[Pkg-puppet-devel] packaging puppet and clojure ITPs

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Mon Jul 6 09:21:57 BST 2020

Am 06.07.20 um 07:25 schrieb Elana Hashman:
> Thanks all!
> Giving me temp owner access on the Java team is fine.

I have granted you owner access for the Java team now.

> The split is intended to be logical and not a barrier to contribution.
> In my experience with Clojure and Java packages, they require different
> skills and feel totally different to package and build. When I look at
> all the packages across the Java team, it's easy to get overwhelmed, and
> I have struggled a little with trying to upgrade arbitrary packages
> (jgit comes to mind...)
> So to me it makes sense to put all the Clojure packages in one
> Clojure-specific place to make them easy to search and contribute to,
> and I hope we can make permissions work out to make contributing easy
> for everyone. In this case, I think most of the new contributors are
> neither on the Java nor Clojure teams?

If others also need permissions, that shouldn't be a big problem. We
usually grant maintainer access for all DDs and developer access for
non-DDs. However it would be nice if people introduced themselves on the
debian-java mailing list first with a few comments what they intend to
work on. We had some random requests from people in the past who didn't
seem to be involved in anything Debian related at all.



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