[Pkg-puppet-devel] Inclusion of new/updated puppet module packages

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Mon Dec 1 20:21:14 UTC 2014

Hello Michael,

Michael Weiser <michael at weiser.dinsnail.net> writes:

> Hi Stig,
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 10:59:46AM +0100, Stig Sandbeck Mathisen wrote:
>> >> puppet-module-domcleal-augeasproviders_1.2.0-1
>> >> puppet-module-erwbgy-limits_0.3.1-1
>> >> puppet-module-jakeb-system_1.0.0-1
>> >> puppet-module-saz-timezone_3.1.1-1
>> I have added git repositories for these modules, and added them to the
>> .mrconfig in the pkg-puppet/meta.git repository. It should be possible
>> to push to them.
> I've imported and pushed them. Seems to have worked fine. A couple of
> points:
> - lintian complains that an initial release should close an ITP bug.
> Do we care?

I do, at least. It's a rather cheap operation. run "reportbug wnpp", and
then select "itp" from the menu. Sometimes, there's feedback, and that
has so far been constructive in my experience. an itp for each package,
and $uploader will fix the changelog before comitting, tagging and
uploading if it is not there already.

You can cut-n-paste the body text from a previous one, for example

> - debian/control:Uploaders is empty because I'm not an uploader. I
> guess, someone who's actually an uploader would need to add herself
> there and do it, don't they!?


> - debian/control:Vcs-* is commented out. Now that there are actual
> repos I can activate those, can't I?

Please do. Those should use the "anonscm.debian.org" hostnames.
Cut-n-pastable URLs are found at the web pages for each repo. Example,
see bottom of the page at:

>> >> puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt_1.7.0-1.1
>> >> puppet-module-puppetlabs-concat_1.1.2-1.1
>> >> puppet-module-puppetlabs-ntp_3.3.0-1.1
>> >> puppet-module-puppetlabs-stdlib_4.4.0-1.1
>> >
>> > I've still got those updates staged for pushing. If I don't hear
>> > otherwise till Monday I'll just go ahead and push them.
>> These are currently frozen in testing, awaiting the release of Debian
>> stable. A push to the packaging repository should be ok, but
>> uploading new versions of these packages to unstable should not be
>> done until "jessie" is released as the next stable.
> I've pushed my changes to those. I'm confused by the uploading
> discussion: Does anything need doing to prevent upload to unstable?
> The debian/changelog says distribution=unstable for now. Should I
> change that to experimental?

If you would like me to upload, I can fix that.

> What's linitan on about when complaining that a non-Uploader should
> mark their changes NMU? Do we care?

I think you could safely disregard that when packaging. That lintian
test checks if the identity of the current package builder matches the
uploader list. When the packages are built just before upload, it's a
nice warning sign that something is amiss.

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen

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