[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] New upstream release 1.1.5

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Mon May 9 12:22:23 UTC 2016

 ❦  9 mai 2016 11:57 +0200, Guilhem Moulin <guilhem at guilhem.org> :

>> I am a bit confused. The tag seems to be here but doesn't point to
>> jessie-backports branch. Just to be sure, could you push
>> jessie-backports branch?
> I just verified that jessie-backports was up-to-date (HEAD on 4f15602).
> The tag debian/1.1.5+dfsg.1-1_bpo8+1 doesn't seem to be present on
> anonscm.d.o, either:
>     https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-roundcube/roundcube.git/refs/tags
> But I don't think that tag deletion on a remote is propagated upon
> pull.

OK, during the pull, I got a message about the tag being updated, so I
though you already pushed a new tag. I have just uploaded to
Don't stop with your first draft.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)
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