[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#593271: [INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates roundcube
Justin B Rye
jbr at edlug.org.uk
Mon Aug 16 21:55:39 UTC 2010
Vincent Bernat wrote:
> Joe Dalton <joedalton2 at yahoo.dk> disait :
>> "If this is left blank, a text box will be displayed at login. Entering a "
>> "space-separated list of hosts will display a pull-down menu. Entering a "
>> "single host will enforce using this host."
>> in this string you use the frase pull-down menu. Isn't the right term
>> in English drop down menu?
> Unfortunately, I am not a native English speaker. Does anyone know if we
> say a pull-down menu or a drop down menu?
Both occur, and both are fairly transparent, but "drop-down menu"
gets 11 200 000 Google hits while "pull-down menu" gets only about
961 000 (and a large proportion of the pages that use "pull-down"
also use "drop-down").
It's possible that web developers use "pull-down" more often than
(say) C++ developers, but this may just be sampling bias, and even
if true it doesn't mean the users are familiar with the same jargon.
JBR with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
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