[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, experimental, updated. debian/2.6.8-1-844-g7ec39d5

Dominic Maraglia dmaraglia at gmail.com
Tue May 10 08:17:24 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit 220f3086e0254fb681a8dfece5238d0dff861f6f
Author: Dominic Maraglia <dmaraglia at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Apr 20 14:54:48 2011 -0700

    Move tests from Puppet-acceptance repo

diff --git a/acceptance/pending/ticket_4149_parseonly_should_not_fail.rb b/acceptance/pending/ticket_4149_parseonly_should_not_fail.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..228dec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/pending/ticket_4149_parseonly_should_not_fail.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+test_name "#4149: parseonly should do the right thing"
+step "test with a manifest with syntax errors"
+manifest = 'class someclass { notify { "hello, world" } }'
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest, :parseonly => true, :acceptable_exit_codes => [1]) {
+  stdout =~ /Could not parse for .*: Syntax error/ or
+    fail_test("didn't get a reported systax error")
+step "test with a manifest with correct syntax"
+apply_manifest_on agents,'class someclass { notify("hello, world") }', :parseonly => true
+# REVISIT: This tests the current behaviour, which is IMO not actually the
+# correct behaviour.  On the other hand, if we change this we might
+# unexpectedly break things out in the wild, so better to be warned than to be
+# surprised by it. --daniel 2010-12-22
+step "test with a class with an invalid attribute"
+apply_manifest_on agents, 'file { "/tmp/whatever": fooble => 1 }', :parseonly => true
diff --git a/acceptance/pending/ticket_4151_defined_function_should_not_return_true_for_unrealized_virtual_resources.rb b/acceptance/pending/ticket_4151_defined_function_should_not_return_true_for_unrealized_virtual_resources.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2da392a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/pending/ticket_4151_defined_function_should_not_return_true_for_unrealized_virtual_resources.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+test_name "#4151: defined function should not return true for unrealized virtual resources"
+# Jeff McCune <jeff at puppetlabs.com>
+# 2010-07-06
+# This script is expected to exit non-zero if ticket 4151 has not been
+# fixed.
+# The expected behavior is for defined() to only return true if a virtual
+# resource has been realized.
+# This test creates a virtual resource, does NOT realize it, then calls
+# the defined() function against it.  If defined returns true, there will
+# be an error since Notify["goodbye"] will require a resource which has
+# not been realized.
+manifest1 =  %q{
+    @notify { "hello": }
+    if (defined(Notify["hello"])) { $requires = [ Notify["hello"] ] }
+    notify { "goodbye": require => $requires }
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest1)
diff --git a/acceptance/pending/ticket_6710_relationship_syntax_should_work_with_title_arrays.rb b/acceptance/pending/ticket_6710_relationship_syntax_should_work_with_title_arrays.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60da19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/pending/ticket_6710_relationship_syntax_should_work_with_title_arrays.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "#6710: Relationship syntax should work with title arraysA"
+# Jeff McCune <jeff at puppetlabs.com>
+# 2011-03-14
+# If bug 6710 is closed, then this manifests should apply cleanly.
+# There should be a many-to-many relationship established.
+apply_manifest_on agents, %q{
+  notify { [ left_one, left_two ]: } -> notify { [ right_one, right_two ]: }
+  notify { left: } -> notify { right: }
+  notify { left_one_to_many: } -> notify { [ right_one_to_many_1, right_one_to_many_2 ]: }
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/parameterized_classes.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/parameterized_classes.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a70294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/parameterized_classes.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+test_name "parametrized classes"
+step "should allow param classes"
+manifest = %q{
+class x($y, $z) {
+  notice("${y}-${z}")
+class {x: y => '1', z => '2'}
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "inclusion after parameterization failed" unless stdout.include? "1-2"
+# REVISIT: This was ported from the old set of tests, but I think that
+# the desired behaviour has recently changed.  --daniel 2010-12-23
+step "should allow param class post inclusion"
+manifest = %q{
+class x($y, $z) {
+  notice("${y}-${z}")
+class {x: y => '1', z => '2'}
+include x
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "inclusion after parameterization failed" unless stdout.include? "1-2"
+step "should allow param classes defaults"
+manifest = %q{
+class x($y, $z='2') {
+  notice("${y}-${z}")
+class {x: y => '1'}
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "the default didn't apply as expected" unless stdout.include? "1-2"
+step "should allow param class defaults to be overriden"
+manifest = %q{
+class x($y, $z='2') {
+  notice("${y}-${z}")
+class {x: y => '1', z => '3'}
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "the override didn't happen as we expected" unless stdout.include? "1-3"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_allow_param_override.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_allow_param_override.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..09592ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_allow_param_override.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+test_name "should allow param override"
+manifest = %q{
+class parent {
+  notify { 'msg':
+    message => parent,
+  }
+class child inherits parent {
+  Notify['msg'] {message => 'child'}
+include parent
+include child
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "parameter override didn't work" unless
+        stdout.include? "defined 'message' as 'child'"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_allow_param_undef_override.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_allow_param_undef_override.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a4f37cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_allow_param_undef_override.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+test_name "should allow overriding a parameter to undef in inheritence"
+out = "/tmp/class_undef_override_out-#{$$}"
+manifest = %Q{
+  class parent {
+    file { 'test':
+      path   => '#{out}',
+      source => '/tmp/class_undef_override_test-#{$$}',
+    }
+  }
+  class child inherits parent {
+    File['test'] {
+      source  => undef,
+      content => 'hello new world!',
+    }
+  }
+  include parent
+  include child
+step "prepare the target file on all systems"
+on(agents, "echo 'hello world!' > #{out}")
+step "apply the manifest"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest)
+step "verify the file content"
+on(agents, "cat #{out}") do
+    fail_test "the file was not touched" if stdout.include? "hello world!"
+    fail_test "the file was not updated" unless stdout.include? "hello new world"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_include_resources_from_class.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_include_resources_from_class.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b78be6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_include_resources_from_class.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+test_name "resources declared in a class can be applied with include"
+manifest = %q{
+class x {
+  notify{'a':}
+include x
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "the resource did not apply" unless
+        stdout.include? "defined 'message' as 'a'"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_not_auto_include_resources_from_class.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_not_auto_include_resources_from_class.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25721eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/classes/should_not_auto_include_resources_from_class.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+test_name "resources declared in classes are not applied without include"
+manifest = %q{ class x { notify { 'test': message => 'never invoked' } } }
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "found the notify despite not including it" if
+        stdout.include? "never invoked"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_else.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_else.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7bdceb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_else.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "else clause will be reached if no expressions match"
+manifest = %q{
+if( 1 == 2) {
+  notice('if')
+} elsif(2 == 3) {
+  notice('elsif')
+} else {
+  notice('else')
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "the else clause did not evaluate" unless stdout.include? 'else'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_elsif.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_elsif.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..027e247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_elsif.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "should evaluate the elsif block in a conditional"
+manifest = %q{
+if( 1 == 3) {
+  notice('if')
+} elsif(2 == 2) {
+  notice('elsif')
+} else {
+  notice('else')
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "didn't evaluate elsif" unless stdout.include? 'elsif'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_empty.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_empty.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85b0792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_empty.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+test_name "ensure that undefined variables evaluate as false"
+manifest = %q{
+if $undef_var {
+} else {
+  notice('undef')
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "did not evaluate as expected" unless stdout.include? 'undef'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_false.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_false.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a64e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_false.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+test_name "test that false evaluates to false"
+manifest = %q{
+if false {
+} else {
+  notice('false')
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "didn't evaluate false correcly" unless stdout.include? 'false'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_if.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_if.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d0113e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_if.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name = "should evaluate an if block correctly"
+manifest = %q{
+if( 1 == 1) {
+  notice('if')
+} elsif(2 == 2) {
+  notice('elsif')
+} else {
+  notice('else')
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "didn't evaluate correctly" unless stdout.include? 'if'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_strings_true.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_strings_true.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14b7530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_strings_true.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+test_name "test that the string 'false' evaluates to true"
+manifest = %q{
+if 'false' {
+  notice('true')
+} else {
+  notice('false')
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "string 'false' didn't evaluate as true" unless
+        stdout.include? 'true'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_undef.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_undef.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ba5d640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/conditionals/should_evaluate_undef.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+test_name "empty string should evaluate as false"
+manifest = %q{
+if '' {
+} else {
+  notice('empty')
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "didn't evaluate as false" unless stdout.include? 'empty'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/hashes/should_not_reassign.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/hashes/should_not_reassign.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b0f9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/hashes/should_not_reassign.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+test_name "hash reassignment should fail"
+manifest = %q{
+$my_hash = {'one' => '1', 'two' => '2' }
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest, :acceptable_exit_codes => [1]) do
+    fail_test "didn't find the failure" unless
+        stderr.include? "Assigning to the hash 'my_hash' with an existing key 'one'"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd32ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+test_name "should realize"
+out  = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+name = "test-#{Time.new.to_i}-host"
+manifest = %Q{
+  @host{'#{name}': ip=>'', target=>'#{out}', ensure=>present}
+  realize(Host['#{name}'])
+step "clean the system ready for testing"
+on agents, "rm -f #{out}"
+step "realize the resource on the hosts"
+apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+step "verify the content of the file"
+on(agents, "cat #{out}") do
+    fail_test "missing host definition" unless stdout.include? name
+step "final cleanup of the system"
+on agents, "rm -f #{out}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_complex_query.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_complex_query.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9782bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_complex_query.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+test_name "should realize with complex query"
+out  = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+name = "test-#{Time.new.to_i}-host"
+manifest = %Q{
+  @host { '#{name}1':
+    ip           => '',
+    target       => '#{out}',
+    host_aliases => ['one', 'two', 'three'],
+    ensure       => present,
+  }
+  @host { '#{name}2':
+    ip           => '',
+    target       => '#{out}',
+    host_aliases => 'two',
+    ensure       => present,
+  }
+  Host<| host_aliases == 'two' and ip == '' |>
+step "clean up target system for test"
+on agents, "rm -f #{out}"
+step "run the manifest"
+apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+step "verify the file output"
+on(agents, "cat #{out}") do
+    fail_test "second host not found in output" unless
+        stdout.include? "#{name}2"
+    fail_test "first host was found in output" if
+        stdout.include? "#{name}1"
+step "clean up system after testing"
+on agents, "rm -f #{out}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_many.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_many.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f53cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_many.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+test_name "test that realize function takes a list"
+out  = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+name = "test-#{Time.new.to_i}-host"
+manifest = %Q{
+  @host{'#{name}1': ip=>'', target=>'#{out}', ensure=>present}
+  @host{'#{name}2': ip=>'', target=>'#{out}', ensure=>present}
+  realize(Host['#{name}1'], Host['#{name}2'])
+step "clean up target system for test"
+on agents, "rm -f #{out}"
+step "run the manifest"
+apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+step "verify the file output"
+on(agents, "cat #{out}") do
+    fail_test "first host not found in output" unless stdout.include? "#{name}1"
+    fail_test "second host not found in output" unless stdout.include? "#{name}2"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_query.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_query.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..24d3233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_query.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+test_name "should realize query"
+out  = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+name = "test-#{Time.new.to_i}-host"
+manifest = %Q{
+  @host { '#{name}':
+    ip           => '',
+    target       => '#{out}',
+    host_aliases => 'alias',
+    ensure       => present,
+  }
+  Host<| ip == '' |>
+step "clean up target system for test"
+on agents, "rm -f #{out}"
+step "run the manifest"
+apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+step "verify the file output"
+on(agents, "cat #{out}") do
+    fail_test "host not found in output" unless stdout.include? name
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_query_array.rb b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_query_array.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..137d93b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/apply/virtual/should_realize_query_array.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+test_name "should realize query array"
+out  = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+name = "test-#{Time.new.to_i}-host"
+manifest = %Q{
+  @host { '#{name}':
+    ip           => '',
+    target       => '#{out}',
+    host_aliases => ['one', 'two', 'three'],
+    ensure       => present,
+  }
+  Host<| host_aliases == 'two' |>
+step "clean up target system for test"
+on agents, "rm -f #{out}"
+step "run the manifest"
+apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+step "verify the file output"
+on(agents, "cat #{out}") do
+    fail_test "host not found in output" unless stdout.include? name
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/doc/should_print_function_reference.rb b/acceptance/tests/doc/should_print_function_reference.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ffcf80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/doc/should_print_function_reference.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+test_name "verify we can print the function reference"
+on(agents, puppet_doc("-r", "function")) do
+    fail_test "didn't print function reference" unless
+        stdout.include? 'Function Reference'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/doc/ticket_4120_cannot_generate_type_reference.rb b/acceptance/tests/doc/ticket_4120_cannot_generate_type_reference.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7f721c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/doc/ticket_4120_cannot_generate_type_reference.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+test_name "verify we can print the function reference"
+on(agents, puppet_doc("-r", "type")) do
+    fail_test "didn't print type reference" unless
+        stdout.include? 'Type Reference'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/file_hello_world.rb b/acceptance/tests/file_hello_world.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683ff46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/file_hello_world.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Verify that a trivial manifest can be run to completion.
+filename = "/tmp/hello-world.txt"
+content  = "Hello, World"
+manifest = "file { '#{filename}': content => '#{content}' }"
+test_name "The challenging 'Hello, World' manifest"
+step "ensure we are clean before testing..."
+on agents, "rm -f #{filename}"
+step "run the manifest itself"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+  fail_test "the expected notice of action was missing" unless
+    stdout.index 'File[/tmp/hello-world.txt]/ensure: defined content as'
+step "verify the content of the generated files."
+on agents, "grep '#{content}' #{filename}"
+step "clean up after our test run."
+on agents, "rm -f #{filename}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/jeff_append_to_array.rb b/acceptance/tests/jeff_append_to_array.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..415d59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/jeff_append_to_array.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Ported from the acceptance test suite.
+test_name "Jeff: Append to Array"
+manifest = %q{
+    class parent {
+      $arr1 = [ "parent array element" ]
+    }
+    class parent::child inherits parent {
+      $arr1 += [ "child array element" ]
+      notify { $arr1: }
+    }
+    include parent::child
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+  stdout =~ /notice: parent array element/ or fail_test("parent missing")
+  stdout =~ /notice: child array element/  or fail_test("child missing")
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/key_compare_puppet_conf_configprint.rb b/acceptance/tests/key_compare_puppet_conf_configprint.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b986d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/key_compare_puppet_conf_configprint.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Check for the existance of keys found in puppet.conf in
+# --configprint all output
+# Checking against key=>val pairs will cause erroneous errors:
+# classfile
+# Puppet.conf           --configprint
+# $vardir/classes.txt  /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/classes.txt
+test_name "Validate keys found in puppet.conf vs.--configprint all"
+puppet_conf_h  = Hash.new 
+config_print_h = Hash.new 
+# Run tests against Master first
+step "Master: get puppet.conf file contents"
+on master, "cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf | tr -d \" \"" do
+  stdout.split("\n").select{ |v| v =~ /=/ }.each do |line|
+    k,v = line.split("=")
+    puppet_conf_h[k]=v 
+  end
+step "Master: get --configprint all output"
+on master, puppet_master("--configprint all | tr -d \" \"") do
+  stdout.split("\n").select{ |v| v =~ /=/ }.each do |line|
+    k,v = line.split("=")
+    config_print_h[k]=v 
+  end
+step "Master: compare puppet.conf to --configprint output"
+puppet_conf_h.each do |k,v|
+  puts "#{k}: #{puppet_conf_h[k]}  #{config_print_h[k]}"
+  fail_test "puppet.conf contains a key not found in configprint" unless config_print_h.include?(k) 
+  # fail_test "puppet.conf: #{puppet_conf_h[k]} differs from --configprintall: #{config_print_h[k]}" if ( puppet_conf_h[k] != config_print_h[k] )
+# Run test on Agents
+agents.each { |agent|
+  puppet_conf_h.clear
+  config_print_h.clear
+  step "Agent #{agent}: get puppet.conf file contents"
+  on agent, "cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf | tr -d \" \"" do
+    stdout.split("\n").select{ |v| v =~ /=/ }.each do |line|
+      k,v = line.split("=")
+      puppet_conf_h[k]=v 
+    end
+  end
+  step "Agent #{agent}: get --configprint all output"
+  on agent, puppet_agent("--configprint all | tr -d \" \"") do
+    stdout.split("\n").select{ |v| v =~ /=/ }.each do |line|
+      k,v = line.split("=")
+      config_print_h[k]=v 
+    end
+  end
+  step "Agent #{agent}: compare puppet.conf to --configprint output"
+  puppet_conf_h.each do |k,v|
+    puts "#{k}: #{puppet_conf_h[k]}  #{config_print_h[k]}"
+    fail_test "puppet.conf contains a key not found in configprint" unless config_print_h.include?(k) 
+    # fail_test "puppet.conf: #{puppet_conf_h[k]} differs from --configprintall: #{config_print_h[k]}" if ( puppet_conf_h[k] != config_print_h[k] )
+  end
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/puppet_apply_a_file_should_create_a_file_and_report_the_md5.rb b/acceptance/tests/puppet_apply_a_file_should_create_a_file_and_report_the_md5.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abb06fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/puppet_apply_a_file_should_create_a_file_and_report_the_md5.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+test_name "puppet apply should create a file and report an MD5"
+file = "/tmp/hello.world.#{Time.new.to_i}.txt"
+manifest = "file{'#{file}': content => 'test'}"
+step "clean up #{file} for testing"
+on agents, "rm -f #{file}"
+step "run the manifest and verify MD5 was printed"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "didn't find the content MD5 on output" unless
+        stdout.include? "defined content as '{md5}098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6'"
+step "clean up #{file} after testing"
+on agents, "rm -f #{file}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/puppet_apply_basics.rb b/acceptance/tests/puppet_apply_basics.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbbdefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/puppet_apply_basics.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Ported from a collection of small spec tests in acceptance.
+# Unified into a single file because they are literally one-line tests!
+test_name "Trivial puppet tests"
+step "check that puppet apply displays notices"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, "notice 'Hello World'") do
+  stdout =~ /notice:.*Hello World/ or fail_test("missing notice!")
+step "verify help displays something for puppet master"
+on master, puppet_master("--help") do
+  stdout =~ /puppet master/ or fail_test("improper help output")
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/puppet_apply_should_show_a_notice.rb b/acceptance/tests/puppet_apply_should_show_a_notice.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af6f41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/puppet_apply_should_show_a_notice.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+test_name "puppet apply should show a notice"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, "notice 'Hello World'") do
+    fail_test "the notice didn't show" unless
+        stdout =~ /notice: .*: Hello World/
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/puppet_master_help_should_mention_puppet_master.rb b/acceptance/tests/puppet_master_help_should_mention_puppet_master.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba7b39c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/puppet_master_help_should_mention_puppet_master.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+test_name "puppet master help should mention puppet master"
+on master, puppet_master('--help') do
+    fail_test "puppet master wasn't mentioned" unless stdout.include? 'puppet master'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_create_cron.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_create_cron.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e455614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_create_cron.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+test_name "should create cron"
+tmpuser = "cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+tmpfile = "/tmp/cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+create_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => present, managehome => false }"
+delete_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => absent,  managehome => false }"
+agents.each do |host|
+    step "ensure the user exist via puppet"
+    apply_manifest_on host, create_user
+    step "apply the resource on the host using puppet resource"
+    on(host, puppet_resource("cron", "crontest", "user=#{tmpuser}",
+                  "command=/bin/true", "ensure=present")) do
+        fail_test "didn't notice creation of the cron stuff" unless
+            stdout.include? 'created'
+    end
+    step "verify that crontab -l contains what you expected"
+    on host, "crontab -l -u #{tmpuser}" do
+        fail_test "didn't find the command as expected" unless
+            stdout.include? "* * * * * /bin/true"
+    end
+    step "remove the crontab file for that user"
+    on host, "crontab -r -u #{tmpuser}"
+    step "remove the user from the system"
+    apply_manifest_on host, delete_user
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_match_existing.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_match_existing.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b34a049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_match_existing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+tmpuser = "cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+tmpfile = "/tmp/cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+create_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => present, managehome => false }"
+delete_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => absent,  managehome => false }"
+agents.each do |host|
+    step "ensure the user exist via puppet"
+    apply_manifest_on host, create_user
+    step "create the existing job by hand..."
+    on host, "echo '* * * * * /bin/true' | crontab -u #{tmpuser} -"
+    step "apply the resource on the host using puppet resource"
+    on(host, puppet_resource("cron", "crontest", "user=#{tmpuser}",
+                  "command=/bin/true", "ensure=present")) do
+        # REVISIT: This is ported from the original test, which seems to me a
+        # weak test, but I don't want to improve it now.  --daniel 2010-12-23
+        # 
+        # This is a weak/fragile test.  The output has changed
+        # causing this test to fail erronously.  Changed to the correct
+        # output to match, but this code should be re-feactored.
+        fail_test "didn't see the output we expected..." unless
+            stdout.include? 'present'
+    end
+    step "verify that crontab -l contains what you expected"
+    on host, "crontab -l -u #{tmpuser}" do
+        fail_test "didn't find the command as expected" unless
+            stdout.include? "* * * * * /bin/true"
+    end
+    step "remove the crontab file for that user"
+    on host, "crontab -r -u #{tmpuser}"
+    step "remove the user from the system"
+    apply_manifest_on host, delete_user
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_remove_cron.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_remove_cron.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..035a0f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_remove_cron.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+test_name "puppet should remove a crontab entry as expected"
+tmpuser = "cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+tmpfile = "/tmp/cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+create_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => present, managehome => false }"
+delete_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => absent,  managehome => false }"
+agents.each do |host|
+    step "ensure the user exist via puppet"
+    apply_manifest_on host, create_user
+    step "create the existing job by hand..."
+    on host, "printf '# Puppet Name: crontest\n* * * * * /bin/true\n' | crontab -u #{tmpuser} -"
+    step "apply the resource on the host using puppet resource"
+    on(host, puppet_resource("cron", "crontest", "user=#{tmpuser}",
+                  "command=/bin/true", "ensure=absent")) do
+        # REVISIT: This is ported from the original test, which seems to me a
+        # weak test, but I don't want to improve it now.  --daniel 2010-12-23
+        fail_test "didn't see the output we expected..." unless
+            stdout.include? 'removed'
+    end
+    step "verify that crontab -l contains what you expected"
+    on host, "crontab -l -u #{tmpuser}" do
+        fail_test "didn't found the command we tried to remove" if
+            stdout.include? "/bin/true"
+    end
+    step "remove the crontab file for that user"
+    on host, "crontab -r -u #{tmpuser}"
+    step "remove the user from the system"
+    apply_manifest_on host, delete_user
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_remove_matching.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_remove_matching.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e669f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_remove_matching.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+test_name "puppet should remove a crontab entry based on command matching"
+tmpuser = "cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+tmpfile = "/tmp/cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+cron = '# Puppet Name: crontest\n* * * * * /bin/true\n1 1 1 1 1 /bin/true\n'
+create_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => present, managehome => false }"
+delete_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => absent,  managehome => false }"
+agents.each do |host|
+    step "ensure the user exist via puppet"
+    apply_manifest_on host, create_user
+    step "create the existing job by hand..."
+    on host, "printf '#{cron}' | crontab -u #{tmpuser} -"
+    step "apply the resource change on the host"
+    on(host, puppet_resource("cron", "bogus", "user=#{tmpuser}",
+                  "command=/bin/true", "ensure=absent")) do
+        fail_test "didn't see the output we expected..." unless
+            stdout.include? 'removed'
+    end
+    step "verify that crontab -l contains what you expected"
+    on host, "crontab -l -u #{tmpuser}" do
+        count = stdout.scan("/bin/true").length
+        fail_test "found /bin/true the wrong number of times (#{count})" unless count == 1
+    end
+    step "remove the crontab file for that user"
+    on host, "crontab -r -u #{tmpuser}"
+    step "remove the user from the system"
+    apply_manifest_on host, delete_user
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_update_existing.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_update_existing.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a2a537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_update_existing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+test_name "puppet should update existing crontab entry"
+tmpuser = "cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+tmpfile = "/tmp/cron-test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+cron = '# Puppet Name: crontest\n* * * * * /bin/true\n'
+create_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => present, managehome => false }"
+delete_user = "user { '#{tmpuser}': ensure => absent,  managehome => false }"
+agents.each do |host|
+    step "ensure the user exist via puppet"
+    apply_manifest_on host, create_user
+    step "create the existing job by hand..."
+    on host, "printf '#{cron}' | crontab -u #{tmpuser} -"
+    step "verify that crontab -l contains what you expected"
+    on host, "crontab -l -u #{tmpuser}" do
+        fail_test "didn't find the content in the crontab" unless
+            stdout.include? '* * * * * /bin/true'
+    end
+    step "apply the resource change on the host"
+    on(host, puppet_resource("cron", "crontest", "user=#{tmpuser}",
+                  "command=/bin/true", "ensure=present", "hour='0-6'")) do
+        fail_test "didn't update the time as expected" unless
+            stdout.include? "defined 'hour' as '0-6'"
+    end
+    step "verify that crontab -l contains what you expected"
+    on host, "crontab -l -u #{tmpuser}" do
+        fail_test "didn't find the content in the crontab" unless
+            stdout.include? '* 0-6 * * * /bin/true'
+    end
+    step "remove the crontab file for that user"
+    on host, "crontab -r -u #{tmpuser}"
+    step "remove the user from the system"
+    apply_manifest_on host, delete_user
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/exec/should_not_run_command_creates.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/exec/should_not_run_command_creates.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..583ae43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/exec/should_not_run_command_creates.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+test_name "should not run command creates"
+touch      = "/tmp/touched-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+donottouch = "/tmp/not-touched-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+manifest = %Q{
+  exec { "test#{Time.new.to_i}": command => '/bin/touch #{donottouch}', creates => "#{touch}"}
+step "prepare the agents for the test"
+on agents, "touch #{touch} ; rm -f #{donottouch}"
+step "test using puppet apply"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "looks like the thing executed, which it shouldn't" if
+        stdout.include? 'executed successfully'
+step "verify the file didn't get created"
+on agents, "test -f #{donottouch}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [1]
+step "prepare the agents for the second part of the test"
+on agents, "touch #{touch} ; rm -f #{donottouch}"
+step "test using puppet resource"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('exec', "test#{Time.new.to_i}",
+              "command='/bin/touch #{donottouch}'",
+              "creates='#{touch}'")) do
+    fail_test "looks like the thing executed, which it shouldn't" if
+        stdout.include? 'executed successfully'
+step "verify the file didn't get created the second time"
+on agents, "test -f #{donottouch}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [1]
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/exec/should_run_command.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/exec/should_run_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7156c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/exec/should_run_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+test_name "tests that puppet correctly runs an exec."
+# original author: Dan Bode  --daniel 2010-12-23
+$touch = "/tmp/test-exec-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+def before
+    step "file to be touched should not exist."
+    on agents, "rm -f #{$touch}"
+def after
+    step "checking the output worked"
+    on agents, "test -f #{$touch}"
+    step "clean up the system"
+    on agents, "rm -f #{$touch}"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, "exec {'test': command=>'/bin/touch #{$touch}'}") do
+    fail_test "didn't seem to run the command" unless
+        stdout.include? 'executed successfully'
+on(agents, puppet_resource('-d', 'exec', 'test', "command='/bin/touch #{$touch}'")) do
+    fail_test "didn't seem to run the command" unless
+        stdout.include? 'executed successfully'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/exec/should_set_path.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/exec/should_set_path.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9ccb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/exec/should_set_path.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+test_name "the path statement should work to locate commands"
+file = "/tmp/touched-should-set-path-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "clean up the system for the test"
+on agents, "rm -f #{file}"
+step "invoke the exec resource with a path set"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('exec', 'test',
+              "command='touch #{file}'", 'path="/bin:/usr/bin"'))
+step "verify that the files were created"
+on agents, "test -f #{file}"
+step "clean up the system after testing"
+on agents, "rm -f #{file}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/file/content_attribute.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/content_attribute.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4458e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/content_attribute.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+test_name "The content attribute"
+pass_test "Pass forced pending test failure investigation"
+step "Ensure the test environment is clean"
+on agents, 'rm -f /tmp/content_file_test.txt'
+step "When using raw content"
+manifest = "file { '/tmp/content_file_test.txt': content => 'This is the test file content', ensure => present }"
+apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+on agents, 'test "$(cat /tmp/content_file_test.txt)" = "This is the test file content"'
+step "Ensure the test environment is clean"
+on agents, 'rm -f /tmp/content_file_test.txt'
+step "When using a filebucket checksum from filebucket"
+on agents, "echo 'This is the checksum file contents' > /tmp/checksum_test_file.txt"
+on agents, "puppet filebucket backup --local /tmp/checksum_test_file.txt"
+get_remote_option(agents, 'filebucket', 'bucketdir') do |bucketdir|
+  manifest = %Q|
+    filebucket { 'local':
+      path => '#{bucketdir}',
+    }
+    file { '/tmp/content_file_test.txt':
+      content => '{md5}18571d3a04b2bb7ccfdbb2c44c72caa9',
+      ensure => present,
+      backup => local,
+    }
+  |
+  apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+on agents, 'test "$(cat /tmp/content_file_test.txt)" = "This is the checksum file contents"'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_create_directory.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_create_directory.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..859ebb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_create_directory.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "should create directory"
+target = "/tmp/test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "clean up the system before we begin"
+on agents, "rm -vrf #{target}"
+step "verify we can create a directory"
+on(agents, puppet_resource("file", target, 'ensure=directory'))
+step "verify the directory was created"
+on agents, "test -d #{target}"
+step "clean up after the test run"
+on agents, "rm -vrf #{target}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_create_empty.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_create_empty.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a38c35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_create_empty.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "should create empty file for 'present'"
+target = "/tmp/test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "clean up the system before we begin"
+on agents, "rm -vrf #{target}"
+step "verify we can create an empty file"
+on(agents, puppet_resource("file", target, 'ensure=present'))
+step "verify the target was created"
+on agents, "test -f #{target} && ! test -s #{target}"
+step "clean up after the test run"
+on agents, "rm -vrf #{target}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_create_symlink.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_create_symlink.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0e58d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_create_symlink.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+test_name "should create symlink"
+message = 'hello world'
+target  = "/tmp/test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+source  = "/tmp/test-#{Time.new.to_i}-source"
+step "clean up the system before we begin"
+on agents, "rm -vrf #{target}"
+on agents, "echo '#{message}' > #{source}"
+step "verify we can create a symlink"
+on(agents, puppet_resource("file", target, "ensure=#{source}"))
+step "verify the symlink was created"
+on agents, "test -L #{target} && test -f #{target}"
+on agents, "test -f #{source}"
+step "verify the content is identical on both sides"
+on(agents, "cat #{source}") do
+    fail_test "source missing content" unless stdout.include? message
+on(agents, "cat #{target}") do
+    fail_test "target missing content" unless stdout.include? message
+step "clean up after the test run"
+on agents, "rm -vrf #{target} #{source}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_remove_dir.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_remove_dir.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..943410d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_remove_dir.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+test_name "should remove directory, but force required"
+target = "/tmp/test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "clean up the system before we begin"
+on agents, "test -e #{target} && rm -vrf #{target} ; mkdir -p #{target}"
+step "verify we can't remove a directory without 'force'"
+on(agents, puppet_resource("file", target, 'ensure=absent')) do
+    fail_test "didn't tell us that force was required" unless
+        stdout.include? "Not removing directory; use 'force' to override"
+step "verify the directory still exists"
+on agents, "test -d #{target}"
+step "verify we can remove a directory with 'force'"
+on(agents, puppet_resource("file", target, 'ensure=absent', 'force=true'))
+step "verify that the directory is gone"
+on agents, "test -d #{target}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [1]
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_remove_file.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_remove_file.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3ad7510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/should_remove_file.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+test_name "should remove file"
+target = "/tmp/test-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "clean up the system before we begin"
+on agents, "rm -vrf #{target} && touch #{target}"
+step "verify we can remove a file"
+on(agents, puppet_resource("file", target, 'ensure=absent'))
+step "verify that the file is gone"
+on agents, "test -e #{target}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [1]
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/file/source_attribtute.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/source_attribtute.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95a7f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/file/source_attribtute.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+test_name "The source attribute"
+step "Ensure the test environment is clean"
+on agents, 'rm -f /tmp/source_file_test.txt'
+# TODO: Add tests for puppet:// URIs with master/agent setups.
+step "when using a puppet:/// URI with a master/agent setup"
+step "when using a puppet://$server/ URI with a master/agent setup"
+step "when using a local file path"
+on agents, "echo 'Yay, this is the local file.' > /tmp/local_source_file_test.txt"
+manifest = "file { '/tmp/source_file_test.txt': source => '/tmp/local_source_file_test.txt', ensure => present }"
+apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+on agents, 'test "$(cat /tmp/source_file_test.txt)" = "Yay, this is the local file."'
+step "Ensure the test environment is clean"
+on agents, 'rm -f /tmp/source_file_test.txt'
+step "when using a puppet:/// URI with puppet apply"
+on agents, 'puppet agent --configprint modulepath' do
+  modulepath = stdout.split(':')[0]
+  modulepath = modulepath.chomp
+  on agents, "mkdir -p #{modulepath}/test_module/files"
+  on agents, "echo 'Yay, this is the puppet:/// file.' > #{modulepath}/test_module/files/test_file.txt"
+on agents, %q{echo "file { '/tmp/source_file_test.txt': source => 'puppet:///modules/test_module/test_file.txt', ensure => present }" > /tmp/source_test_manifest.pp}
+on agents, "puppet apply /tmp/source_test_manifest.pp"
+on agents, 'test "$(cat /tmp/source_file_test.txt)" = "Yay, this is the puppet:/// file."'
+# Oops. We (Jesse & Jacob) ended up writing this before realizing that you
+# can't actually specify "source => 'http://...'".  However, we're leaving it
+# here, since there have been feature requests to support doing this.
+# -- Mon, 07 Mar 2011 16:12:56 -0800
+#step "Ensure the test environment is clean"
+#on agents, 'rm -f /tmp/source_file_test.txt'
+#step "when using an http:// file path"
+#File.open '/tmp/puppet-acceptance-webrick-script.rb', 'w' do |file|
+#  file.puts %q{#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+#require 'webrick'
+#class Simple < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
+#  def do_GET(request, response)
+#    status, content_type, body = do_stuff_with(request)
+#    response.status = status
+#    response['Content-Type'] = content_type
+#    response.body = body
+#  end
+#  def do_stuff_with(request)
+#    return 200, "text/plain", "you got a page"
+#  end
+#class SimpleTwo < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
+#  def do_GET(request, response)
+#    status, content_type, body = do_stuff_with(request)
+#    response.status = status
+#    response['Content-Type'] = content_type
+#    response.body = body
+#  end
+#  def do_stuff_with(request)
+#    return 200, "text/plain", "you got a different page"
+#  end
+#server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new :Port => 8081
+#trap "INT"  do server.shutdown end
+#trap "TERM" do server.shutdown end
+#trap "QUIT" do server.shutdown end
+#server.mount "/", SimpleTwo
+#server.mount "/foo.txt", Simple
+#scp_to master, '/tmp/puppet-acceptance-webrick-script.rb', '/tmp'
+#on master, "chmod +x /tmp/puppet-acceptance-webrick-script.rb && /tmp/puppet-acceptance-webrick-script.rb &"
+#manifest = "file { '/tmp/source_file_test.txt': source => 'http://#{master}:8081/foo.txt', ensure => present }"
+#apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+#on agents, 'test "$(cat /tmp/source_file_test.txt)" = "you got a page"'
+#on master, "killall puppet-acceptance-webrick-script.rb"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_create.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_create.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..122c31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_create.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+test_name "should create group"
+name = "test-group-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+def cleanup(name)
+    step "remove group #{name} if it exists"
+    on agents, "if getent group #{name}; then groupdel #{name}; fi"
+step "create the group #{name} with the resource agent"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=present'))
+step "verify the group #{name} was created"
+on(agents, "getent group #{name}") do
+    fail_test "group information is not sensible" unless stdout =~ /^#{name}:x:[0-9]+:/
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_destroy.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_destroy.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1551abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_destroy.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+test_name "should destroy a group"
+name = "test-group-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "ensure the group exists on the target system"
+on agents, "getent group #{name} || groupadd #{name}"
+step "use puppet to remove the group"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=absent'))
+step "verify that the group has been removed"
+# REVISIT: I /think/ that exit code 2 is standard across Linux, but I have no
+# idea what non-Linux platforms are going to return. --daniel 2010-12-24
+on agents, "getent group #{name}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [2]
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_modify_gid.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_modify_gid.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..95405b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_modify_gid.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+test_name "should modify gid of existing group"
+name = "test-group-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+gid  = 12345
+step "ensure that the group exists with gid #{gid}"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=present', "gid=#{gid}")) do
+    fail_test "missing gid notice" unless stdout =~ /gid +=> +'#{gid}'/
+step "ensure that we can modify the GID of the group to #{gid*2}"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=present', "gid=#{gid*2}")) do
+    fail_test "missing gid notice" unless stdout =~ /gid +=> +'#{gid*2}'/
+step "verify that the GID changed"
+on(agents, "getent group #{name}") do
+    fail_test "gid is wrong through getent output" unless
+        stdout =~ /^#{name}:x:#{gid*2}:/
+step "clean up the system after the test run"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=absent'))
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_not_create_existing.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_not_create_existing.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ed4f54c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_not_create_existing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "group should not create existing group"
+name = "test-group-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "ensure the group exists on the target node"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=present'))
+step "verify that we don't try and create the existing group"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=present')) do
+    fail_test "looks like we created the group" if
+        stdout.include? '/Group[bozo]/ensure: created'
+step "clean up the system after the test run"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=absent'))
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_not_destoy_unexisting.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_not_destoy_unexisting.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..256a8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_not_destoy_unexisting.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+test_name "should not destroy a group that doesn't exist"
+name = "test-group-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "verify the group does not already exist"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=absent'))
+step "verify that we don't remove the group when it doesn't exist"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=absent')) do
+    fail_test "it looks like we tried to remove the group" if
+        stdout.include? "notice: /Group[#{name}]/ensure: removed"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_query.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_query.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3bbce07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_query.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "group should query"
+name = "test-group-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "ensure the group exists on the target systems"
+on agents, "getent group #{name} || groupadd #{name}"
+step "ensure that the resource agent sees the group"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name)) do
+    fail_test "missing group identifier" unless stdout.include? "group { '#{name}':"
+    fail_test "missing present attributed" unless stdout.include? "ensure => 'present'"
+step "clean up the system after the test"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=absent'))
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_query_all.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_query_all.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9abcfed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/group/should_query_all.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+test_name "puppet resource should query all groups"
+agents.each do |host|
+    groups = {}
+    step "collect the list of groups on #{host} with getent group"
+    on(host, "getent group") do
+        stdout.each_line do |line| groups[line[/^[^:]+/]] = 'getent' end
+    end
+    step "collect the list of groups on #{host} with puppet resource"
+    on(host, puppet_resource('group')) do
+        stdout.each_line do |line|
+            match = line.match(/^group \{ '([^']+)'/)
+            if match then
+                name = match[1]
+                if groups.include? name then
+                    groups.delete name
+                else
+                    fail_test "group #{name} found by puppet, not getent"
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    groups.keys.each do |name|
+        fail_test "group #{name} found by getent, not puppet"
+    end
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_create.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_create.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d5bd9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_create.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "host should create"
+target = "/tmp/host-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "clean up for the test"
+on agents, "rm -vf #{target}"
+step "create the host record"
+on(agents, puppet_resource("host", "test", "ensure=present",
+              "ip=", "target=#{target}"))
+step "verify that the record was created"
+on(agents, "cat #{target} ; rm -f #{target}") do
+    fail_test "record was not present" unless stdout =~ /^127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+test/
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_create_aliases.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_create_aliases.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4cc0014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_create_aliases.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+test_name "host should create aliases"
+target  = "/tmp/host-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "clean up the system for testing"
+on agents, "rm -vf #{target}"
+step "create the record"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "ensure=present",
+              "ip=", "target=#{target}", "host_aliases=alias"))
+step "verify that the aliases were added"
+on(agents, "cat #{target} ; rm -f #{target}") do
+    fail_test "alias was missing" unless
+        stdout =~ /^127\.0\.0\.7[[:space:]]+test[[:space:]]alias/
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_destroy.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_destroy.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..451b2d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_destroy.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+test_name "should be able to remove a host record"
+file = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+line = " test1"
+step "set up files for the test"
+on agents, "printf '#{line}\n' > #{file}"
+step "delete the resource from the file"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('host', 'test1', "target=#{file}",
+              'ensure=absent', 'ip='))
+step "verify that the content was removed"
+on(agents, "cat #{file}; rm -f #{file}") do
+    fail_test "the content was still present" if stdout.include? line
+step "clean up after the test"
+on agents, "rm -vf #{file}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_modify_alias.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_modify_alias.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..312078f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_modify_alias.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+test_name "should be able to modify a host alias"
+file = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "set up files for the test"
+on agents, "printf ' test alias\n' > #{file}"
+step "modify the resource"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}",
+              'ensure=present', 'ip=', 'host_aliases=banzai'))
+step "verify that the content was updated"
+on(agents, "cat #{file}; rm -f #{file}") do
+    fail_test "the alias was not updated" unless
+        stdout =~ /^127\.0\.0\.8[[:space:]]+test[[:space:]]+banzai[[:space:]]*$/
+step "clean up after the test"
+on agents, "rm -vf #{file}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_modify_ip.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_modify_ip.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b16db59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_modify_ip.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+test_name "should be able to modify a host address"
+file = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "set up files for the test"
+on agents, "printf ' test alias\n' > #{file}"
+step "modify the resource"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}",
+              'ensure=present', 'ip=', 'host_aliases=alias'))
+step "verify that the content was updated"
+on(agents, "cat #{file}; rm -f #{file}") do
+    fail_test "the address was not updated" unless
+        stdout =~ /^127\.0\.0\.10[[:space:]]+test[[:space:]]+alias[[:space:]]*$/
+step "clean up after the test"
+on agents, "rm -vf #{file}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_not_create_existing.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_not_create_existing.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8a40df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_not_create_existing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+test_name "should not create host if it exists"
+file = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "set up the system for the test"
+on agents, "printf ' test alias\n' > #{file}"
+step "tell puppet to ensure the host exists"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}",
+              'ensure=present', 'ip=', 'host_aliases=alias')) do
+    fail_test "darn, we created the host record" if
+        stdout.include? 'notice: /Host[test1]/ensure: created'
+step "clean up after we created things"
+on agents, "rm -vf #{file}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_query.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_query.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..983812c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_query.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "should query hosts out of a hosts file"
+file = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "set up the system for the test"
+on agents, "printf ' localhost.local localhost\n' > #{file}"
+step "fetch the list of hosts from puppet"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('host', 'localhost', "target=#{file}")) do
+    found = stdout.scan('present').length
+    fail_test "found #{found} hosts, not 1" if found != 1
+step "clean up the system"
+on agents, "rm -vf #{file}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_query_all.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_query_all.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..654883a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/should_query_all.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+test_name "should query all hosts from hosts file"
+content = %q{ test1 test1.local
+ test2 test2.local
+ test3 test3.local
+ test4 test4.local
+backup = "/tmp/hosts.backup-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "configure the system for testing (including file backups)"
+on agents, "cp /etc/hosts #{backup}"
+on agents, "cat > /etc/hosts", :stdin => content
+step "query all host records using puppet"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('host')) do
+    found = stdout.scan(/host \{ '([^']+)'/).flatten.sort
+    fail_test "the list of returned hosts was wrong: #{found.join(', ')}" unless
+        found == %w{test1 test2 test3 test4}
+    count = stdout.scan(/ensure\s+=>\s+'present'/).length
+    fail_test "found #{count} records, wanted 4" unless count == 4
+step "clean up the system afterwards"
+on agents, "mv -vf #{backup} /etc/hosts"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/host/ticket_4131_should_not_create_without_ip.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/ticket_4131_should_not_create_without_ip.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9223da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/host/ticket_4131_should_not_create_without_ip.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+test_name "#4131: should not create host without IP attribute"
+file = "/tmp/hosts-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "configure the target system for the test"
+on agents, "rm -vrf #{file} ; touch #{file}"
+step "try to create the host, which should fail"
+# REVISIT: This step should properly need to handle the non-zero exit code,
+# and #5668 has been filed to record that.  When it is fixed this test will
+# start to fail, and this comment will tell you why. --daniel 2010-12-24
+on(agents, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}",
+              "host_aliases=alias")) do
+    fail_test "puppet didn't complain about the missing attribute" unless
+        stdout.include? 'ip is a required attribute for hosts'
+step "verify that the host was not added to the file"
+on(agents, "cat #{file} ; rm -f #{file}") do
+    fail_test "the host was apparently added to the file" if stdout.include? 'test'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b4c2bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+test_name "#4123: should list all running services on Redhat/CentOS"
+step "Validate services running agreement ralsh vs. OS service count"
+# This will remotely exec:
+# ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.sh
+hosts.each do |host|
+  unless host['platform'].include? 'centos' or host['platform'].include? 'redhat'
+    skip_test "Test not supported on this plaform" 
+  else
+    run_script_on(host,'tests/acceptance/resource/service/ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.sh')
+  end
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.sh b/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1d5e495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# A platform must be specified the only command line arg
+# This will facilitate expansion of this tests to include
+# the ability to test other OSes
+#if [ -z $1 ] ; then
+#  echo "No platform specified"
+#  exit 1
+# redhat or centos only
+#if echo $1 | grep -e centos -e redhat
+  RALSH_FILE=/tmp/ralsh-running-list-$$
+  SERVICE_FILE=/tmp/service-running-list-$$
+  puppet resource service | egrep -B1 "ensure\s*=>\s*'running" | grep 'service {' | gawk -F"\'" '{print $2}' | sort  > $RALSH_FILE
+  if [ -e $SERVICE_FILE ]; then
+  fi
+  SERVICEDIR='/etc/init.d'
+  for SERVICE in $( ls $SERVICEDIR | sort | egrep -v "(functions|halt|killall|single|linuxconf)" ) ; do
+    if env -i LANG="$LANG" PATH="$PATH" TERM="$TERM" "${SERVICEDIR}/${SERVICE}" status; then
+      echo $SERVICE >> $SERVICE_FILE
+    fi
+  done
+  if diff $RALSH_FILE $SERVICE_FILE ; then
+    echo "Ralsh and system service count agree"
+    exit 0
+  else
+    echo "Ralsh and system service count NOT in agreement"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+#fi # end redhat/centos
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4add108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+test_name "#4124: should list all disabled services on Redhat/CentOS"
+step "Validate disabled services agreement ralsh vs. OS service count"
+# This will remotely exec:
+# ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.sh
+hosts.each do |host|
+  unless host['platform'].include? 'centos' or host['platform'].include? 'redhat'
+    skip_test "Test not supported on this plaform"
+   else
+    run_script_on(host,'tests/acceptance/resource/service/ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.sh')
+  end
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.sh b/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7cc463d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# A platform must be specified the only command line arg
+# This will facilitate expansion of this tests to include
+# the ability to test other OSes
+#if [ -z $1 ] ; then
+#  echo "No platform specified"
+#  exit 1
+# redhat or centos only
+#if echo $1 | grep -e centos -e redhat
+  RALSH_FILE=/tmp/ralsh-disabled-list-$$
+  SERVICE_FILE=/tmp/service-disabled-list-$$
+  # collect all service namevars 
+  puppet resource service | egrep -B2 "enable\s*=>\s*'false" | grep "service {" | awk -F"'" '{print $2}' | sort  > $RALSH_FILE
+  if [ -e $SERVICE_FILE ]; then
+  fi
+  SERVICEDIR='/etc/init.d'
+  for SERVICE in $( ls $SERVICEDIR | sort | egrep -v "(functions|halt|killall|single|linuxconf)" ) ; do
+    if ! chkconfig $SERVICE; then
+      echo $SERVICE >> $SERVICE_FILE
+    fi
+  done
+  if diff $RALSH_FILE $SERVICE_FILE ; then
+    echo "Ralsh and system service count agree"
+    exit 0
+  else
+    echo "Ralsh and system service count NOT in agreement"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+#fi # end redhat/centos
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_create.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_create.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..062883d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_create.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+test_name "should create a user, and the default matching group"
+# REVISIT: This is a direct port of the original test, but it contains a
+# non-portable assumption that "user private groups" are used by default by
+# everything that we target. --daniel 2010-12-24
+name = "test-user-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "ensure that the user and group #{name} do not exist"
+on agents, "if getent passwd #{name}; then userdel #{name}; fi"
+on agents, "if getent group #{name}; then groupdel #{name}; fi"
+step "ask puppet to create the user"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('user', name, 'ensure=present'))
+step "verify that the user and group now exist"
+on agents, "getent passwd #{name} && getent group #{name}"
+step "ensure that the user and group #{name} do not exist"
+on agents, "if getent passwd #{name}; then userdel #{name}; fi"
+on agents, "if getent group #{name}; then groupdel #{name}; fi"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_create_with_gid.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_create_with_gid.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be36bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_create_with_gid.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+test_name "verifies that puppet resource creates a user and assigns the correct group"
+user  = "test-user-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+group = "test-user-#{Time.new.to_i}-group"
+agents.each do |host|
+    step "user should not exist"
+    on host, "if getent passwd #{user}; then userdel #{user}; fi"
+    step "group should exist"
+    on host, "if ! getent group #{group}; then groupadd #{group}; fi"
+    step "create user with group"
+    on(host, puppet_resource('user', user, 'ensure=present', "gid=#{group}"))
+    step "verify the group exists and find the gid"
+    on(host, "getent group #{group}") do
+        gid = stdout.split(':')[2]
+        step "verify that the user has that as their gid"
+        on(host, "getent passwd #{user}") do
+            got = stdout.split(':')[3]
+            fail_test "wanted gid #{gid} but found #{got}" unless gid == got
+        end
+    end
+    step "clean up after the test is done"
+    on(host, puppet_resource('user', user, 'ensure=absent'))
+    on(host, puppet_resource('group', group, 'ensure=absent'))
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_destroy.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_destroy.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8ba7ace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_destroy.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+test_name "verify that puppet resource correctly destroys users"
+user  = "test-user-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+group = user
+step "ensure that the user and associated group exist"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', group, 'ensure=present'))
+on(agents, puppet_resource('user', user, 'ensure=present', "gid=#{group}"))
+step "try and delete the user"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('user', user, 'ensure=absent'))
+step "verify that the user is no longer present"
+on(agents, "getent passwd #{user}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [2]) do
+    fail_test "found the user in the output" if stdout.include? "#{user}:"
+step "remove the group as well..."
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', group, 'ensure=absent'))
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_modify_gid.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_modify_gid.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6aba4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_modify_gid.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+test_name "verify that we can modify the gid"
+user   = "test-user-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+group1 = "#{user}-old"
+group2 = "#{user}-new"
+agents.each do |host|
+    step "ensure that the groups both exist"
+    on(host, puppet_resource('group', group1, 'ensure=present'))
+    on(host, puppet_resource('group', group2, 'ensure=present'))
+    step "ensure the user exists and has the old group"
+    on(host, puppet_resource('user', user, 'ensure=present', "gid=#{group1}"))
+    step "verify that the user has the correct gid"
+    on(host, "getent group #{group1}") do
+        gid = stdout.split(':')[2]
+        on(host, "getent passwd #{user}") do
+            got = stdout.split(':')[3]
+            fail_test "didn't have the expected old GID, but #{got}" unless got == gid
+        end
+    end
+    step "modify the GID of the user"
+    on(host, puppet_resource('user', user, 'ensure=present', "gid=#{group2}"))
+    step "verify that the user has the updated gid"
+    on(host, "getent group #{group2}") do
+        gid = stdout.split(':')[2]
+        on(host, "getent passwd #{user}") do
+            got = stdout.split(':')[3]
+            fail_test "didn't have the expected old GID, but #{got}" unless got == gid
+        end
+    end
+    step "ensure that we remove the things we made"
+    on(host, puppet_resource('user',  user,   'ensure=absent'))
+    on(host, puppet_resource('group', group1, 'ensure=absent'))
+    on(host, puppet_resource('group', group2, 'ensure=absent'))
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_not_create_existing.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_not_create_existing.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2f33a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_not_create_existing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+test_name "tests that user resource will not add users that already exist."
+step "verify that we don't try to create a user account that already exists"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('user', 'root', 'ensure=present')) do
+    fail_test "tried to create 'root' user" if stdout.include? 'created'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_not_destoy_unexisting.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_not_destoy_unexisting.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ceeea7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_not_destoy_unexisting.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+test_name "ensure that puppet does not report removing a user that does not exist"
+name = "test-user-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "verify that user #{name} does not exist"
+on agents, "getent passwd #{name}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [2]
+step "ensure absent doesn't try and do anything"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('user', name, 'ensure=absent')) do
+    fail_test "tried to remove the user, apparently" if stdout.include? 'removed'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_query.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_query.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e2df53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_query.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_name "test that we can query and find a user that exists."
+name = "test-user-#{Time.new.to_i}"
+step "ensure that our test user exists"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('user', name, 'ensure=present'))
+step "query for the resource and verify it was found"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('user', name)) do
+    fail_test "didn't find the user #{name}" unless stdout.include? 'present'
+step "clean up the user and group we added"
+on(agents, puppet_resource('user', name, 'ensure=absent'))
+on(agents, puppet_resource('group', name, 'ensure=absent'))
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_query_all.rb b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_query_all.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00d7b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/resource/user/should_query_all.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+test_name "ensure that puppet queries the correct number of users"
+agents.each do |host|
+    users = []
+    step "collect the list of known users via getent"
+    on(host, "getent passwd") do
+        stdout.each_line do |line|
+            users << line.split(':')[0]
+        end
+    end
+    step "collect the list of known users via puppet"
+    on(host, puppet_resource('user')) do
+        stdout.each_line do |line|
+            name = ( line.match(/^user \{ '([^']+)'/) or next )[1]
+            # OK: Was this name found in the list of users?
+            if users.member? name then
+                users.delete name
+            else
+                fail_test "user #{name} found by puppet, not by getent"
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if users.length > 0 then
+        fail_test "#{users.length} users found with getent, not puppet: #{users.join(', ')}"
+    end
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_3172_puppet_kick_with_hostnames_on_the_command_line.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_3172_puppet_kick_with_hostnames_on_the_command_line.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..436ce29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_3172_puppet_kick_with_hostnames_on_the_command_line.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+test_name "#3172: puppet kick with hostnames on the command line"
+step "verify that we trigger our host"
+target = 'working.example.org'
+on(agents, puppet_kick(target), :acceptable_exit_codes => [3]) {
+  fail_test "didn't trigger #{target}" unless stdout.include? "Triggering #{target}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba02227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_3360_allow_duplicate_csr_with_option_set.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+test_name "#3360: Allow duplicate CSR when allow_duplicate_certs is on"
+agent_hostnames = agents.map {|a| a.to_s}
+# Kill running Puppet Master -- should not be running at this point
+step "Master: kill running Puppet Master"
+on master, "ps -U puppet | awk '/puppet/ { print \$1 }' | xargs kill || echo \"Puppet Master not running\""
+step "Master: Start Puppet Master"
+on master, puppet_master("--allow_duplicate_certs --certdnsnames=\"puppet:$(hostname -s):$(hostname -f)\" --verbose --noop")
+step "Generate a certificate request for the agent"
+on agents, "puppet certificate generate `hostname -f` --ca-location remote --server #{master}"
+step "Collect the original certs"
+on master, puppet_cert("--sign --all")
+original_certs = on master, puppet_cert("--list --all")
+old_certs = {}
+original_certs.stdout.each_line do |line|
+  if line =~ /^\+ (\S+) \((.+)\)$/
+    old_certs[$1] = $2
+    puts "old cert: #{$1} #{$2}"
+  end
+step "Make another request with the same certname"
+on agents, "puppet certificate generate `hostname -f` --ca-location remote --server #{master}"
+step "Collect the new certs"
+on master, puppet_cert("--sign --all")
+new_cert_list = on master, puppet_cert("--list --all")
+new_certs = {}
+new_cert_list.stdout.each_line do |line|
+  if line =~ /^\+ (\S+) \((.+)\)$/
+    new_certs[$1] = $2
+    puts "new cert: #{$1} #{$2}"
+  end
+step "Verify the certs have changed"
+# using the agent name as the key may cause errors;
+# agent name from cfg file is likely to have short name
+# where certs might be signed with long names.
+old_certs.each_key { |key|
+  next if key.include? master # skip the masters cert, only care about agents
+  fail_test("#{key} does not have a new signed certificate") if old_certs[key] == new_certs[key]
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_3656_requiring_multiple_resources.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_3656_requiring_multiple_resources.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..754e641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_3656_requiring_multiple_resources.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+test_name "#3656: requiring multiple resources"
+apply_manifest_on agents, %q{
+    notify { 'foo': }
+    notify { 'bar': }
+    notify { 'baz':
+      require => [Notify['foo'], Notify['bar']],
+    }
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_3961_puppet_ca_should_produce_certs.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_3961_puppet_ca_should_produce_certs.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b5bc37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_3961_puppet_ca_should_produce_certs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+test_name "#3961: puppet ca should produce certs spec"
+scratch = "/tmp/puppet-ssl-3961"
+target  = "working3961.example.org"
+options = { :confdir => scratch, :vardir => scratch, :ssldir => scratch }
+expect = ['notice: Signed certificate request for ca',
+          'notice: Rebuilding inventory file',
+          'notice: working3961.example.org has a waiting certificate request',
+          'notice: Signed certificate request for working3961.example.org',
+          'notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest working3961.example.org']
+step "removing the SSL scratch directory..."
+on agents, "rm -vrf #{scratch}"
+step "generate a certificate in #{scratch}"
+on(agents,puppet_cert('--trace', '--generate', target, options)) do
+  expect.each do |line|
+    stdout.index(line) or fail_test("missing line in output: #{line}")
+  end
+step "verify the certificate for #{target} exists"
+on agents, "test -f #{scratch}/certs/#{target}.pem"
+step "verify the private key for #{target} exists"
+on agents, "grep -q 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY' #{scratch}/private_keys/#{target}.pem"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_4059_ralsh_can_change_settings.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4059_ralsh_can_change_settings.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c97bbdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4059_ralsh_can_change_settings.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+test_name "#4059: ralsh can change settings"
+target = "/tmp/hosts-#4059"
+content = "host example.com ensure=present ip= target=#{target}"
+step "cleanup the target file"
+on agents, "rm -f #{target}"
+step "run the resource agent"
+on(agents, puppet_resource(content)) do
+  stdout.index('Host[example.com]/ensure: created') or
+    fail_test("missing notice about host record creation")
+on(agents, "cat #{target}") do
+  stdout =~ /^127\.0\.0\.1\s+example\.com/ or
+    fail_test("missing host record in #{target}")
+step "cleanup at the end of the test"
+on agents, "rm -f #{target}"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_4110_puppet_apply_should_not_create_a_user_that_already_exists.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4110_puppet_apply_should_not_create_a_user_that_already_exists.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9704250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4110_puppet_apply_should_not_create_a_user_that_already_exists.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+test_name "#4110: puppet apply should not create a user that already exists"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, "user { 'root': ensure => 'present' }") do
+  fail_test("we tried to create root on this host") if stdout =~ /created/
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_4233_resource_with_a_newline.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4233_resource_with_a_newline.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb7dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4233_resource_with_a_newline.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+test_name "#4233: resource with a newline"
+# 2010-07-22 Jeff McCune <jeff at puppetlabs.com>
+# AffectedVersion: 2.6.0rc3
+# FixedVersion: 2.6.0
+# JJM We expect 2.6.0rc3 to return an error
+# and 2.6.0 final to not return an error line.
+# Look for the line in the output and fail the test
+# if we find it.
+apply_manifest_on(agents, 'exec { \'/bin/echo -e "\nHello World\n"\': }') do
+  stdout =~ /err:/ and fail_test("error report in output, sorry")
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_4285_file_resource_fail_when_name_defined_instead_of_path.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4285_file_resource_fail_when_name_defined_instead_of_path.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2297fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4285_file_resource_fail_when_name_defined_instead_of_path.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+test_name "Bug #4285: ArgumentError: Cannot alias File[mytitle] to [nil]"
+manifest = %q{
+  file { "file1":
+      name => '/tmp/file1',
+      source => "/tmp/",
+  }
+  file { "file2":
+      name => '/tmp/file2',
+      source => "/tmp/",
+  }
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "found the bug report output" if stdout =~ /Cannot alias/
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_4287_undefined_method_evaluate_match_when_function_call_used_in_an_if_statement.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4287_undefined_method_evaluate_match_when_function_call_used_in_an_if_statement.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9a17df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4287_undefined_method_evaluate_match_when_function_call_used_in_an_if_statement.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+test_name "Bug #4287: undefined method 'evaluate_match' when function call used in an 'if' statement"
+manifest = %q{
+  $foo='abc'
+  if $foo != regsubst($foo,'abc','def') {
+    notify { 'No issue here...': }
+  }
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+    fail_test "didn't get the expected notice" unless
+        stdout.include? 'notice: No issue here...'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_4289_facter_should_recognize_OEL_operatingsystemrelease.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4289_facter_should_recognize_OEL_operatingsystemrelease.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..653fcb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4289_facter_should_recognize_OEL_operatingsystemrelease.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# 2010-08-02 Nan Liu
+# http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/4289
+# NL: Facter should return OS version instead of kernel version for OEL
+# test script only applicable to OEL, provided based on ticked info, not verified.
+test_name "#4289: facter should recognize OEL operatingsystemrelease"
+# REVISIT: We don't actually have support for this yet - we need a "not
+# applicable" option, I guess, that can be based on detected stuff, which is
+# cleaner than this is... --daniel 2010-12-22
+agents.each do |host|
+  step "determine the operating system of #{host}"
+  on host, facter("operatingsystem")
+  if stdout =~ /oel/i then
+    step "test operatingsystemrelease fact on OEL host #{host}"
+    on host, facter("operatingsystemrelease")
+    stdout =~ /^\d\.\d$/ or fail_test "operatingsystemrelease not as expected"
+  end
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_4293_define_and_use_a_define_within_a_class.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4293_define_and_use_a_define_within_a_class.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..830da99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4293_define_and_use_a_define_within_a_class.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# 2010-07-22 Jeff McCune <jeff at puppetlabs.com>
+# AffectedVersion: 2.6.0rc4
+# FixedVersion: 2.6.0
+# Description: using a defined type in the class it's declared in
+# causes an error.
+manifest = <<PP
+class foo {
+  define do_notify($msg) {
+    notify { "Message for $name: $msg": }
+  }
+  do_notify { "test_one": msg => "a_message_for_you" }
+include foo
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+  stdout =~ /notice.*?Foo::Do_notify.*?a_message_for_you/ or
+    fail_test("the notification didn't show up in stdout")
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_4404_should_allow_stage_main_on_left_side_of_relationship.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4404_should_allow_stage_main_on_left_side_of_relationship.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db7d5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4404_should_allow_stage_main_on_left_side_of_relationship.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Jeff McCune <jeff at puppetlabs.com>
+# 2010-07-29
+# AffectedVersion: <= 2.6.0rc1
+# FixedVersion:
+# This specification makes sure the syntax:
+# Stage[main] -> Stage[last]
+# works as expected
+apply_manifest_on agents, %q{
+  stage { [ "pre", "post" ]: }
+  Stage["pre"] -> Stage["main"] -> Stage["post"]
+  class one   { notify { "class one, first stage":   } }
+  class two   { notify { "class two, second stage":  } }
+  class three { notify { "class three, third stage": } }
+  class { "one": stage => pre }
+  class { "two": }
+  class { "three": stage => post }
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_4423_cannot_declare_two_parameterized_classes.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4423_cannot_declare_two_parameterized_classes.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c4111d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_4423_cannot_declare_two_parameterized_classes.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Jeff McCune <jeff at puppetlabs.com>
+# 2010-07-31
+# AffectedVersion: 2.6.0, 2.6.1rc1
+# FixedVersion:
+# Make sure two parameterized classes are able to be declared.
+test_name "#4423: cannot declare two parameterized classes"
+class1 = %q{
+    class rainbow($color) {
+      notify { "color": message => "Color is [${color}]" }
+    }
+    class { "rainbow": color => "green" }
+class2 = %q{
+    class planet($moons) {
+      notify { "planet": message => "Moons are [${moons}]" }
+    }
+    class { "planet": moons => "1" }
+step "Declaring one parameterized class works just fine"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, class1)
+step "Make sure we try both classes stand-alone"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, class2)
+step "Putting both classes in the same manifest should work."
+apply_manifest_on agents, class1 + class2
+step "Putting both classes in the same manifest should work."
+apply_manifest_on agents, class1+class2+%q{
+    class rainbow::location($prism=false, $water=true) {
+      notify { "${name}":
+        message => "prism:[${prism}] water:[${water}]";
+      }
+    }
+    class { "rainbow::location": prism => true, water => false; }
+    class rainbow::type($pretty=true, $ugly=false) {
+      notify { "${name}":
+        message => "pretty:[${pretty}] ugly:[${ugly}]";
+      }
+    }
+    class { "rainbow::type": pretty => false, ugly => true; }
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_5027_warn_on_dynamic_scope.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_5027_warn_on_dynamic_scope.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a918f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_5027_warn_on_dynamic_scope.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+test_name "#5027: Issue warnings when using dynamic scope"
+step "Apply dynamic scoping manifest on agents"
+apply_manifest_on agents, %q{
+  $foo = 'foo_value'
+  class a {
+      $bar = 'bar_value'
+      include b
+  }
+  class b inherits c {
+      notify { $baz: } # should not generate a warning -- inherited from class c
+      notify { $bar: } # should generate a warning -- uses dynamic scoping
+      notify { $foo: } # should not generate a warning -- comes from top scope
+  }
+  class c {
+      $baz = 'baz_value'
+  }
+  include a
+step "Verify deprecation warning"
+fail_test "Deprecation warning not issued" unless
+  stdout.include? 'warning: Dynamic lookup'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_5477_master_not_dectect_sitepp.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_5477_master_not_dectect_sitepp.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d05735e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_5477_master_not_dectect_sitepp.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# In 2.6, compile does not fail when site.pp does not exist.
+# However, if a catalog is compiled when site.pp does not exist, 
+# puppetmaster does not detect when site.pp is created. This requires a restart
+test_name "Ticket 5477, Puppet Master does not detect newly created site.pp file"
+# Kill running Puppet Master
+step "Master: kill running Puppet Master"
+on master, "ps -U puppet | awk '/puppet/ { print \$1 }' | xargs kill"
+# Run tests against Master first
+step "Master: mv site.pp file to /tmp, if existing"
+on master, "if [ -e  /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp ] ; then mv /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp /tmp/site.pp-5477 ; fi"
+# Start Puppet Master
+#step "Master: Run Puppet Master in verbose mode"
+#on master, puppet_master("--verbose")
+step "Master: Start Puppet Master"
+on master, puppet_master("--certdnsnames=\"puppet:$(hostname -s):$(hostname -f)\" --verbose")
+# Allow puppet server to start accepting conections
+sleep 10
+# Run test on Agents
+step "Agent: agent --test"
+agents.each { |agent|
+    on agent, puppet_agent("--test")
+# Create a new site.pp
+step "Master: create basic site.pp file"
+on master, "echo 'notify{ticket_5477_notify:}' > /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp"
+sleep 20
+step "Agent: puppet agent --test"
+agents.each { |agent|
+  on agent, "puppet agent -t", :acceptable_exit_codes => [2]
+  fail_test "Site.pp not detect at Master?" unless
+    stdout.include? 'ticket_5477_notify'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_6418_file_recursion_and_audit.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_6418_file_recursion_and_audit.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a55d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_6418_file_recursion_and_audit.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# 2011-02-23
+# AffectedVersion: 2.6.0-2.6.5
+# FixedVersion:
+test_name "#6418: file recursion and audit"
+on agents, "rm -f /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml "
+manifest = %q{
+    file { "/tmp/6418": ensure => directory }
+    file { "/tmp/6418/dir": ensure => directory}
+    file { "/tmp/6418/dir/dir": ensure => directory}
+    file { "/tmp/6418/dir/dir/dir": ensure => directory}
+    file { "/tmp/6418-copy": ensure => present, source => "/tmp/6418/" }
+    File["/tmp/6418"] -> File["/tmp/6418/dir"] -> File["/tmp/6418/dir/dir"] -> File["/tmp/6418/dir/dir/dir"] -> File["/tmp/6418-copy"]
+step "Apply the manifest"
+apply_manifest_on agents, manifest
+on agents, "! grep ensure.*directory /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml"
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_6541_invalid_filebucket_files.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_6541_invalid_filebucket_files.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25bcff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_6541_invalid_filebucket_files.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+test_name "start with a file"
+manifest = "file { '/tmp/6541': content => 'some text' }"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest)
+test_name "verify invalid hashes should not change the file"
+manifest = "file { '/tmp/6541': content => '{md5}notahash' }"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+  fail_test "shouldn't have overwrote the file" if
+    stdout =~ /content changed/
+test_name "verify valid but unbucketed hashes should not change the file"
+manifest = "file { '/tmp/6541': content => '{md5}13ad7345d56b566a4408ffdcd877bc78' }"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+  fail_test "shouldn't have overwrote the file" if
+    stdout =~ /content changed/
+on(agents, puppet_filebucket("backup -l /dev/null") )
+test_name "verify that an empty file can be retrieved from the filebucket"
+manifest = "file { '/tmp/6541': content => '{md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' }"
+apply_manifest_on(agents, manifest) do
+  fail_test "shouldn't have overwrote the file" unless
+    stdout =~ /content changed '\{md5\}552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3' to '\{md5\}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'/
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_6734_6256_5530_5503.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_6734_6256_5530_5503.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe88669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_6734_6256_5530_5503.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Puppet master fails to start due to impropper 
+# permissons on the puppet/ dir.  Specially, the rrd 
+# sub dir is not created when puppet master starts
+test_name "Tickets 6734 6256 5530 5503i Puppet Master fails to start"
+# Kill running Puppet Master
+step "Check for running Puppet Master"
+on master, "ps -ef | grep puppet"
+  fail_test "Puppet Master not running" unless
+    stdout.include? 'master'
+step "Check permissions on puppet/rrd/"
+on master, "ls -l /var/lib/puppet | grep rrd | awk '{print $3\" \"$4}'"
+  fail_test "puppet/rrd does not exist/wrong permission" unless
+    stdout.include? 'puppet puppet'
diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_6928_puppet_master_parse_fails.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_6928_puppet_master_parse_fails.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aac5313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_6928_puppet_master_parse_fails.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+test_name "#6928: Puppet --parseonly should return deprication message"
+# Create good and bad formatted manifests
+step "Master: create valid, invalid formatted manifests"
+create_remote_file(master, '/tmp/good.pp', %w{notify{good:}} )
+create_remote_file(master, '/tmp/bad.pp', 'notify{bad:')
+step "Master: use --parseonly on an invalid manifest, should return 1 and issue deprecation warning"
+on master, puppet_master( %w{--parseonly /tmp/bad.pp} ), :acceptable_exit_codes => [ 1 ]
+  fail_test "Deprecation warning not issued for --parseonly" unless
+    stdout.include? '--parseonly has been removed. Please use \'puppet parser validate <manifest>\''
+step "Agents: create valid, invalid formatted manifests"
+agents.each do |host|
+  create_remote_file(host, '/tmp/good.pp', %w{notify{good:}} )
+  create_remote_file(host, '/tmp/bad.pp', 'notify{bad:')
+step "Agents: use --parseonly on an invalid manifest, should return 1 and issue deprecation warning"
+agents.each do |host|
+  on(host, "puppet --parseonly /tmp/bad.pp}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [ 1 ]) do
+    fail_test "Deprecation warning not issued for --parseonly" unless
+      stdout.include? '--parseonly has been removed. Please use \'puppet parser validate <manifest>\''
+  end
+step "Test Face for ‘parser validate’ with good manifest -- should pass"
+agents.each do |host|
+  on(host, "puppet parser validate /tmp/good.pp", :acceptable_exit_codes => [ 0 ])
+step "Test Face for ‘parser validate’ with bad manifest -- should fail"
+agents.each do |host|
+  on(host, "puppet parser validate /tmp/bad.pp", :acceptable_exit_codes => [ 1 ]) do
+    fail_test "Bad manifest detection failed" unless
+      stderr.include? 'Could not run: Could not parse for environment production'
+  end

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