[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, experimental, updated. debian/2.6.8-1-844-g7ec39d5

Markus Roberts Markus at reality.com
Tue May 10 08:01:35 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit ed49313c025131fa7a4697e834233a6e952ab6dd
Merge: 0d24ea3583c4cd6a4583f4788686a4f9e02cb994 3c4412128a50e41380108e5a90f2656329b84492
Author: Markus Roberts <Markus at reality.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 17 06:02:05 2010 -0800

    Merge branch 'ticket/next/4590' into next
                -- two unrelated additions had been made, kept them both.

diff --combined lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb
index bdce5ec,4a4f30a..1c35ae5
--- a/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb
@@@ -48,11 -48,16 +48,26 @@@ if RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.7
 +class Object
 +  # ActiveSupport 2.3.x mixes in a dangerous method
 +  # that can cause rspec to fork bomb
 +  # and other strange things like that.
 +  def daemonize
 +    raise NotImplementedError, "Kernel.daemonize is too dangerous, please don't try to use it."
 +  end
+ # Workaround for yaml_initialize, which isn't supported before Ruby
+ # 1.8.3.
+ if RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.1' || RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.2'
+   YAML.add_ruby_type( /^object/ ) { |tag, val|
+     type, obj_class = YAML.read_type_class( tag, Object )
+     r = YAML.object_maker( obj_class, val )
+     if r.respond_to? :yaml_initialize
+       r.instance_eval { instance_variables.each { |name| remove_instance_variable name } }
+       r.yaml_initialize(tag, val)
+     end
+     r
+   }
+ end
diff --combined spec/unit/util/zaml_spec.rb
index b223f89,2a9bc07..358c6aa
mode 100755,100644..100755
--- a/spec/unit/util/zaml_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/util/zaml_spec.rb
@@@ -11,8 -11,7 +11,8 @@@ describe "Pure ruby yaml implementation
    'test'       => "--- test",
    []           => "--- []",
    :symbol      => "--- !ruby/sym symbol",
 -  {:a => "A"}  => "--- \n  !ruby/sym a: A"
 +  {:a => "A"}  => "--- \n  !ruby/sym a: A",
 +  {:a => "x\ny"} => "--- \n  !ruby/sym a: |-\n    x\n    y" 
    }.each { |o,y|
      it "should convert the #{o.class} #{o.inspect} to yaml" do
        o.to_yaml.should == y
@@@ -35,30 -34,4 +35,29 @@@
        lambda { YAML.load(o.to_yaml) }.should_not raise_error
 +  it "should emit proper labels and backreferences for common objects" do
 +    # Note: this test makes assumptions about the names ZAML chooses
 +    # for labels.
 +    x = [1, 2]
 +    y = [3, 4]
 +    z = [x, y, x, y]
 +    z.to_yaml.should == "--- \n  - &id001\n    - 1\n    - 2\n  - &id002\n    - 3\n    - 4\n  - *id001\n  - *id002"
 +    z2 = YAML.load(z.to_yaml)
 +    z2.should == z
 +    z2[0].should equal(z2[2])
 +    z2[1].should equal(z2[3])
 +  end
 +  it "should emit proper labels and backreferences for recursive objects" do
 +    x = [1, 2]
 +    x << x
 +    x.to_yaml.should == "--- &id001\n  \n  - 1\n  - 2\n  - *id001"
 +    x2 = YAML.load(x.to_yaml)
 +    x2.should be_a(Array)
 +    x2.length.should == 3
 +    x2[0].should == 1
 +    x2[1].should == 2
 +    x2[2].should equal(x2)
 +  end

Puppet packaging for Debian

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