[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#443562: roundcube: Reply fails to set To: address

Vincent Bernat bernat at luffy.cx
Tue Sep 25 18:50:24 UTC 2007

OoO Lors de la soirée naissante du samedi 22 septembre 2007, vers 17:23,
Andrew Schulman <andrex at alumni.utexas.net> disait:

> These two times seem to be about the times that I tried to send the two 
> messages that I referred to in my earlier reports.  However, I've just 
> tried again to reply and forward some messages, and although I get the 
> same results, no more messages appear in error.log (I ran sync too).

Which IMAP server do you connect to? Dovecot? uw-imapd? courier? Can you
try to  configure another  IMAP server (from  your ISP for  example)? If
not, I will provide you an account on my IMAP server to test.
BOFH excuse #79:
Look, buddy:  Windows 3.1 IS A General Protection Fault.

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