[DRE-maint] Thoughts about switching to svn-buildpackage layout 2

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net
Mon Dec 31 11:10:49 UTC 2007

On 30/12/07 at 03:31 +0100, Vincent Fourmond wrote:
>   Hello,
>   What do you think about switching to svn-buildpackage layout 2 ?
> Currently, the SVN repository structure is this:
>   packages/
>     -> nice-package/
>        -> trunk/
>        -> tags
>     -> nice-package-2/
>        -> trunk/
>        -> tags
>   This makes it painful and not very convenient to have a full checkout
> of the packages. The layout 2 (as used by the Games and Java teams) is
> the following:
>   packages/
>     -> trunk/
>       -> nice-package/
>       -> nice-package-2/
>     -> tags/
>       -> nice-package/
>       -> nice-package-2/
>   This way, having a full checkout could even be fun ;-)... Of course,
> that involves quite a bit of tweaking:
>   * moving the directories
>   * changing the control/VCS fields
>   * changing the svn-bp:tagsUrl property for all packages
>   * all users of the SVN should svn switch their checkouts.
>   All but the last should be relatively easy to script on a full
> checkout. If the team agrees, I would do it.

If I understand things correctly, the problem you are trying to solve is
that having a full checkout is painful because it eats a lot of disk
space (and I agree that's a problem, since I'm writing this mail on my
asus eee pc ;)

I'm not sure that the layout 2 really solves this problem. Why are full
checkouts so big? Because of all the tags. Do we really need them? I'm
not sure. Maybe we could simply remove "old" tags. If someone wants to
find out something about a very old version of a package, he/she can
still checkout an older revision.

And we wouldn't need to change the Vcs urls ;)

What do you think?
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas at nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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