[DRE-maint] Lenny release team summary (important! read this!)

Michael Schutte michi at uiae.at
Sat Aug 16 13:30:20 UTC 2008

On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 02:36:51PM +0200, Paul van Tilburg wrote:
> Hi!
> This is a small update.  I removed the parts that I flagged as "to be
> ignored for now" in the previous summary.
> Note that I am leaving for a conference with a few hours and I won't be
> able to deal with the still pending tasks.  Could someone take this job
> upon himself?  We need to have everything solved by the end of next week
> IMO.  I will be back August 25 and until then probably without internet
> (it's not a hacker's conference ;)).
> On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 05:19:07PM +0200, Paul van Tilburg wrote:
> > The summary (information gathered from QA report, PTS, BTS):
> > 
> > | Newer upstream available (7)
> > |             libdb4.2-ruby       0.6.2-3 < 0.6.5
> > |             libdb4.3-ruby       0.6.2-2 < 0.6.5                     
> > |             libdb4.4-ruby       0.6.2-1 < 0.6.5                       
> > 
> > Michael Schutte is working on it.  The libdb-ruby is already on 0.6.5 in
> > sid, not in testing just yet.  These source pakages should be removed and
> > libdb-ruby's libdbX.Y-ruby package should provide for a transition.
> Status of this work? Anyone?

In theory, this is no problem; I checked all rdeps and found only gonzui
to be struck by an API incompatibility.

In practice, the transition is blocked by the fact that the hppa buildds
currently do not build ruby1.9 packages, and I’m unable to provide a
hand-built deb (in the absence of such hardware).  Just uploading a new
revision which drops the -ruby1.9 binary package might be the easiest
solution here, but then, ruby1.9 users will have no way of accessing
Berkeley databases in Lenny.

A not-for-us on libdb-ruby/hppa would also work (only few and
not-too-high-popcon rdeps), but I’m unsure whether the release team like

Michael Schutte <michi at uiae.at>
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