[DRE-maint] Cruisecontrol.rb

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at gwolf.org
Wed Apr 18 23:14:09 UTC 2007

Paul van Tilburg dijo [Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 01:16:47AM +0200]:
> > I've been thinking of having a crack at packaging cruisecontrol.rb for
> > Debian. Are there any suggested guidelines or best practices for
> > packaging what is essentially a rails app that doesn't use activerecord?
> > 
> > I've had a bit of a poke around the official repositories and haven't
> > been able to find any other rails apps in there yet.
> Oof, that's a hard (but good) question.  I haven't really thought about
> packaging Rails apps yet.  And as you remark we indeed don't have one
> yet.
> Gunnar, do you have any ideas on how this should work?
> I mean, webapps in general, for example imp..  you install them and then
> somehow hook them up in the webserver of choice (most of the time
> includes some documentation).
> If so, I would say...  Rails apps are put in /usr/share/rails or
> something..  a rails app is kind of like a gem, you just put everything
> there and then hook the index.{cgi,fcgi,rb} up IIRC?
> We probably should involve the Rails maintainer in this and
> add this to our upcoming app & lib policy,  because I'm sure that more
> Rails apps are to follow.


Thanks, Paul - Well, so far I've been quite inactive in the
pkg-ruby-extras group, and my Ruby involvement also starts with
Rails... Well, I will toss the ball now to Filipe, as he is the most
knowledgeable person at hand with Mongrel (which is popular with

Rails is a strange beast. I'm not sure the typical CGIesque scheme of
having everything just dumped in /usr/share/<webapp_name> will work,
as Rails has quite a load of inner directories. Of course, they can be
sent via symlinks to the proper places (i.e. /usr/share/<webapp>/log
-> /var/log/<webapp>). Common files to all Rails scripts should
probably be dealt with in a similar fashion... Again, I'm kind of a
newbie in this world, but I guess most Rails apps will consist really
of the contents of app, public, config (which should of course be in
/etc), test and db, with some bits here and there every now and

I do feel we should -as suggested in your other mail- schedule a
couple of sessions during Debconf. I plan to be there Jun 11-24 (but
there is a problem that might make my plans crumble - I hope the
problem just goes away ;-) ). Any other Rails person attending


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf at gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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