[request-tracker-maintainers] Bug#582932: Bug#582932: Bug #582932

Karel Bemelmans k.bemelmans at unilogic.nl
Tue Jun 29 09:58:46 UTC 2010

The configuration file was not changed during the upgrade. I installed RT using dbconfig and those settings were used to perform the upgrade, so $rtname was not changed.

I did not get any errors, just 1 warning about setting RTAddressRegexp in the config file, which I haven't added yet as it did not seem to be necessary for my setup.

I currently fixed my RT by removing all the tickets of type 'reminder' and status 'new', and re-adding them on the site. This seems to be working even though I can't really spot any difference between the rows I deleted and the new ones I've added.

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Dominic Hargreaves [mailto:dom at earth.li] 
Verzonden: dinsdag 29 juni 2010 11:52
Aan: Karel Bemelmans;582932 at bugs.debian.org
Onderwerp: Re: [request-tracker-maintainers] Bug#582932: Bug #582932

It's very useful to hear feedback on this bug. Can you confirm that
you didn't change the configuration at all at the time of this upgrade?
In particular, to the $rtname configuration variable?

I'll make upstream aware of your comment on the linked ticket and
see if I can reproduce the issue myself later this week.

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