[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, experimental, updated. debian/2.6.8-1-844-g7ec39d5

Daniel Pittman daniel at puppetlabs.com
Tue May 10 08:16:34 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit 2cf692c878741fa92c18dcf2062b2a0ba96e3ca8
Author: Daniel Pittman <daniel at puppetlabs.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 18 14:31:29 2011 -0700

    maint: delete README.strings, which is out of date.
    This documentation has not been kept up to date with changes in the product,
    since it originated way back in the prototype of interfaces.
    Reviewed-By: Randall Hansen <randall at puppetlabs.com>

diff --git a/README.strings b/README.strings
deleted file mode 100644
index 28289ee..0000000
--- a/README.strings
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-Puppet Strings
-A set of executables that provide complete CLI access to Puppet's
-core data types.  They also provide String classes for
-each of the core data types, which are extensible via plugins.
-For instance, you can create a new action for catalogs at
-This is a Puppet module and should work fine if you install it
-in Puppet's module path.
-**Note that this only works with Puppet 2.6.next (and thus will work
-with 2.6.5), because there is otherwise a bug in finding Puppet applications.
-You also have to either install the lib files into your Puppet libdir, or
-you need to add this lib directory to your RUBYLIB.**
-This is meant to be tested and iterated upon, with the plan that it will be
-merged into Puppet core once we're satisfied with it.
-The general usage is:
-    $ puppet <string> <verb> <name>
-So, e.g.:
-    $ puppet facts find myhost.domain.com
-    $ puppet node destroy myhost
-You can use it to list all known data types and the available terminus classes:
-    $ puppet string list
-    catalog                       : active_record, compiler, queue, rest, yaml
-    certificate                   : ca, file, rest
-    certificate_request           : ca, file, rest
-    certificate_revocation_list   : ca, file, rest
-    file_bucket_file              : file, rest
-    inventory                     : yaml
-    key                           : ca, file
-    node                          : active_record, exec, ldap, memory, plain, rest, yaml
-    report                        : processor, rest, yaml
-    resource                      : ral, rest
-    resource_type                 : parser, rest
-    status                        : local, rest
-But most interestingly, you can use it for two main purposes:
-* As a client for any Puppet REST server, such as catalogs, facts, reports, etc.
-* As a local CLI for any local Puppet data
-A simple case is looking at the local facts:
-    $ puppet facts find localhost
-If you're on the server, you can look in that server's fact collection:
-    $ puppet facts --mode master --vardir /tmp/foo --terminus yaml find localhost
-Note that we're setting both the vardir and the 'mode', which switches from the default 'agent' mode to server mode (requires a patch in my branch).
-If you'd prefer the data be outputted in json instead of yaml, well, you can do that, too:
-    $ puppet find --mode master facts --vardir /tmp/foo --terminus yaml --format pson localhost
-To test using it as an endpoint for compiling and retrieving catalogs from a remote server, (from my commit), try this:
-    # Terminal 1
-    $ sbin/puppetmasterd --trace --confdir /tmp/foo --vardir /tmp/foo --debug --manifest ~/bin/test.pp --certname localhost --no-daemonize
-    # Terminal 2
-    $ sbin/puppetd --trace --debug --confdir /tmp/foo --vardir /tmp/foo --certname localhost --server localhost --test --report
-    # Terminal 3, actual testing
-    $ puppet catalog find localhost --certname localhost --server localhost --mode master --confdir /tmp/foo --vardir /tmp/foo --trace --terminus rest
-This compiles a test catalog (assuming that ~/bin/test.pp exists) and returns it.  With the right auth setup, you can also get facts:
-    $ puppet facts find localhost --certname localhost --server localhost --mode master --confdir /tmp/foo --vardir /tmp/foo --trace --terminus rest
-Or use IRB to do the same thing:
-    $ irb
-    >> require 'puppet/string'
-    => true
-    >> string = Puppet::String[:facts, '1.0.0']
-    => #<Puppet::String::Facts:0x1024a1390 @format=:yaml>
-    >> facts = string.find("myhost")
-Like I said, a prototype, but I'd love it if people would play it with some and make some recommendations.
-Like most parts of Puppet, these are easy to extend.  Just drop a new action into a given string's directory.  E.g.:
-    $ cat lib/puppet/string/catalog/select.rb 
-    # Select and show a list of resources of a given type.
-    Puppet::String.define(:catalog, '1.0.0') do
-      action :select do
-        invoke do |host,type|
-          catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.find(host)
-          catalog.resources.reject { |res| res.type != type }.each { |res| puts res }
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    $ puppet catalog select localhost Class
-    Class[main]
-    Class[Settings]
-    $
-Notice that this gets loaded automatically when you try to use it.  So, if you have a simple command you've written, such as for cleaning up nodes or diffing catalogs, you an port it to this framework and it should fit cleanly.
-Also note that strings are versioned.  These version numbers are interpreted according to Semantic Versioning (http://semver.org).

Puppet packaging for Debian

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