[DRE-maint] Thoughts about switching to svn-buildpackage layout 2

Vincent Fourmond fourmond at debian.org
Sun Dec 30 02:31:16 UTC 2007


  What do you think about switching to svn-buildpackage layout 2 ?
Currently, the SVN repository structure is this:

    -> nice-package/
       -> trunk/
       -> tags
    -> nice-package-2/
       -> trunk/
       -> tags

  This makes it painful and not very convenient to have a full checkout
of the packages. The layout 2 (as used by the Games and Java teams) is
the following:

    -> trunk/
      -> nice-package/
      -> nice-package-2/
    -> tags/
      -> nice-package/
      -> nice-package-2/

  This way, having a full checkout could even be fun ;-)... Of course,
that involves quite a bit of tweaking:

  * moving the directories
  * changing the control/VCS fields
  * changing the svn-bp:tagsUrl property for all packages
  * all users of the SVN should svn switch their checkouts.

  All but the last should be relatively easy to script on a full
checkout. If the team agrees, I would do it.


Vincent Fourmond, Debian Developer
-- pretty boring signature, isn't it ?

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