puppet/checksum.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#  Created by Luke Kanies on 2007-9-22.
-#  Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved.
-require 'puppet'
-require 'puppet/util/checksums'
-require 'puppet/indirector'
-# A checksum class to model translating checksums to file paths.  This
-# is the new filebucket.
-class Puppet::Checksum
-    include Puppet::Util::Checksums
-    extend Puppet::Indirector
-    indirects :checksum
-    attr_reader :algorithm, :content
-    def algorithm=(value)
-        unless respond_to?(value)
-            raise ArgumentError, "Checksum algorithm %s is not supported" % value
-        end
-        value = value.intern if value.is_a?(String)
-        @algorithm = value
-        # Reset the checksum so it's forced to be recalculated.
-        @checksum = nil
-    end
-    # Calculate (if necessary) and return the checksum
-    def checksum
-        unless @checksum
-            @checksum = send(algorithm, content)
-        end
-        @checksum
-    end
-    def initialize(content, algorithm = "md5")
-        raise ArgumentError.new("You must specify the content") unless content
-        @content = content
-        # Init to avoid warnings.
-        @checksum = nil
-        self.algorithm = algorithm
-    end
-    # This is here so the Indirector::File terminus works correctly.
-    def name
-        checksum
-    end
-    def to_s
-        "Checksum<{%s}%s>" % [algorithm, checksum]
-    end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/file_bucket.rb b/lib/puppet/file_bucket.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881c81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/file_bucket.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# stub
+module Puppet::FileBucket
+    class BucketError < RuntimeError; end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/network/client/dipper.rb b/lib/puppet/file_bucket/dipper.rb
similarity index 59%
rename from lib/puppet/network/client/dipper.rb
rename to lib/puppet/file_bucket/dipper.rb
index 0e2dc14..c73d763 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/network/client/dipper.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/file_bucket/dipper.rb
@@ -1,32 +1,47 @@
-# The client class for filebuckets.
-class Puppet::Network::Client::Dipper < Puppet::Network::Client
-    @handler = Puppet::Network::Handler.handler(:filebucket)
-    @drivername = :Bucket
+require 'puppet/file_bucket'
+require 'puppet/file_bucket/file'
+require 'puppet/indirector/request'
+class Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper
+    # This is a transitional implementation that uses REST
+    # to access remote filebucket files.
     attr_accessor :name
     # Create our bucket client
     def initialize(hash = {})
+        # Emulate the XMLRPC client
+        server      = hash[:Server]
+        port        = hash[:Port] || Puppet[:masterport]
+        environment = Puppet[:environment]
         if hash.include?(:Path)
-            bucket = self.class.handler.new(:Path => hash[:Path])
-            hash.delete(:Path)
-            hash[:Bucket] = bucket
+            @local_path = hash[:Path]
+            @rest_path  = nil
+        else
+            @local_path = nil
+            @rest_path = "https://#{server}:#{port}/#{environment}/file_bucket_file/"
+    end
-        super(hash)
+    def local?
+        !! @local_path
     # Back up a file to our bucket
     def backup(file)
-        unless FileTest.exists?(file)
+        unless ::File.exist?(file)
             raise(ArgumentError, "File %s does not exist" % file)
         contents = ::File.read(file)
-        unless local?
-            contents = Base64.encode64(contents)
-        end
-            return @driver.addfile(contents,file)
+            file_bucket_file = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(contents, :bucket_path => @local_path, :path => file)
+            dest_path = "#{@rest_path}#{file_bucket_file.name}"
+            request = Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:file_bucket_file, :save, dest_path)
+            file_bucket_file.save(request)
+            return file_bucket_file.checksum_data
         rescue => detail
             puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:trace]
             raise Puppet::Error, "Could not back up %s: %s" % [file, detail]
@@ -35,13 +50,10 @@ class Puppet::Network::Client::Dipper < Puppet::Network::Client
     # Retrieve a file by sum.
     def getfile(sum)
-        if newcontents = @driver.getfile(sum)
-            unless local?
-                newcontents = Base64.decode64(newcontents)
-            end
-            return newcontents
-        end
-        return nil
+        source_path = "#{@rest_path}md5/#{sum}"
+        file_bucket_file = Puppet::FileBucket::File.find(source_path)
+        return file_bucket_file.to_s
     # Restore the file
diff --git a/lib/puppet/file_bucket/file.rb b/lib/puppet/file_bucket/file.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7122bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/file_bucket/file.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+require 'puppet/file_bucket'
+require 'puppet/indirector'
+class Puppet::FileBucket::File
+    # This class handles the abstract notion of a file in a filebucket.
+    # There are mechanisms to save and load this file locally and remotely in puppet/indirector/filebucketfile/*
+    # There is a compatibility class that emulates pre-indirector filebuckets in Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper
+    extend Puppet::Indirector
+    require 'puppet/file_bucket/file/indirection_hooks'
+    indirects :file_bucket_file, :terminus_class => :file, :extend => Puppet::FileBucket::File::IndirectionHooks
+    attr :path, true
+    attr :paths, true
+    attr :contents, true
+    attr :checksum_type
+    attr :bucket_path
+    def self.default_checksum_type
+        :md5
+    end
+    def initialize( contents, options = {} )
+        @contents      = contents
+        @bucket_path   = options[:bucket_path]
+        @path          = options[:path]
+        @paths         = options[:paths] || []
+        @checksum      = options[:checksum]
+        @checksum_type = options[:checksum_type] || self.class.default_checksum_type
+        yield(self) if block_given?
+        validate!
+    end
+    def validate!
+        digest_class( @checksum_type ) # raises error on bad types
+        raise ArgumentError, 'contents must be a string' unless @contents.is_a?(String)
+        validate_checksum(@checksum) if @checksum
+    end
+    def contents=(contents)
+        raise "You may not change the contents of a FileBucket File" if @contents
+        @contents = contents
+    end
+    def checksum=(checksum)
+        validate_checksum(checksum)
+        self.checksum_type = checksum # this grabs the prefix only
+        @checksum = checksum
+    end
+    def validate_checksum(new_checksum)
+        unless new_checksum == checksum_of_type(new_checksum)
+            raise Puppet::Error, "checksum does not match contents"
+        end
+    end
+    def checksum
+        @checksum ||= checksum_of_type(checksum_type)
+    end
+    def checksum_of_type( type )
+        type = checksum_type( type ) # strip out data segment if there is one
+        type.to_s + ":" + digest_class(type).hexdigest(@contents)
+    end
+    def checksum_type=( new_checksum_type )
+        @checksum = nil
+        @checksum_type = checksum_type(new_checksum_type)
+    end
+    def checksum_type(checksum = @checksum_type)
+        checksum.to_s.split(':',2)[0].to_sym
+    end
+    def checksum_data(new_checksum = self.checksum)
+        new_checksum.split(':',2)[1]
+    end
+    def checksum_data=(new_data)
+        self.checksum = "#{checksum_type}:#{new_data}"
+    end
+    def digest_class(type = nil)
+        case checksum_type(type)
+        when :md5  : require 'digest/md5'  ; Digest::MD5
+        when :sha1 : require 'digest/sha1' ; Digest::SHA1
+        else
+            raise ArgumentError, "not a known checksum type: #{checksum_type(type)}"
+        end
+    end
+    def to_s
+        contents
+    end
+    def name
+        [checksum_type, checksum_data, path].compact.join('/')
+    end
+    def name=(name)
+        self.checksum_type, self.checksum_data, self.path = name.split('/',3)
+    end
+    def conflict_check?
+        true
+    end
+    def self.from_s( contents )
+        self.new( contents )
+    end
+    def to_pson
+        hash = { "contents" => contents }
+        hash["path"] = @path if @path
+        hash.to_pson
+    end
+    def self.from_pson( pson )
+        self.new( pson["contents"], :path => pson["path"] )
+    end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/file_bucket/file/indirection_hooks.rb b/lib/puppet/file_bucket/file/indirection_hooks.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec2bb34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/file_bucket/file/indirection_hooks.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+require 'puppet/file_bucket/file'
+# This module is used to pick the appropriate terminus
+# in filebucket indirections.
+module Puppet::FileBucket::File::IndirectionHooks
+    def select_terminus(request)
+        return :rest if request.protocol == 'https'
+        return Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.terminus_class
+    end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/indirector/file_bucket_file/file.rb b/lib/puppet/indirector/file_bucket_file/file.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec02ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/indirector/file_bucket_file/file.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+require 'puppet/indirector/code'
+require 'puppet/file_bucket/file'
+module Puppet::FileBucketFile
+    class File < Puppet::Indirector::Code
+        desc "Store files in a directory set based on their checksums."
+        def initialize
+            Puppet.settings.use(:filebucket)
+        end
+        def find( request )
+            checksum, path = request_to_checksum_and_path( request )
+            return find_by_checksum( checksum )
+        end
+        def save( request )
+            checksum, path = request_to_checksum_and_path( request )
+            instance = request.instance
+            instance.checksum = checksum if checksum
+            instance.path = path if path
+            save_to_disk(instance)
+            instance.to_s
+        end
+        private
+        def find_by_checksum( checksum )
+            model.new( nil, :checksum => checksum ) do |bucket_file|
+                filename = contents_path_for bucket_file
+                if ! ::File.exist? filename
+                    return nil
+                end
+                begin
+                    contents = ::File.read filename
+                    Puppet.info "FileBucket read #{bucket_file.checksum}"
+                rescue RuntimeError => e
+                    raise Puppet::Error, "file could not be read: #{e.message}"
+                end
+                if ::File.exist?(paths_path_for bucket_file)
+                    ::File.open(paths_path_for bucket_file) do |f|
+                        bucket_file.paths = f.readlines.map { |l| l.chomp }
+                    end
+                end
+                bucket_file.contents = contents
+            end
+        end
+        def save_to_disk( bucket_file )
+            # If the file already exists, just return the md5 sum.
+            if ::File.exist?(contents_path_for bucket_file)
+                verify_identical_file!(bucket_file)
+            else
+                # Make the directories if necessary.
+                unless ::File.directory?(path_for bucket_file)
+                    Puppet::Util.withumask(0007) do
+                        ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(path_for bucket_file)
+                    end
+                end
+                Puppet.info "FileBucket adding #{bucket_file.path} (#{bucket_file.checksum_data})"
+                # Write the file to disk.
+                Puppet::Util.withumask(0007) do
+                    ::File.open(contents_path_for(bucket_file), ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT, 0440) do |of|
+                        of.print bucket_file.contents
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            save_path_to_paths_file(bucket_file)
+            return bucket_file.checksum_data
+        end
+        def request_to_checksum_and_path( request )
+            checksum_type, checksum, path = request.key.split(/[:\/]/, 3)
+            return nil if checksum_type.to_s == ""
+            return [ checksum_type + ":" + checksum, path ]
+        end
+        def path_for(bucket_file, subfile = nil)
+            bucket_path = bucket_file.bucket_path || Puppet[:bucketdir]
+            digest      = bucket_file.checksum_data
+            dir     = ::File.join(digest[0..7].split(""))
+            basedir = ::File.join(bucket_path, dir, digest)
+            return basedir unless subfile
+            return ::File.join(basedir, subfile)
+        end
+        def contents_path_for(bucket_file)
+            path_for(bucket_file, "contents")
+        end
+        def paths_path_for(bucket_file)
+            path_for(bucket_file, "paths")
+        end
+        def content_check?
+            true
+        end
+        # If conflict_check is enabled, verify that the passed text is
+        # the same as the text in our file.
+        def verify_identical_file!(bucket_file)
+            return unless content_check?
+            disk_contents = ::File.read(contents_path_for(bucket_file))
+            # If the contents don't match, then we've found a conflict.
+            # Unlikely, but quite bad.
+            if disk_contents != bucket_file.contents
+                raise Puppet::FileBucket::BucketError, "Got passed new contents for sum #{bucket_file.checksum}", caller
+            else
+                Puppet.info "FileBucket got a duplicate file #{bucket_file.path} (#{bucket_file.checksum})"
+            end
+        end
+        def save_path_to_paths_file(bucket_file)
+            return unless bucket_file.path
+            # check for dupes
+            if ::File.exist?(paths_path_for bucket_file)
+                ::File.open(paths_path_for bucket_file) do |f|
+                    return if f.readlines.collect { |l| l.chomp }.include?(bucket_file.path)
+                end
+            end
+            # if it's a new file, or if our path isn't in the file yet, add it
+            ::File.open(paths_path_for(bucket_file), ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT|::File::APPEND) do |of|
+                of.puts bucket_file.path
+            end
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/indirector/file_bucket_file/rest.rb b/lib/puppet/indirector/file_bucket_file/rest.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e4f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/indirector/file_bucket_file/rest.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require 'puppet/indirector/rest'
+require 'puppet/file_bucket/file'
+module Puppet::FileBucketFile
+    class Rest < Puppet::Indirector::REST
+        desc "This is a REST based mechanism to send/retrieve file to/from the filebucket"
+    end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/indirector/indirection.rb b/lib/puppet/indirector/indirection.rb
index d762701..3c64146 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/indirector/indirection.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/indirector/indirection.rb
@@ -116,8 +116,14 @@ class Puppet::Indirector::Indirection
     # Set up our request object.
-    def request(method, key, arguments = nil)
-        Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(self.name, method, key, arguments)
+    def request(method, instance_or_key, request_or_options = {})
+        if request_or_options.is_a? Puppet::Indirector::Request
+            request = request_or_options
+            request.instance = instance_or_key
+            request.method   = method
+            return request
+        end
+        Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(self.name, method, instance_or_key, request_or_options)
     # Return the singleton terminus for this indirection.
@@ -248,8 +254,8 @@ class Puppet::Indirector::Indirection
     # Save the instance in the appropriate terminus.  This method is
     # normally an instance method on the indirected class.
-    def save(instance, *args)
-        request = request(:save, instance, *args)
+    def save(instance, request_or_options = nil)
+        request = request(:save, instance, request_or_options)
         terminus = prepare(request)
         result = terminus.save(request)
diff --git a/lib/puppet/indirector/request.rb b/lib/puppet/indirector/request.rb
index d9e66cb..14608d0 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/indirector/request.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/indirector/request.rb
@@ -180,6 +180,14 @@ class Puppet::Indirector::Request
         @protocol = uri.scheme
-        @key = URI.unescape(uri.path.sub(/^\//, ''))
+        if uri.scheme == 'puppet'
+            @key = URI.unescape(uri.path.sub(/^\//, ''))
+            return
+        end
+        env, indirector, @key = URI.unescape(uri.path.sub(/^\//, '')).split('/',3)
+        @key ||= ''
+        self.environment = env unless env == ''
diff --git a/lib/puppet/network/handler/filebucket.rb b/lib/puppet/network/handler/filebucket.rb
index 4973886..bea1c85 100755
--- a/lib/puppet/network/handler/filebucket.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/network/handler/filebucket.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ require 'digest/md5'
 require 'puppet/external/base64'
 class Puppet::Network::Handler # :nodoc:
-    class BucketError < RuntimeError; end
     # Accept files and store them by md5 sum, returning the md5 sum back
     # to the client.  Alternatively, accept an md5 sum and return the
     # associated content.
@@ -19,53 +18,8 @@ class Puppet::Network::Handler # :nodoc:
         Puppet::Util.logmethods(self, true)
         attr_reader :name, :path
-        # this doesn't work for relative paths
-        def self.oldpaths(base,md5)
-            return [
-                File.join(base, md5),
-                File.join(base, md5, "contents"),
-                File.join(base, md5, "paths")
-            ]
-        end
-        # this doesn't work for relative paths
-        def self.paths(base,md5)
-            dir = File.join(md5[0..7].split(""))
-            basedir = File.join(base, dir, md5)
-            return [
-                basedir,
-                File.join(basedir, "contents"),
-                File.join(basedir, "paths")
-            ]
-        end
-        # Should we check each file as it comes in to make sure the md5
-        # sums match?  Defaults to false.
-        def conflict_check?
-            @confictchk
-        end
         def initialize(hash)
-            if hash.include?(:ConflictCheck)
-                @conflictchk = hash[:ConflictCheck]
-                hash.delete(:ConflictCheck)
-            else
-                @conflictchk = false
-            end
-            if hash.include?(:Path)
-                @path = hash[:Path]
-                hash.delete(:Path)
-            else
-                if defined? Puppet
-                    @path = Puppet[:bucketdir]
-                else
-                    @path = File.expand_path("~/.filebucket")
-                end
-            end
-            Puppet.settings.use(:filebucket)
+            @path = hash[:Path] || Puppet[:bucketdir]
             @name = "Filebucket[#{@path}]"
@@ -75,60 +29,14 @@ class Puppet::Network::Handler # :nodoc:
             if client
                 contents = Base64.decode64(contents)
-            md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(contents)
-            bpath, bfile, pathpath = FileBucket.paths(@path,md5)
-            # If the file already exists, just return the md5 sum.
-            if FileTest.exists?(bfile)
-                # If verification is enabled, then make sure the text matches.
-                if conflict_check?
-                    verify(contents, md5, bfile)
-                end
-                return md5
-            end
-            # Make the directories if necessary.
-            unless FileTest.directory?(bpath)
-                Puppet::Util.withumask(0007) do
-                    FileUtils.mkdir_p(bpath)
-                end
-            end
-            # Write the file to disk.
-            msg = "Adding %s(%s)" % [path, md5]
-            msg += " from #{client}" if client
-            self.info msg
-            # ...then just create the file
-            Puppet::Util.withumask(0007) do
-                File.open(bfile, File::WRONLY|File::CREAT, 0440) { |of|
-                    of.print contents
-                }
-            end
-            # Write the path to the paths file.
-            add_path(path, pathpath)
-            return md5
+            bucket = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(contents)
+            return bucket.save
         # Return the contents associated with a given md5 sum.
         def getfile(md5, client = nil, clientip = nil)
-            bpath, bfile, bpaths = FileBucket.paths(@path,md5)
-            unless FileTest.exists?(bfile)
-                # Try the old flat style.
-                bpath, bfile, bpaths = FileBucket.oldpaths(@path,md5)
-                unless FileTest.exists?(bfile)
-                    return false
-                end
-            end
-            contents = nil
-            File.open(bfile) { |of|
-                contents = of.read
-            }
+            bucket = Puppet::FileBucket::File.find("md5:#{md5}")
+            contents = bucket.contents
             if client
                 return Base64.encode64(contents)
@@ -137,46 +45,9 @@ class Puppet::Network::Handler # :nodoc:
-        def paths(md5)
-            self.class(@path, md5)
-        end
         def to_s
-        private
-        # Add our path to the paths file if necessary.
-        def add_path(path, file)
-            if FileTest.exists?(file)
-                File.open(file) { |of|
-                    return if of.readlines.collect { |l| l.chomp }.include?(path)
-                }
-            end
-            # if it's a new file, or if our path isn't in the file yet, add it
-            File.open(file, File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::APPEND) { |of|
-                of.puts path
-            }
-        end
-        # If conflict_check is enabled, verify that the passed text is
-        # the same as the text in our file.
-        def verify(content, md5, bfile)
-            curfile = File.read(bfile)
-            # If the contents don't match, then we've found a conflict.
-            # Unlikely, but quite bad.
-            if curfile != contents
-                raise(BucketError,
-                    "Got passed new contents for sum %s" % md5, caller)
-            else
-                msg = "Got duplicate %s(%s)" % [path, md5]
-                msg += " from #{client}" if client
-                self.info msg
-            end
-        end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/network/http/handler.rb b/lib/puppet/network/http/handler.rb
index 444fbf7..01ca650 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/network/http/handler.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/network/http/handler.rb
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ module Puppet::Network::HTTP::Handler
     # LAK:NOTE This has to be here for testing; it's a stub-point so
     # we keep infinite recursion from happening.
     def save_object(ind_request, object)
-        object.save(ind_request.to_hash)
+        object.save(ind_request)
     def get?(request)
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/filebucket.rb b/lib/puppet/type/filebucket.rb
index 468f926..4754e9f 100755
--- a/lib/puppet/type/filebucket.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/filebucket.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 module Puppet
-    require 'puppet/network/client'
+    require 'puppet/file_bucket/dipper'
     newtype(:filebucket) do
         @doc = "A repository for backing up files.  If no filebucket is
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ module Puppet
-                @bucket = Puppet::Network::Client.client(:Dipper).new(args)
+                @bucket = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(args)
             rescue => detail
                 puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:trace]
                 self.fail("Could not create %s filebucket: %s" % [type, detail])
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/tidy.rb b/lib/puppet/type/tidy.rb
index 3d7190c..830f476 100755
--- a/lib/puppet/type/tidy.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/tidy.rb
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:tidy) do
         # only allow backing up into filebuckets
-        unless self[:backup].is_a? Puppet::Network::Client.dipper
+        unless self[:backup].is_a? Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper
             self[:backup] = false
diff --git a/spec/integration/checksum.rb b/spec/integration/checksum.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 49ae8d2..0000000
--- a/spec/integration/checksum.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#  Created by Luke Kanies on 2007-9-22.
-#  Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved.
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
-require 'puppet/checksum'
-describe Puppet::Checksum, " when using the file terminus" do
-    before do
-        Puppet.settings.stubs(:use)
-        Puppet::Checksum.terminus_class = :file
-        @content = "this is some content"
-        @sum = Puppet::Checksum.new(@content)
-        @file = Puppet::Checksum.indirection.terminus.path(@sum.checksum)
-    end
-    it "should store content at a path determined by its checksum" do
-        File.stubs(:directory?).returns(true)
-        filehandle = mock 'filehandle'
-        filehandle.expects(:print).with(@content)
-        File.expects(:open).with(@file, "w").yields(filehandle)
-        @sum.save
-    end
-    it "should retrieve stored content when the checksum is provided as the key" do
-        File.stubs(:exist?).returns(true)
-        File.expects(:read).with(@file).returns(@content)
-        newsum = Puppet::Checksum.find(@sum.checksum)
-        newsum.content.should == @content
-    end
-    it "should remove specified files when asked" do
-        File.stubs(:exist?).returns(true)
-        File.expects(:unlink).with(@file)
-        Puppet::Checksum.destroy(@sum.name)
-    end
-    after do
-        Puppet.settings.clear
-    end
diff --git a/spec/integration/indirector/certificate/rest.rb b/spec/integration/indirector/bucket_file/rest.rb
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 71%
copy from spec/integration/indirector/certificate/rest.rb
copy to spec/integration/indirector/bucket_file/rest.rb
index 8042f86..296b03e
--- a/spec/integration/indirector/certificate/rest.rb
+++ b/spec/integration/indirector/bucket_file/rest.rb
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f) : Dir.chdir("..") { s.call(f) } }).call("spec/spec_helper.rb") }
-require 'puppet/ssl/certificate'
+require 'puppet/file_bucket/file'
 require 'puppet/network/server'
 require 'puppet/network/http/webrick/rest'
-describe "Certificate REST Terminus" do
+describe "Filebucket REST Terminus" do
     before do
         Puppet[:masterport] = 34343
         Puppet[:server] = "localhost"
@@ -34,20 +34,21 @@ describe "Certificate REST Terminus" do
         @host = Puppet::SSL::Host.new(Puppet[:certname])
-        @params = { :port => 34343, :handlers => [ :certificate ] }
+        @params = { :port => 34343, :handlers => [ :file_bucket_file ] }
         @server = Puppet::Network::Server.new(@params)
-        # Then switch to a remote CA, so that we go through REST.
-        Puppet::SSL::Host.ca_location = :remote
+        @old_terminus = Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.terminus_class
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.terminus_class = :rest
         # LAK:NOTE We need to have a fake model here so that our indirected methods get
         # passed through REST; otherwise we'd be stubbing 'find', which would cause an immediate
         # return.
-        @mock_model = stub('faked model', :name => "certificate")
+        @file_bucket_file = stub_everything 'file_bucket_file'
+        @mock_model = stub('faked model', :name => "file_bucket_file", :convert_from => @file_bucket_file)
-        Puppet::Network::HTTP::WEBrickREST.any_instance.stubs(:check_authorization).returns(true)
+        Puppet::Network::HTTP::WEBrickREST.any_instance.stubs(:check_authorization)
     after do
@@ -55,14 +56,13 @@ describe "Certificate REST Terminus" do
         Puppet::SSL::Host.ca_location = :none
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.terminus_class = @old_terminus
-    it "should be able to retrieve a remote certificate" do
-        @mock_model.expects(:find).returns @host.certificate
-        result = Puppet::SSL::Certificate.find('bar')
+    it "should be able save a file to the remote filebucket" do
+        @file_bucket_file.expects(:save)
-        # There's no good '==' method on certs.
-        result.content.to_s.should == @host.certificate.content.to_s
-        result.name.should == "bar"
+        file_bucket_file = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new("pouet")
+        file_bucket_file.save()
diff --git a/spec/integration/network/client.rb b/spec/integration/network/client.rb
index 9707637..fe1524e 100755
--- a/spec/integration/network/client.rb
+++ b/spec/integration/network/client.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
 require 'puppet/network/client'
 describe Puppet::Network::Client do
-    %w{ca dipper file report resource runner status}.each do |name|
+    %w{ca file report resource runner status}.each do |name|
         it "should have a #{name} client" do
             Puppet::Network::Client.client(name).should be_instance_of(Class)
diff --git a/spec/unit/application/filebucket.rb b/spec/unit/application/filebucket.rb
index e87bab4..f78c0b7 100644
--- a/spec/unit/application/filebucket.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/application/filebucket.rb
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ describe "Filebucket" do
-            Puppet::Network::Client.dipper.stubs(:new)
+            Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.stubs(:new)
@@ -106,15 +106,15 @@ describe "Filebucket" do
             it "should create a client with the default bucket if none passed" do
-                Puppet::Network::Client::Dipper.expects(:new).with { |h| h[:Path] == "path" }
+                Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.expects(:new).with { |h| h[:Path] == "path" }
-            it "should create a local Client dipper with the given bucket" do
+            it "should create a local Dipper with the given bucket" do
-                Puppet::Network::Client::Dipper.expects(:new).with { |h| h[:Path] == "path" }
+                Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.expects(:new).with { |h| h[:Path] == "path" }
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ describe "Filebucket" do
             it "should create a remote Client to the configured server" do
-                Puppet::Network::Client::Dipper.expects(:new).with { |h| h[:Server] == "puppet.reductivelabs.com" }
+                Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.expects(:new).with { |h| h[:Server] == "puppet.reductivelabs.com" }
@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ describe "Filebucket" do
-            Puppet::Network::Client.dipper.stubs(:new)
+            Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.stubs(:new)
             @client = stub 'client'
-            Puppet::Network::Client::Dipper.stubs(:new).returns(@client)
+            Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.stubs(:new).returns(@client)
diff --git a/spec/unit/application/main.rb b/spec/unit/application/main.rb
index 74c40c1..ea8c43f 100755
--- a/spec/unit/application/main.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/application/main.rb
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ describe "Puppet" do
-            Puppet::Network::Client.dipper.stubs(:new)
+            Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.stubs(:new)
diff --git a/spec/unit/file_bucket/file.rb b/spec/unit/file_bucket/file.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76f8e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/file_bucket/file.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require ::File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
+require 'puppet/file_bucket/file'
+require 'digest/md5'
+require 'digest/sha1'
+describe Puppet::FileBucket::File do
+    before do
+        # this is the default from spec_helper, but it keeps getting reset at odd times
+        Puppet[:bucketdir] = "/dev/null/bucket"
+        @digest = "4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0"
+        @checksum = "md5:4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0"
+        @dir = '/dev/null/bucket/4/a/8/e/c/4/f/a/4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0'
+        @contents = "file contents"
+    end
+    it "should save a file" do
+        ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns false
+        ::File.expects(:directory?).with(@dir).returns false
+        ::FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).with(@dir)
+        ::File.expects(:open).with("#{@dir}/contents",  ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT, 0440)
+        bucketfile = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents)
+        bucketfile.save
+    end
+    describe "using the indirector's find method" do
+        it "should return nil if a file doesn't exist" do
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns false
+            bucketfile = Puppet::FileBucket::File.find("md5:#{@digest}")
+            bucketfile.should == nil
+        end
+        it "should find a filebucket if the file exists" do
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns true
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/paths").returns false
+            ::File.expects(:read).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns @contents
+            bucketfile = Puppet::FileBucket::File.find("md5:#{@digest}")
+            bucketfile.should_not == nil
+        end
+        describe "using RESTish digest notation" do
+            it "should return nil if a file doesn't exist" do
+                ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns false
+                bucketfile = Puppet::FileBucket::File.find("md5/#{@digest}")
+                bucketfile.should == nil
+            end
+            it "should find a filebucket if the file exists" do
+                ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns true
+                ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/paths").returns false
+                ::File.expects(:read).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns @contents
+                bucketfile = Puppet::FileBucket::File.find("md5/#{@digest}")
+                bucketfile.should_not == nil
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    it "should have a to_s method to return the contents" do
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents).to_s.should == @contents
+    end
+    it "should have a method that returns the digest algorithm" do
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents, :checksum => @checksum).checksum_type.should == :md5
+    end
+    it "should allow contents to be specified in a block" do
+        bucket = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(nil) do |fb|
+            fb.contents = "content"
+        end
+        bucket.contents.should == "content"
+    end
+    it "should raise an error if changing content" do
+        x = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new("first")
+        proc { x.contents = "new" }.should raise_error
+    end
+    it "should require contents to be a string" do
+        proc { Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(5) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+    end
+    it "should raise an error if setting contents to a non-string" do
+        proc do
+            Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(nil) do |x|
+                x.contents = 5
+            end
+        end.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+    end
+    it "should set the contents appropriately" do
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents).contents.should == @contents
+    end
+    it "should calculate the checksum" do
+        Digest::MD5.expects(:hexdigest).with(@contents).returns('mychecksum')
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents).checksum.should == 'md5:mychecksum'
+    end
+    it "should remove the old checksum value if the algorithm is changed" do
+        Digest::MD5.expects(:hexdigest).with(@contents).returns('oldsum')
+        sum = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents)
+        oldsum = sum.checksum
+        sum.checksum_type = :sha1
+        Digest::SHA1.expects(:hexdigest).with(@contents).returns('newsum')
+        sum.checksum.should == 'sha1:newsum'
+    end
+    it "should default to 'md5' as the checksum algorithm if the algorithm is not in the name" do
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents).checksum_type.should == :md5
+    end
+    it "should support specifying the checksum_type during initialization" do
+        sum = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents, :checksum_type => :sha1)
+        sum.checksum_type.should == :sha1
+    end
+    it "should fail when an unsupported checksum_type is used" do
+        proc { Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents, :checksum_type => :nope) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+    end
+    it "should fail if given an invalid checksum at initialization" do
+        proc { Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents, :checksum => "md5:00000000000000000000000000000000") }.should raise_error(RuntimeError)
+    end
+    it "should fail if assigned an invalid checksum " do
+        bucket = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents)
+        proc { bucket.checksum = "md5:00000000000000000000000000000000" }.should raise_error(RuntimeError)
+    end
+    it "should accept checksum_data without a prefix" do
+        bucket = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents)
+        bucket.checksum_data = @digest
+    end
+    describe "when using back-ends" do
+        it "should redirect using Puppet::Indirector" do
+            Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.instance(:file_bucket_file).model.should equal(Puppet::FileBucket::File)
+        end
+        it "should have a :save instance method" do
+            Puppet::FileBucket::File.new("mysum").should respond_to(:save)
+        end
+        it "should respond to :find" do
+            Puppet::FileBucket::File.should respond_to(:find)
+        end
+        it "should respond to :destroy" do
+            Puppet::FileBucket::File.should respond_to(:destroy)
+        end
+    end
+    describe "when saving files" do
+        it "should save the contents to the calculated path" do
+            ::File.stubs(:directory?).with(@dir).returns(true)
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns false
+            mockfile = mock "file"
+            mockfile.expects(:print).with(@contents)
+            ::File.expects(:open).with("#{@dir}/contents", ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT, 0440).yields(mockfile)
+            Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents).save
+        end
+        it "should make any directories necessary for storage" do
+            FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).with do |arg|
+                ::File.umask == 0007 and arg == @dir
+            end
+            ::File.expects(:directory?).with(@dir).returns(false)
+            ::File.expects(:open).with("#{@dir}/contents", ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT, 0440)
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns false
+            Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents).save
+        end
+    end
+    it "should accept a path" do
+        remote_path = '/path/on/the/remote/box'
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents, :path => remote_path).path.should == remote_path
+    end
+    it "should append the path to the paths file" do
+        remote_path = '/path/on/the/remote/box'
+        ::File.expects(:directory?).with(@dir).returns(true)
+        ::File.expects(:open).with("#{@dir}/contents", ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT, 0440)
+        ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns false
+        mockfile = mock "file"
+        mockfile.expects(:puts).with('/path/on/the/remote/box')
+        ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/paths").returns false
+        ::File.expects(:open).with("#{@dir}/paths", ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT|::File::APPEND).yields mockfile
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents, :path => remote_path).save
+    end
+    it "should return a url-ish name" do
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents).name.should == "md5/4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0"
+    end
+    it "should reject a url-ish name with an invalid checksum" do
+        bucket = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents)
+        lambda { bucket.name = "sha1/4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0/new/path" }.should raise_error
+    end
+    it "should accept a url-ish name" do
+        bucket = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents)
+        lambda { bucket.name = "sha1/034fa2ed8e211e4d20f20e792d777f4a30af1a93/new/path" }.should_not raise_error
+        bucket.checksum_type.should == :sha1
+        bucket.checksum_data.should == '034fa2ed8e211e4d20f20e792d777f4a30af1a93'
+        bucket.path.should == "new/path"
+    end
+    it "should return a url-ish name with a path" do
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents, :path => 'my/path').name.should == "md5/4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0/my/path"
+    end
+    it "should convert the contents to PSON" do
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(@contents).to_pson.should == '{"contents":"file contents"}'
+    end
+    it "should load from PSON" do
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.from_pson({"contents"=>"file contents"}).contents.should == "file contents"
+    end
diff --git a/spec/unit/indirector/file_bucket_file/file.rb b/spec/unit/indirector/file_bucket_file/file.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0df530d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/indirector/file_bucket_file/file.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require ::File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
+require 'puppet/indirector/file_bucket_file/file'
+describe Puppet::FileBucketFile::File do
+    it "should be a subclass of the Code terminus class" do
+        Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.superclass.should equal(Puppet::Indirector::Code)
+    end
+    it "should have documentation" do
+        Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.doc.should be_instance_of(String)
+    end
+    describe "when initializing" do
+        it "should use the filebucket settings section" do
+            Puppet.settings.expects(:use).with(:filebucket)
+            Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new
+        end
+    end
+    describe "the find_by_checksum method" do
+        before do
+            # this is the default from spec_helper, but it keeps getting reset at odd times
+            Puppet[:bucketdir] = "/dev/null/bucket"
+            @digest = "4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0"
+            @checksum = "md5:4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0"
+            @dir = '/dev/null/bucket/4/a/8/e/c/4/f/a/4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0'
+            @contents = "file contents"
+        end
+        it "should return nil if a file doesn't exist" do
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns false
+            bucketfile = Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:find_by_checksum, "md5:#{@digest}")
+            bucketfile.should == nil
+        end
+        it "should find a filebucket if the file exists" do
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns true
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/paths").returns false
+            ::File.expects(:read).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns @contents
+            bucketfile = Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:find_by_checksum, "md5:#{@digest}")
+            bucketfile.should_not == nil
+        end
+        it "should load the paths" do
+            paths = ["path1", "path2"]
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns true
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/paths").returns true
+            ::File.expects(:read).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns @contents
+            mockfile = mock "file"
+            mockfile.expects(:readlines).returns( paths )
+            ::File.expects(:open).with("#{@dir}/paths").yields mockfile
+            Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:find_by_checksum, "md5:#{@digest}").paths.should == paths
+        end
+    end
+    describe "when retrieving files" do
+        before :each do
+            Puppet.settings.stubs(:use)
+            @store = Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new
+            @digest = "70924d6fa4b2d745185fa4660703a5c0"
+            @sum = stub 'sum', :name => @digest
+            @dir = "/what/ever"
+            Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:bucketdir).returns(@dir)
+            @contents_path = '/what/ever/7/0/9/2/4/d/6/f/70924d6fa4b2d745185fa4660703a5c0/contents'
+            @paths_path    = '/what/ever/7/0/9/2/4/d/6/f/70924d6fa4b2d745185fa4660703a5c0/paths'
+            @request = stub 'request', :key => "md5/#{@digest}/remote/path"
+        end
+        it "should call find_by_checksum" do
+            @store.expects(:find_by_checksum).with("md5:#{@digest}").returns(false)
+            @store.find(@request)
+        end
+        it "should look for the calculated path" do
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with(@contents_path).returns(false)
+            @store.find(@request)
+        end
+        it "should return an instance of Puppet::FileBucket::File created with the content if the file exists" do
+            content = "my content"
+            bucketfile = stub 'bucketfile'
+            bucketfile.stubs(:bucket_path)
+            bucketfile.stubs(:checksum_data).returns(@digest)
+            bucketfile.stubs(:checksum).returns(@checksum)
+            bucketfile.expects(:contents=).with(content)
+            Puppet::FileBucket::File.expects(:new).with(nil, {:checksum => "md5:#{@digest}"}).yields(bucketfile).returns(bucketfile)
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with(@contents_path).returns(true)
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with(@paths_path).returns(false)
+            ::File.expects(:read).with(@contents_path).returns(content)
+            @store.find(@request).should equal(bucketfile)
+        end
+        it "should return nil if no file is found" do
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with(@contents_path).returns(false)
+            @store.find(@request).should be_nil
+        end
+        it "should fail intelligently if a found file cannot be read" do
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with(@contents_path).returns(true)
+            ::File.expects(:read).with(@contents_path).raises(RuntimeError)
+            proc { @store.find(@request) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+        end
+    end
+    describe "when determining file paths" do
+        before do
+            Puppet[:bucketdir] = '/dev/null/bucketdir'
+            @digest = 'DEADBEEFC0FFEE'
+            @bucket = stub_everything "bucket"
+            @bucket.expects(:checksum_data).returns(@digest)
+        end
+        it "should use the value of the :bucketdir setting as the root directory" do
+            path = Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:contents_path_for, @bucket)
+            path.should =~ %r{^/dev/null/bucketdir}
+        end
+        it "should choose a path 8 directories deep with each directory name being the respective character in the filebucket" do
+            path = Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:contents_path_for, @bucket)
+            dirs = @digest[0..7].split("").join(File::SEPARATOR)
+            path.should be_include(dirs)
+        end
+        it "should use the full filebucket as the final directory name" do
+            path = Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:contents_path_for, @bucket)
+            ::File.basename(::File.dirname(path)).should == @digest
+        end
+        it "should use 'contents' as the actual file name" do
+            path = Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:contents_path_for, @bucket)
+            ::File.basename(path).should == "contents"
+        end
+        it "should use the bucketdir, the 8 sum character directories, the full filebucket, and 'contents' as the full file name" do
+            path = Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:contents_path_for, @bucket)
+            path.should == ['/dev/null/bucketdir', @digest[0..7].split(""), @digest, "contents"].flatten.join(::File::SEPARATOR)
+         end
+    end
+    describe "when saving files" do
+        before do
+            # this is the default from spec_helper, but it keeps getting reset at odd times
+            Puppet[:bucketdir] = "/dev/null/bucket"
+            @digest = "4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0"
+            @checksum = "md5:4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0"
+            @dir = '/dev/null/bucket/4/a/8/e/c/4/f/a/4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0'
+            @contents = "file contents"
+            @bucket = stub "bucket file"
+            @bucket.stubs(:bucket_path)
+            @bucket.stubs(:checksum_data).returns(@digest)
+            @bucket.stubs(:path).returns(nil)
+            @bucket.stubs(:contents).returns("file contents")
+        end
+        it "should save the contents to the calculated path" do
+            ::File.stubs(:directory?).with(@dir).returns(true)
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns false
+            mockfile = mock "file"
+            mockfile.expects(:print).with(@contents)
+            ::File.expects(:open).with("#{@dir}/contents", ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT, 0440).yields(mockfile)
+            Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:save_to_disk, @bucket)
+        end
+        it "should make any directories necessary for storage" do
+            FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).with do |arg|
+                ::File.umask == 0007 and arg == @dir
+            end
+            ::File.expects(:directory?).with(@dir).returns(false)
+            ::File.expects(:open).with("#{@dir}/contents", ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT, 0440)
+            ::File.expects(:exist?).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns false
+            Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:save_to_disk, @bucket)
+        end
+    end
+    describe "when verifying identical files" do
+        before do
+            # this is the default from spec_helper, but it keeps getting reset at odd times
+            Puppet[:bucketdir] = "/dev/null/bucket"
+            @digest = "4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0"
+            @checksum = "md5:4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0"
+            @dir = '/dev/null/bucket/4/a/8/e/c/4/f/a/4a8ec4fa5f01b4ab1a0ab8cbccb709f0'
+            @contents = "file contents"
+            @bucket = stub "bucket file"
+            @bucket.stubs(:bucket_path)
+            @bucket.stubs(:checksum).returns(@checksum)
+            @bucket.stubs(:checksum_data).returns(@digest)
+            @bucket.stubs(:path).returns(nil)
+            @bucket.stubs(:contents).returns("file contents")
+        end
+        it "should raise an error if the files don't match" do
+            File.expects(:read).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns("corrupt contents")
+            lambda{ Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:verify_identical_file!, @bucket) }.should raise_error(Puppet::FileBucket::BucketError)
+        end
+        it "should do nothing if the files match" do
+            File.expects(:read).with("#{@dir}/contents").returns("file contents")
+            Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:verify_identical_file!, @bucket)
+        end
+    end
+    describe "when writing to the paths file" do
+        before do
+            Puppet[:bucketdir] = '/dev/null/bucketdir'
+            @digest = '70924d6fa4b2d745185fa4660703a5c0'
+            @bucket = stub_everything "bucket"
+            @paths_path    = '/dev/null/bucketdir/7/0/9/2/4/d/6/f/70924d6fa4b2d745185fa4660703a5c0/paths'
+            @paths = []
+            @bucket.stubs(:paths).returns(@paths)
+            @bucket.stubs(:checksum_data).returns(@digest)
+        end
+        it "should create a file if it doesn't exist" do
+            @bucket.expects(:path).returns('path/to/save').at_least_once
+            File.expects(:exist?).with(@paths_path).returns(false)
+            file = stub "file"
+            file.expects(:puts).with('path/to/save')
+            File.expects(:open).with(@paths_path, ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT|::File::APPEND).yields(file)
+            Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:save_path_to_paths_file, @bucket)
+        end
+        it "should append to a file if it exists" do
+            @bucket.expects(:path).returns('path/to/save').at_least_once
+            File.expects(:exist?).with(@paths_path).returns(true)
+            old_file = stub "file"
+            old_file.stubs(:readlines).returns []
+            File.expects(:open).with(@paths_path).yields(old_file)
+            file = stub "file"
+            file.expects(:puts).with('path/to/save')
+            File.expects(:open).with(@paths_path, ::File::WRONLY|::File::CREAT|::File::APPEND).yields(file)
+            Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:save_path_to_paths_file, @bucket)
+        end
+        it "should not alter a file if it already contains the path" do
+            @bucket.expects(:path).returns('path/to/save').at_least_once
+            File.expects(:exist?).with(@paths_path).returns(true)
+            old_file = stub "file"
+            old_file.stubs(:readlines).returns ["path/to/save\n"]
+            File.expects(:open).with(@paths_path).yields(old_file)
+            Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:save_path_to_paths_file, @bucket)
+        end
+        it "should do nothing if there is no path" do
+            @bucket.expects(:path).returns(nil).at_least_once
+            Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.send(:save_path_to_paths_file, @bucket)
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/spec/unit/indirector/status/rest.rb b/spec/unit/indirector/file_bucket_file/rest.rb
similarity index 57%
copy from spec/unit/indirector/status/rest.rb
copy to spec/unit/indirector/file_bucket_file/rest.rb
index 8f803a2..3aacd3c 100755
--- a/spec/unit/indirector/status/rest.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/indirector/file_bucket_file/rest.rb
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f) : Dir.chdir("..") { s.call(f) } }).call("spec/spec_helper.rb") }
-require 'puppet/indirector/status/rest'
+require 'puppet/indirector/file_bucket_file/rest'
-describe Puppet::Indirector::Status::Rest do
+describe Puppet::FileBucketFile::Rest do
     it "should be a sublcass of Puppet::Indirector::REST" do
-        Puppet::Indirector::Status::Rest.superclass.should equal(Puppet::Indirector::REST)
+        Puppet::FileBucketFile::Rest.superclass.should equal(Puppet::Indirector::REST)
diff --git a/spec/unit/indirector/indirection.rb b/spec/unit/indirector/indirection.rb
index ca2a412..02d04a3 100755
--- a/spec/unit/indirector/indirection.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/indirector/indirection.rb
@@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ describe Puppet::Indirector::Indirection do
                 @indirection.request(:funtest, "yayness", :one => :two)
-            it "should default to the arguments being nil" do
-                Puppet::Indirector::Request.expects(:new).with { |name, method, key, args| args.nil? }
+            it "should default to the arguments being empty" do
+                Puppet::Indirector::Request.expects(:new).with { |name, method, key, args| args == {} }
                 @indirection.request(:funtest, "yayness")
diff --git a/spec/unit/indirector/request.rb b/spec/unit/indirector/request.rb
index 848a608..b885779 100755
--- a/spec/unit/indirector/request.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/indirector/request.rb
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ describe Puppet::Indirector::Request do
                 Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:ind, :method, "http://host/stuff").port.should == 80
-            it "should set the request key to the unescaped unqualified path from the URI" do
-                Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:ind, :method, "http:///stuff with spaces").key.should == "stuff with spaces"
+            it "should set the request key to the unescaped key part path from the URI" do
+                Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:ind, :method, "http://host/environment/terminus/stuff with spaces").key.should == "stuff with spaces"
             it "should set the :uri attribute to the full URI" do
diff --git a/spec/unit/network/client/dipper.rb b/spec/unit/network/client/dipper.rb
index d1631fb..7d8b3da 100755
--- a/spec/unit/network/client/dipper.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/network/client/dipper.rb
@@ -2,15 +2,109 @@
 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
-describe Puppet::Network::Client.dipper do
+require 'puppet/file_bucket/dipper'
+describe Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper do
     it "should fail in an informative way when there are failures backing up to the server" do
-        FileTest.stubs(:exists?).returns true
+        File.stubs(:exists?).returns true
         File.stubs(:read).returns "content"
-        @dipper = Puppet::Network::Client::Dipper.new(:Path => "/my/bucket")
+        @dipper = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(:Path => "/my/bucket")
-        @dipper.driver.expects(:addfile).raises ArgumentError
+        filemock = stub "bucketfile"
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.stubs(:new).returns(filemock)
+        filemock.expects(:name).returns "name"
+        filemock.expects(:save).raises ArgumentError
         lambda { @dipper.backup("/my/file") }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+    it "should backup files to a local bucket" do
+        @dipper = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(
+            :Path => "/my/bucket"
+        )
+        File.stubs(:exists?).returns true
+        File.stubs(:read).with("/my/file").returns "my contents"
+        req = stub "req"
+        bucketfile = stub "bucketfile"
+        bucketfile.stubs(:name).returns('md5/DIGEST123')
+        bucketfile.stubs(:checksum_data).returns("DIGEST123")
+        bucketfile.expects(:save).with(req)
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.stubs(:new).with(
+            "my contents",
+            :bucket_path => '/my/bucket',
+            :path => '/my/file'
+        ).returns(bucketfile)
+        Puppet::Indirector::Request.stubs(:new).with(:file_bucket_file, :save, 'md5/DIGEST123').returns(req)
+        @dipper.backup("/my/file").should == "DIGEST123"
+    end
+    it "should retrieve files from a local bucket" do
+        @dipper = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(
+            :Path => "/my/bucket"
+        )
+        File.stubs(:exists?).returns true
+        File.stubs(:read).with("/my/file").returns "my contents"
+        bucketfile = stub "bucketfile"
+        bucketfile.stubs(:to_s).returns "Content"
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.expects(:find).with(
+            'md5/DIGEST123'
+        ).returns(bucketfile)
+        @dipper.getfile("DIGEST123").should == "Content"
+    end
+    it "should backup files to a remote server" do
+        @dipper = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(
+            :Server => "puppetmaster",
+            :Port   => "31337"
+        )
+        File.stubs(:exists?).returns true
+        File.stubs(:read).with("/my/file").returns "my contents"
+        req = stub "req"
+        bucketfile = stub "bucketfile"
+        bucketfile.stubs(:name).returns('md5/DIGEST123')
+        bucketfile.stubs(:checksum_data).returns("DIGEST123")
+        bucketfile.expects(:save).with(req)
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.stubs(:new).with(
+            "my contents",
+            :bucket_path => nil,
+            :path => '/my/file'
+        ).returns(bucketfile)
+        Puppet::Indirector::Request.stubs(:new).with(:file_bucket_file, :save, 'https://puppetmaster:31337/production/file_bucket_file/md5/DIGEST123').returns(req)
+        @dipper.backup("/my/file").should == "DIGEST123"
+    end
+    it "should retrieve files from a remote server" do
+        @dipper = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(
+            :Server => "puppetmaster",
+            :Port   => "31337"
+        )
+        File.stubs(:exists?).returns true
+        File.stubs(:read).with("/my/file").returns "my contents"
+        bucketfile = stub "bucketfile"
+        bucketfile.stubs(:to_s).returns "Content"
+        Puppet::FileBucket::File.expects(:find).with(
+            'https://puppetmaster:31337/production/file_bucket_file/md5/DIGEST123'
+        ).returns(bucketfile)
+        @dipper.getfile("DIGEST123").should == "Content"
+    end
diff --git a/spec/unit/network/http/handler.rb b/spec/unit/network/http/handler.rb
index 5598121..2218a0a 100755
--- a/spec/unit/network/http/handler.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/network/http/handler.rb
@@ -402,10 +402,7 @@ describe Puppet::Network::HTTP::Handler do
             it "should use a common method for determining the request parameters" do
-                @irequest.stubs(:to_hash).returns(:foo => :baz, :bar => :xyzzy)
-                @model_instance.expects(:save).with do |args|
-                    args[:foo] == :baz and args[:bar] == :xyzzy
-                end
+                @model_instance.expects(:save).with(@irequest)
                 @handler.do_save(@irequest, @request, @response)
diff --git a/spec/unit/other/checksum.rb b/spec/unit/other/checksum.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 6a63e83..0000000
--- a/spec/unit/other/checksum.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#  Created by Luke Kanies on 2007-9-22.
-#  Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved.
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
-require 'puppet/checksum'
-describe Puppet::Checksum do
-    it "should have 'Checksum' and the checksum algorithm when converted to a string" do
-        inst = Puppet::Checksum.new("whatever", "md5")
-        inst.to_s.should == "Checksum<{md5}#{inst.checksum}>"
-    end
-    it "should convert algorithm names to symbols when they are set after checksum creation" do
-        sum = Puppet::Checksum.new("whatever")
-        sum.algorithm = "md5"
-        sum.algorithm.should == :md5
-    end
-    it "should return the checksum as the name" do
-        sum = Puppet::Checksum.new("whatever")
-        sum.checksum.should == sum.name
-    end
-describe Puppet::Checksum, " when initializing" do
-    before do
-        @content = "this is some content"
-        @sum = Puppet::Checksum.new(@content)
-    end
-    it "should require content" do
-        proc { Puppet::Checksum.new(nil) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
-    end
-    it "should set the content appropriately" do
-        @sum.content.should == @content
-    end
-    it "should calculate the checksum" do
-        require 'digest/md5'
-        Digest::MD5.expects(:hexdigest).with(@content).returns(:mychecksum)
-        @sum.checksum.should == :mychecksum
-    end
-    it "should not calculate the checksum until it is asked for" do
-        require 'digest/md5'
-        Digest::MD5.expects(:hexdigest).never
-        sum = Puppet::Checksum.new(@content, :md5)
-    end
-    it "should remove the old checksum value if the algorithm is changed" do
-        Digest::MD5.expects(:hexdigest).with(@content).returns(:oldsum)
-        oldsum = @sum.checksum
-        @sum.algorithm = :sha1
-        Digest::SHA1.expects(:hexdigest).with(@content).returns(:newsum)
-        @sum.checksum.should == :newsum
-    end
-    it "should default to 'md5' as the checksum algorithm if the algorithm is not in the name" do
-        @sum.algorithm.should == :md5
-    end
-    it "should support specifying the algorithm during initialization" do
-        sum = Puppet::Checksum.new(@content, :sha1)
-        sum.algorithm.should == :sha1
-    end
-    it "should fail when an unsupported algorithm is used" do
-        proc { Puppet::Checksum.new(@content, :nope) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
-    end
-describe Puppet::Checksum, " when using back-ends" do
-    it "should redirect using Puppet::Indirector" do
-        Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.instance(:checksum).model.should equal(Puppet::Checksum)
-    end
-    it "should have a :save instance method" do
-        Puppet::Checksum.new("mysum").should respond_to(:save)
-    end
-    it "should respond to :find" do
-        Puppet::Checksum.should respond_to(:find)
-    end
-    it "should respond to :destroy" do
-        Puppet::Checksum.should respond_to(:destroy)
-    end
diff --git a/spec/unit/type/file.rb b/spec/unit/type/file.rb
index afb050a..cedb170 100755
--- a/spec/unit/type/file.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/type/file.rb
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:file) do
         it "should be able to use the default filebucket without a catalog" do
             file = Puppet::Type::File.new(:name => "/my/file", :backup => "puppet")
-            file.bucket.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Network::Client::Dipper)
+            file.bucket.should be_instance_of(Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper)
         it "should look up the filebucket during finish()" do
diff --git a/spec/unit/type/filebucket.rb b/spec/unit/type/filebucket.rb
index 78bfa36..a0ff45a 100644
--- a/spec/unit/type/filebucket.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/type/filebucket.rb
@@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:filebucket) do
         it "should use any provided path" do
             bucket = Puppet::Type.type(:filebucket).new :name => "main", :path => "/foo/bar"
-            Puppet::Network::Client.client(:Dipper).expects(:new).with(:Path => "/foo/bar").returns @bucket
+            Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.expects(:new).with(:Path => "/foo/bar").returns @bucket
         it "should use any provided server and port" do
             bucket = Puppet::Type.type(:filebucket).new :name => "main", :server => "myserv", :port => "myport", :path => false
-            Puppet::Network::Client.client(:Dipper).expects(:new).with(:Server => "myserv", :Port => "myport").returns @bucket
+            Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.expects(:new).with(:Server => "myserv", :Port => "myport").returns @bucket
         it "should use the default server if the path is unset and no server is provided" do
             Puppet.settings[:server] = "myserv"
             bucket = Puppet::Type.type(:filebucket).new :name => "main", :path => false
-            Puppet::Network::Client.client(:Dipper).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:Server] == "myserv" }.returns @bucket
+            Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.expects(:new).with { |args| args[:Server] == "myserv" }.returns @bucket
diff --git a/test/network/client/dipper.rb b/test/network/client/dipper.rb
index 51494be..611ee73 100755
--- a/test/network/client/dipper.rb
+++ b/test/network/client/dipper.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class TestDipperClient < Test::Unit::TestCase
     def setup
-        @dipper = Puppet::Network::Client.dipper.new(:Path => tempfile)
+        @dipper = Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.new(:Path => tempfile)
     # Make sure we can create a new file with 'restore'.
diff --git a/test/network/handler/bucket.rb b/test/network/handler/bucket.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 24e70cf..0000000
--- a/test/network/handler/bucket.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/puppettest'
-require 'puppettest'
-require 'puppet/network/handler/filebucket'
-require 'base64'
-require 'mocha'
-class TestBucket < Test::Unit::TestCase
-    include PuppetTest::ServerTest
-    def out
-        if defined? @num
-            @num += 1
-        else
-            @num = 1
-        end
-        #Puppet.err "#{Process.pid}: %s: %s" % [@num, memory()]
-        #gcdebug(String)
-    end
-    # run through all of the files and exercise the filebucket methods
-    def checkfiles(client)
-        files = filelist()
-        # iterate across all of the files
-        files.each { |file|
-            Puppet.warning file
-            out
-            tempdir = tempfile()
-            Dir.mkdir(tempdir)
-            name = File.basename(file)
-            tmppath = File.join(tempdir,name)
-            @@tmpfiles << tmppath
-            out
-            # copy the files to our tmp directory so we can modify them...
-            FileUtils.cp(file, tmppath)
-            # make sure the copy worked
-            assert(FileTest.exists?(tmppath))
-            # backup both the orig file and the tmp file
-            osum = nil
-            tsum = nil
-            nsum = nil
-            out
-            assert_nothing_raised("Could not back up file") {
-                osum = client.backup(file)
-            }
-            out
-            assert_nothing_raised("Could not back up second file") {
-                tsum = client.backup(tmppath)
-            }
-            out
-            # verify you got the same sum back for both
-            assert(tsum == osum)
-            # modify our tmp file
-            unless FileTest.writable?(tmppath)
-                File.chmod(0644, tmppath)
-            end
-            File.open(tmppath,File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC) { |wf|
-                wf.print "This is some test text\n"
-            }
-            out
-            # back it up
-            assert_nothing_raised {
-                #STDERR.puts("backing up %s" % tmppath) if $debug
-                nsum = client.backup(tmppath)
-            }
-            out
-            # and verify the sum changed
-            assert(tsum != nsum)
-            # restore the orig
-            assert_nothing_raised {
-                nsum = client.restore(tmppath,tsum)
-            }
-            out
-            # and verify it actually got restored
-            contents = File.open(tmppath) { |rf|
-                #STDERR.puts("reading %s" % tmppath) if $debug
-                rf.read
-            }
-            out
-            csum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(contents)
-            out
-            assert(tsum == csum)
-        }
-    end
-    # a list of files that should be on the system
-    # just something to test moving files around
-    def filelist
-        if defined? @files
-            return @files
-        else
-            @files = []
-        end
-        %w{
-            who bash sh uname /etc/passwd /etc/syslog.conf /etc/hosts
-        }.each { |file|
-            # if it's fully qualified, just add it
-            if file =~ /^\//
-                if FileTest.exists?(file)
-                    @files.push file
-                end
-            else
-                # else if it's unqualified, look for it in our path
-                begin
-                    path = %x{which #{file}}
-                rescue => detail
-                    #STDERR.puts "Could not search for binaries: %s" % detail
-                    next
-                end
-                if path != ""
-                    @files.push path.chomp
-                end
-            end
-        }
-        return @files
-    end
-    def setup
-        super
-        @bucket = tempfile()
-    end
-    #def teardown
-    #    system("lsof -p %s" % Process.pid)
-    #    super
-    #end
-    # test operating against the local filebucket object
-    # this calls the direct server methods, which are different than the
-    # Dipper methods
-    def test_localserver
-        files = filelist()
-        server = nil
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            server = Puppet::Network::Handler.filebucket.new(
-                :Path => @bucket
-            )
-        }
-        # iterate across them...
-        files.each { |file|
-            contents = File.open(file) { |of| of.read }
-            md5 = nil
-            # add a file to the repository
-            assert_nothing_raised {
-                #STDERR.puts("adding %s" % file) if $debug
-                md5 = server.addfile(Base64.encode64(contents),file)
-            }
-            # and get it back again
-            newcontents = nil
-            assert_nothing_raised {
-                #STDERR.puts("getting %s" % file) if $debug
-                newcontents = Base64.decode64(server.getfile(md5))
-            }
-            # and then make sure they're still the same
-            assert(
-                contents == newcontents
-            )
-        }
-    end
-    # test with a server and a Dipper
-    def test_localboth
-        files = filelist()
-        bucket = nil
-        client = nil
-        threads = []
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            bucket = Puppet::Network::Handler.filebucket.new(
-                :Path => @bucket
-            )
-        }
-        #sleep(30)
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            client = Puppet::Network::Client.dipper.new(
-                :Bucket => bucket
-            )
-        }
-        #4.times { checkfiles(client) }
-        checkfiles(client)
-    end
-    def test_no_path_duplicates
-        bucket = nil
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            bucket = Puppet::Network::Handler.filebucket.new(
-                :Path => @bucket
-            )
-        }
-        sum = nil
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            sum = bucket.addfile("yayness", "/my/file")
-        }
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            bucket.addfile("yayness", "/my/file")
-        }
-        a, b, pathfile = bucket.class.paths(bucket.path, sum)
-        assert(FileTest.exists?(pathfile), "No path file at %s" % pathfile)
-        assert_equal("/my/file\n", File.read(pathfile))
-    end
-    # #447 -- a flat file structure just won't suffice.
-    def test_deeper_filestructure
-        bucket = Puppet::Network::Handler.filebucket.new(:Path => @bucket)
-        text = "this is some text"
-        md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(text)
-        olddir = File.join(@bucket, md5)
-        FileUtils.mkdir_p(olddir)
-        oldcontent = File.join(olddir, "contents")
-        File.open(oldcontent, "w") { |f| f.print text }
-        result = nil
-        assert_nothing_raised("Could not retrieve content from old structure") do
-            result = bucket.getfile(md5)
-        end
-        assert_equal(text, result, "old-style content is wrong")
-        text = "and this is some new text"
-        md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(text)
-        dirs = File.join(md5[0..7].split(""))
-        dir = File.join(@bucket, dirs, md5)
-        filedir, contents, paths = bucket.class.paths(@bucket, md5)
-        assert_equal(dir, filedir, "did not use a deeper file structure")
-        assert_equal(File.join(dir, "contents"), contents,
-            "content path is not the deeper version")
-        assert_equal(File.join(dir, "paths"), paths,
-            "paths file path is not the deeper version")
-        # Store our new text and make sure it gets stored in the new location
-        path = "/some/fake/path"
-        assert_nothing_raised("Could not store text") do
-            bucket.addfile(text, path)
-        end
-        assert(FileTest.exists?(contents), "did not create content file")
-        assert_equal(text, File.read(contents), "content is not right")
-        assert(FileTest.exists?(paths), "did not create paths file")
-        assert(File.read(paths).include?(path), "paths file does not contain path")
-        # And make sure we get it back out again
-        assert_nothing_raised("Could not retrieve new-style content") do
-            result = bucket.getfile(md5)
-        end
-        assert_equal(text, result, "did not retrieve new content correctly")
-    end
-    def test_add_path
-        bucket = Puppet::Network::Handler.filebucket.new(:Path => @bucket)
-        file = tempfile()
-        assert(! FileTest.exists?(file), "file already exists")
-        path = "/some/thing"
-        assert_nothing_raised("Could not add path") do
-            bucket.send(:add_path, path, file)
-        end
-        assert_equal(path + "\n", File.read(file), "path was not added")
-        assert_nothing_raised("Could not add path second time") do
-            bucket.send(:add_path, path, file)
-        end
-        assert_equal(path + "\n", File.read(file), "path was duplicated")
-        # Now try a new path
-        newpath = "/another/path"
-        assert_nothing_raised("Could not add path second time") do
-            bucket.send(:add_path, newpath, file)
-        end
-        text = [path, newpath].join("\n") + "\n"
-        assert_equal(text, File.read(file), "path was duplicated")
-        assert_nothing_raised("Could not add path third time") do
-            bucket.send(:add_path, path, file)
-        end
-        assert_equal(text, File.read(file), "path was duplicated")
-        assert_nothing_raised("Could not add second path second time") do
-            bucket.send(:add_path, newpath, file)
-        end
-        assert_equal(text, File.read(file), "path was duplicated")
-    end

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