Updating the Rakudo package

Jonas Linde jonas.linde at init.se
Sat May 9 18:20:27 UTC 2015

Hello everybody!

I'd like to start by introducing myself. My name is Jonas Linde or
sometimes Jonas J Linde when I want to be fancy. I've been workning as
an IT consultant for 17 years focusing on development and system
administration on Unix and Linux systems. Of the different programming
languages I've used, Perl is the only one that is truly fun to work

Since Perl6 was announced 15 years ago I've been eagerly waiting and
have been starting to use it more in the last year. I was recently
involved in a discussion about whether Perl6 was released or not and a
criteria that came up was the existens of a Debian package. As I'm
also a long time Debian user I thought it would be a good idea to help
out keeping the packages up to date.

My goals in this would be to spread the use of Perl6 by making sure
that the principal compiler is easliy available to Debian users. I
also believe that my employer would actually sponsor this work which
means that I won't have to be distracted by other paying work.

I'm really looking forward to get started on this!

Jonas Linde <jonas at init.se> - http://jonas.init.se/ - +46-707-492496
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