[Pkg-puppet-devel] Inclusion of new/updated puppet module packages

Michael Weiser michael at weiser.dinsnail.net
Mon Dec 1 15:27:36 UTC 2014

Hi Stig,

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 10:59:46AM +0100, Stig Sandbeck Mathisen wrote:

> >> puppet-module-domcleal-augeasproviders_1.2.0-1
> >> puppet-module-erwbgy-limits_0.3.1-1
> >> puppet-module-jakeb-system_1.0.0-1
> >> puppet-module-saz-timezone_3.1.1-1
> I have added git repositories for these modules, and added them to the
> .mrconfig in the pkg-puppet/meta.git repository. It should be possible
> to push to them.

I've imported and pushed them. Seems to have worked fine. A couple of

- lintian complains that an initial release should close an ITP bug. Do
we care?

- debian/control:Uploaders is empty because I'm not an uploader. I
guess, someone who's actually an uploader would need to add herself
there and do it, don't they!?

- debian/control:Vcs-* is commented out. Now that there are actual repos
I can activate those, can't I?

> >> puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt_1.7.0-1.1
> >> puppet-module-puppetlabs-concat_1.1.2-1.1
> >> puppet-module-puppetlabs-ntp_3.3.0-1.1
> >> puppet-module-puppetlabs-stdlib_4.4.0-1.1
> >
> > I've still got those updates staged for pushing. If I don't hear
> > otherwise till Monday I'll just go ahead and push them.
> These are currently frozen in testing, awaiting the release of Debian
> stable. A push to the packaging repository should be ok, but uploading
> new versions of these packages to unstable should not be done until
> "jessie" is released as the next stable.

I've pushed my changes to those. I'm confused by the uploading
discussion: Does anything need doing to prevent upload to unstable? The
debian/changelog says distribution=unstable for now. Should I change
that to experimental?

What's linitan on about when complaining that a non-Uploader should mark
their changes NMU? Do we care?
bye, Micha

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