[DRE-maint] lending a hand

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at softwarelivre.org
Wed Dec 12 22:07:47 UTC 2007

Lucas Nussbaum escreveu isso aí:
> DEB_RUBY_CONFIG_ARGS = --site-ruby=$(DEB_RUBY_LIBDIR)/$(cdbs_ruby_ver)
> why is that necessary?

Because ruby-pkg-tools < 0.13 does not put compiled C extensions in the
right place.

ruby-pkg-tools 0.13 should be uploaded soon. AFAICT the only missing
feature is to use the system-installed setup.rb in case the package
doesn't already provide one.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org>
GnuPG ID: 0F9CB28F

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