[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, experimental, updated. debian/2.6.8-1-844-g7ec39d5

Daniel Pittman daniel at puppetlabs.com
Tue May 10 08:13:51 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit 78e181e83d53a83a5c4e297d557b33f70a344039
Author: Daniel Pittman <daniel at puppetlabs.com>
Date:   Tue Apr 12 20:51:16 2011 -0700

    (#7059) handle inherited action binding scope
    We implemented the naive version of inheritance in the faces, in which an
    action declared on a superclass remains bound to that even when accessed
    from a subclass.
    As a consequence our visibility of options on inherited classes is actually
    much more limited than it should be, and the actions we inherit would never
    see the options they should correctly have.
    To fix this we correct the binding bug and handle lookup correctly over
    inheritance in our code.
    Reviewed-By: Pieter van de Bruggen <pieter at puppetlabs.com>

diff --git a/lib/puppet/interface/action.rb b/lib/puppet/interface/action.rb
index 302e619..db338e3 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/interface/action.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/interface/action.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,15 @@ class Puppet::Interface::Action
     attrs.each do |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) end
+  # This is not nice, but it is the easiest way to make us behave like the
+  # Ruby Method object rather than UnboundMethod.  Duplication is vaguely
+  # annoying, but at least we are a shallow clone. --daniel 2011-04-12
+  def __dup_and_rebind_to(to)
+    bound_version = self.dup
+    bound_version.instance_variable_set(:@face, to)
+    return bound_version
+  end
   attr_reader :name
   def to_s() "#{@face}##{@name}" end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/interface/action_manager.rb b/lib/puppet/interface/action_manager.rb
index bb0e5bf..d75697a 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/interface/action_manager.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/interface/action_manager.rb
@@ -35,9 +35,16 @@ module Puppet::Interface::ActionManager
     result = @actions[name.to_sym]
     if result.nil?
       if self.is_a?(Class) and superclass.respond_to?(:get_action)
-        result = superclass.get_action(name)
+        found = superclass.get_action(name)
       elsif self.class.respond_to?(:get_action)
-        result = self.class.get_action(name)
+        found = self.class.get_action(name)
+      end
+      if found then
+        # This is not the nicest way to make action equivalent to the Ruby
+        # Method object, rather than UnboundMethod, but it will do for now,
+        # and we only have to make this change in *one* place. --daniel 2011-04-12
+        result = @actions[name.to_sym] = found.__dup_and_rebind_to(self)
     return result
diff --git a/spec/unit/interface_spec.rb b/spec/unit/interface_spec.rb
index 2365d5c..e52b45d 100755
--- a/spec/unit/interface_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/interface_spec.rb
@@ -162,11 +162,17 @@ describe Puppet::Interface do
   describe "with inherited options" do
-    let :face do
+    let :parent do
       parent = Class.new(subject)
+      parent.action(:parent_action) do end
+      parent
+    end
+    let :face do
       face = parent.new(:example, '0.2.1')
+      face.action(:face_action) do end
@@ -174,6 +180,22 @@ describe Puppet::Interface do
       it "should list inherited options" do
         face.options.should =~ [:inherited, :local]
+      it "should see all options on face actions" do
+        face.get_action(:face_action).options.should =~ [:inherited, :local]
+      end
+      it "should see all options on inherited actions accessed on the subclass" do
+        face.get_action(:parent_action).options.should =~ [:inherited, :local]
+      end
+      it "should not see subclass actions on the parent class" do
+        parent.options.should =~ [:inherited]
+      end
+      it "should not see subclass actions on actions accessed on the parent class" do
+        parent.get_action(:parent_action).options.should =~ [:inherited]
+      end
     describe "#get_option" do

Puppet packaging for Debian

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