[DRE-maint] Rubygems 1.0.0

James Healy jimmy+alioth at yob.id.au
Sun Dec 23 01:46:03 UTC 2007

Daigo Moriwaki wrote:
> > There were significant changes upstream, so it's a significant patch to
> > the 0.9.4-4 package. I mainly intended it for my own testing, as I'm not
> > aware of the maintainers plans for the future. Is there much point to
> > providing rubygems for 1.9 in the official repositories? If not, the 1.9
> > stuff can probably be removed quite easily and provide a head start for
> > getting 1.0.0 for ruby 1.8 into unstable.
> For Ruby 1.9 and RubyGems migration, if Ruby 1.9 really contains RubyGems,
> rubygems package for 1.9 should come with ruby1.9 package. I wait for Ruby 1.9
> release and will see how the upstream deal with things. Watching developer's
> mail list, they still have some things to be resolved. Anyway, rubygems package
> for 1.8 needs to be maintained separately until Ruby 1.8 is gone.

I just had a peek at the latest SVN snapshot on ruby-lang.org, and
rubygems is indeed bundled in. Possibly for my testing it might've been
more productive to patch the ruby1.9 package. 

It's been an interesting exercise in any case - I'm finding very few
gems that need to be compiled can be installed under the ruby1.9 that's
currently in unstable. Hopefully updating that to a more recent snapshot
would help.

I guess there'll need to be some careful co-ordination with the ruby1.9
maintainer to ensure rubygems for 1.8 and 1.9 can coexist sensibly.
Similar patches to keep paths consistent, disabling "system --update",
binary names, etc.

-- James Healy <jimmy-at-deefa-dot-com>  Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:39:11 +1100
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