[DRE-maint] Cruisecontrol.rb

James Healy jimmy at deefa.com
Thu Apr 19 01:15:04 UTC 2007

Paul van Tilburg wrote:
> Gunnar, do you have any ideas on how this should work?
> I mean, webapps in general, for example imp..  you install them and then
> somehow hook them up in the webserver of choice (most of the time
> includes some documentation).

The (as yet unfinished) approach I took was to dump most things in
/usr/share/cruisecontrolrb, with symlinks to external directories where
relevant (log -> /var/log/cruisecontrolrb, etc).

I then removed most libraries from vendor to make the app use the
Debian versions available from the official repositories.

These days the most common way to run a rails app is as a separate
mongrel process bound to a high port, then proxy requests from
apache/lighttpd. At this stage I just have it starting on port 8000 from
an init.d script, and there is no automatic configuration of the
webserver to proxy connections through.

Although the proxying approach suits me, I'm still new to packaging so
I'm unsure if it's suitable for the wider Debian community.

-- James Healy <jimmy at deefa.com>  Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:46:28 +1000
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