[Pkg-raspi-maintainers] Fixing the list's configuration

Cyril Brulebois cyril at debamax.com
Sat Jul 13 21:40:44 BST 2024


As you might know, Big Mail companies have pushed aggressively to make
sure everyone does SPF+DKIM+DMARC; those having a reject policy at the
DMARC level (which is a strong recommendation) are basically asking for
mails to get shot down if SPF checks or DKIM checks fail.

The current list configuration breaks the DKIM signature by modifying
the Subject line. Could we please drop that? Filtering on List-Id is how
one would usually dispatch mails into different folders, instead of
relying on Subject substring match…

Yes, I could just change the DMARC policy for my own domain, so that I'd
receive my own mails (the irony is not lost on me):

but that also affects some mails sent through the Debian infrastructure,

Thanks for considering.

Cyril Brulebois -- Debian Consultant @ DEBAMAX -- https://debamax.com/
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